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Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα ships. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Δευτέρα 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

251 People Rescued, 227 Still on Board Norman Atlantic Ferry (Italian Navy)

251 out of more than 470 passengers of the Norman Atlantic passenger ferry, which caught fire Sunday as it was sailing from Greece to Italy, have been rescued and 267 are still on board, the Italian Navy stated Monday.
"251 people have been saved, 227 are still on board," the Italian Navy said on its official Twitter page.

The Norman Atlantic ferry, which caught ablaze in the Ionian Sea, has been taken under tow, with the fire on board partially under control, the Greek shipping ministry reported on Sunday.
The towing rope, used by the Italian ship Marietta Barretta to tow the burning Norman Atlantic ferry, has broken, the website of the Il Messaggero newspaper reported.
The government rescue team is now trying to reattach the ship to one of the four tugs, which are close to the Norman Atlantic. When the tow rope is reattached, the ferry is likely to be moved to the Italian port of Brindisi.

Earlier, the Greek Minister of National Defense Nikos Dendias reported that the Norman Atlantic angled down 7 degrees. At the same time, a representative of the ANEK company, chartering the ferry, said to the Skai Greek TV channel, that angle of the heel was not dangerous......................http://sputniknews.com/europe/20141229/1016349172.html

Κυριακή 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

A dynamite catch - Global Times

Two foreign fishing boats suspected of conducting illegal fishing  activities are blown up by the Indonesian navy in Ambon Bay, Indonesia, on Sunday. The destruction of the Papua New Guinea-flagged vessels follows a government ruling requiring the sinking of almost all foreign ships illegally fishing in the waters of Indonesia. Photo: IC
A dynamite catch - Global Times

Κυριακή 19 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Tugboat Prepares to Tow Russian Cargo Ship Into Sheltered Waters

A tugboat arrived Saturday night to tow the disabled Russian container ship carrying hundreds of tons of fuel further away from Canada's British Columbia shores and into more sheltered waters, a spokesperson with the Canadian Forces' Joint Rescue Coordination Center said.
"When they get the vessel under tow, they'll first head in a northwesterly direction and get it further from the coastline and eventually into more sheltered waters to the north of Haida Gwaii… Then a decision will be made on where to take it," Navy Lt. Pendergast told Canadian TV news channel CTVNews.

He said the Barbara Foss tugboat arrived in the area after 5 p.m. local time and was hooking onto the drifting Simushir vessel.

Officials said there was no risk of the ship hitting rocks after it was moved 24 nautical miles (44 kilometers) away from the rocky shore. Fears were it could spill its cargo of 400 metric tons of bunker fuel and 60 metric tons of diesel, triggering an environmental disaster.
On Friday, British Columbia Environment Minister Mary Polak said "the province is also contacting its partners in the B.C. Pacific States Oil Spill Task Force both to notify them of the risk and to ask them to provide mutual aid as needed based on the outcome of efforts to restore power to the vessel".

The Simushir carrier ship, with a crew of 11, was going from the US state of Washington to Russia when it lost power on Friday morning. The captain was injured and rescued from the vessel.

British Columbia still remembers the massive oil spill that occurred near Alaska in 1989, when Exxon Valdez oil tanker struck Bligh Reef and spilled 260,000 to 750,000 barrels of crude oil over the next days.
(RIA Novosti)

Emergency: Russian cargo ship with 450 tons of fuel adrift off Canada coast (VIDEO)

Canadian and US coast guards have been struggling to tow a 135-meter Russian cargo ship after it lost power in gale force wind conditions. As 450 tons of bunker oil and diesel were on board the ship, the situation prompted fears of an ecological disaster.

Cargo ship Simushir went adrift on Thursday off the West coast of Haida Gwaii, located near British Columbia. The vessel left Everett, Washington and was bound to Russia.

As the ship became incapacitated amid the storm, its plight raised an alarm in the regional media, as 400 tons of oil and about 50 tons of diesel fuel it was carrying were deemed enough for an environmental catastrophe, in case the vessel ran aground...............................http://rt.com/news/197192-ship-adrift-oil-canada/

Τρίτη 12 Αυγούστου 2014

Big Ships Will Soon Be Banned From Venice's Historic Center

ROME (AP) — Italy has moved ahead with plans to block big cruise ships from sailing past Venice's historic center, authorizing an environmental study for an alternate route that it hopes will still satisfy the city's key tourism industry.

Cruise ships currently can pass within 300 meters (1,000 feet) of Venice's iconic St. Mark's Square, granting a stunning view to those aboard but presenting a jarring sight against the backdrop of Venice's Byzantine architecture.

Residents, activists and environmentalists have long opposed cruise ship traffic in Venice.
They balked at the decision Friday by a commission of government ministers and local officials authorizing a study into using the Contorta-Sant'Angelo canal.

The group "No Big Ships" called it the worst choice and insisted that big cruise ships must be kept out of the lagoon altogether.

Τετάρτη 23 Ιουλίου 2014

Wrecked Concordia finally headed for scrapyard after massive salvage operation

GIGLIO ISLAND Italy - Maneouvres began early on Wednesday to remove the rusty hulk of the Costa Concordia cruise liner from the Italian island where it struck rocks and capsized two years ago, killing 32 people.

A convoy of 14 vessels, led by the tug boat Blizzard, will start to tow the Concordia later on Wednesday to a port near Genoa in northern Italy where it is due to arrive on Sunday, before being broken up for scrap.

The once-gleaming white luxury liner sank off the holiday island of Giglio in January 2012 after sailing too close to shore. Its wreck has remained there ever since as engineers embarked on one of the largest maritime salvage operations in history.

Over the past week, salvagers have slowly lifted the 114,500-tonne ship from underwater platforms by pumping air into 30 large metal boxes, or sponsons, attached to the hull.
Franco Porcellachia, engineer in charge of the salvage, said on Tuesday that his team had done everything in their power to make sure the ship, which is around two-and-a-half times the size of the Titanic, was structurally sound.

"When we are in sight of the port of Genoa, we can declare victory," said Franco Gabrielli, the head of Italy's civil protection service, on Wednesday.

The whole salvage operation is set to cost the ship's owners Costa Crociere, a unit of Carnival Corp over 1.5 billion euros ($2 billion), its chief executive said earlier this month....................http://www.todayonline.com/world/wrecked-concordia-finally-headed-scrapyard-after-massive-salvage-operation?singlepage=true

Δευτέρα 14 Ιουλίου 2014

Costa Concordia wreck floats for first time. The Costa Concordia was rotated upright in September (video 17-9-13)

Huge 115,000 tonne cruise ship is brought to surface in the biggest salvage operation in history...

A salvage operation has successfully raised the wreck of the ill-fated Costa Concordia is set to begin more than two years after it sank off the Italian island of Giglio.

The high-risk operation on Monday raised the rusting hulk of the 114,500-tonne vessel, which will now begin its final journey to the shipyard where it was built.

The operation to salvage the 290-metre long ship's wreck was unprecedented in its scale.
"The ship is upright and is not listing either longitudinally or latitudinally. This is extremely positive," said Franco Porcellacchia, the engineer in charge of the salvage, the Reuters news agency reported.

"The most critical phase will be the first day, raising the wreck for the first time. Refloating a passenger ship this large has never been attempted before," South African Nick Sloane, who is in charge of the salvage, told AFP news agency before Monday's successful attempt.

The Costa Concordia was rotated upright in September and was sitting on an underwater platform..............................http://www.aljazeera.com/news/europe/2014/07/costa-concordia-wreck-be-fully-raised-201471454732969467.html

Σάββατο 21 Ιουνίου 2014

China, Greece ink $4.6 billion in deals. "Greece can become China's gateway in Europe and the start of a European trade corridor"

Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang visited  port of Piraeus in Greece on Friday, after a series of trade and investment deals worth $4.6 billion were signed between the two sides during Li 's three-day visit to Greece.

The deals included multi-billion-dollar Chinese bank loans to build at least 10 Greek-owned ships in Chinese shipyards. There were also agreements on the construction of solar energy parks in Greece, AFP reported.

"Cooperation between Greece and China is always mutually beneficial. China is fully confident about the prospect of Greece's development," Li said at a Thursday joint conference with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, adding that China would continue to be a "long-term and responsible" investor.

Li also called for more investment in the Piraeus Container Terminal project at Greece's largest port, which is jointly run by Chinese shipping giant COSCO and the Greek port authority.

Another $1.9 billion worth of deals are expected to be signed, mostly in infrastructure, transport and energy, according to local media.

  • Greek is willing to deepen cooperation and cultural exchanges and will actively take part in the construction of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, according to Samaras. "Greece can become China's gateway in Europe and the start of a European trade corridor," he said.
  • China provided timely support during the Greek debt crisis, which brought confidence and strength, Samaras said. Li also expressed appreciation for Greek assistance during the evacuation of Chinese nationals from Libya in 2011.
Li and Samaras also inaugurated a rail link that will transport goods from Piraeus to central Europe, Associated Press reported Friday.
Source:Agencies  - globaltimes.cn



Silk Road inscription into World Heritage list "hopeful" 

Δευτέρα 10 Μαρτίου 2014

Turkish ship that ran aground in Aegean Sea may cause ‘catastrophe’

A Turkish cargo ship that ran aground off the Greek island of Mykonos may lead to an “environmental catastrophe,” officials have warned.

The vessel, named the Yusuf Çepnioğlu, had been anchored at a port in the western province of Izmir en route to Tunisia. It was abandoned by its crew after it ran into rocks off the coast of Mykonos and began taking in water on March 7. The ship was carrying 200 tons of fuel.

The container ship remains pinned to the rocks, coast guard authorities. There are concerns that strong winds and waves may cause some of its cargo to come loose and cause a spill near the island.

Responding to a distress call on March 8, a U.S. ship sent a search and rescue helicopter to the location where the vessel had run aground. The Bataan is in the Aegean Sea on a regular deployment in the 6th Fleet area of operations.

Officials said a joint operation to tow the ship to safety and ensure that there was no leakage was currently underway.

Σάββατο 8 Μαρτίου 2014

Turkish container ship runs aground off Greek island of Mykonos. -Marine pollution near the shore?

Crew rescued by coastguard after water floods engine room.
Fourteen sailors had to be rescued after a Turkish cargo ship ran aground near the Greek island of Mykonos on Friday night.
The 6,928-deadweight tonne container ship, the 'Yusuf Cepnioglu', had been anchored at a port in the western Turkish city of Izmir [Σμύρνη] en route to Tunisia.
The ship, with 14 personnel aboard, ran aground on the northwestern shore of Mykonos at 03:30 GMT on Friday night.

The Greek coast guard announced that 11 of the crew were rescued by coast guard boats. Helicopters were sent to the scene to rescue the remaining three. There were no reports of any injuries.
The ship, which was carrying 204 containers, ran ashore after its engine room took on water.

  • An Anadolu Agency correspondent at the scene has reported seeing marine pollution near the shore.
  • Την εγκατάλειψη του τουρκικού εμπορικού πλοίου που προσάραξε το απόγευμα της Παρασκευής σε βραχώδη περιοχή βόρεια των ακτών της Μυκόνου ανακοίνωσε το πρωί του Σαββάτου το Λιμενικό Σώμα.

Σύμφωνα με τις τελευταίες πληροφορίες, στο πλοίο προκλήθηκε μεγάλη εισροή υδάτων και έχουν κατακλυστεί από νερά το μηχανοστάσιο, οι δεξαμενές καυσίμων και ο χώρος του φορτίου.

Στο σκάφος επέβαιναν συνολικά 14 άτομα πλήρωμα, όλοι Τούρκοι υπήκοοι, εκ των οποίων οι 11 παραλήφθηκαν από πλωτό σκάφος του Λιμενικού και οι άλλοι τρεις από ελικόπτερο Super Puma.

To πλοίο, που ήταν φορτωμένο με 204 κοντέινερ, είχε αναχωρήσει από τη Σμύρνη με προορισμό την Τυνησία.

  • Έως στιγμής δεν έχει αναφερθεί θαλάσσια ρύπανση στη θαλάσσια περιοχή, ενώ πλωτά σκάφη του λιμενικού βρίσκονται στο σημείο.

Δευτέρα 6 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Spanish minister in Panama to end US$1.6b canal row

PANAMA CITY: A Spanish cabinet minister launched mediation efforts in Panama on Monday to resolve a US$1.6 billion dispute threatening to halt the expansion of the Central American nation's vital canal.
Public Works Minister Ana Pastor held separate meetings with Panama's president and executives of the Spanish-led consortium that has threatened to stop the project this month unless local authorities pay for the massive cost overruns.
After the two meetings, Pastor said the Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC) consortium wanted to negotiate a way out of the impasse.
"The commitment of GUPC is to resolve everything within the contract and for that reason they will sit down for dialogue," she said.
"We are trying to reach an agreement that will be good for everybody," Pastor said after talks with Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli.

Martinelli said the consortium and the Panama Canal Authority need to find a solution, even if it means going through international arbitration.
"Surely solutions will be found within the meeting. This is a project of global scope for Spain, Panama and the maritime community," he said.
Pastor met first with 16 GUPC executives, including the head of Spanish builder Sacyr, Manuel Manriquez. She will meet later with canal authority officials.
"The Spanish government will not support Sacyr with money. This is an issue between a company" and Panamanian authorities, Spain's ambassador Jesus Silva told reporters.
The construction group, which includes Impreglio of Italy, Belgium's Jan de Nul of Belgium and Constructora Urbana of Panama, warned on December 30 that it would suspend work in 21 days if authorities failed to pay for extra "unforeseen" charges.
  • The expansion project aims to make the 80-kilometre (50-mile) waterway, which handles five per cent of global maritime trade, big enough to handle new, giant cargo ships that can carry 12,000 containers.
  • Currently the canal can handle ships large enough to carry 5,000 containers.
The United States built the canal between 1904 and 1914 and had full control of the waterway until handing it over to Panama in late 1999.
The consortium began work on a third set of larger canal locks in 2009 and expects to complete construction in June 2015, already nine months over the contractual date. Work is about 70 per cent complete.
The overall cost of the project has been estimated at US$5.2 billion.
A year ago, GUPC demanded that the Panama Canal Authority pay the extra US$1.6 billion for the extra costs.
Sacyr says the extra charges are related to technical and geological matters, cement ingredients, weather conditions as well as tax, labour and financial issues.
Jose Pelaez, in charge of building the third set of locks, said Saturday that the rising price tag was partly due to problems in the regional geology that the Canal Authority had not detected.
On Sunday, the Panama Canal Authority said that the contractor's claims "have no legal standing and are not clear," and are not reason enough to halt the project.
"We're being cornered," canal administrator Jorge Quijano said, adding that Panama cannot become "hostage to a contractor."
Canal officials say there was already a four-month delay shortly after the project began caused by the reversal of a GUPC plan to use lower-quality cement.
Moreover, the consortium had "14 months before submitting their bid to closely study the components of the project" in order to submit a "solid" bid.

Τετάρτη 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Turkey closes the Bosporus Strait for navigation due to bad weather

Turkish authorities have blocked the Bosphorus for ships heading north because of strong winds and snowfall, said Wednesday the GAC transport company.

According to the report, vessels lesser than 200 meters in length are only allowed to pass through the strait. Ferry services across the Bosphorus has also been cancelled due to the bad weather.

Turkish newspaper "Hurriyet" writes that heavy snowfall in Istanbul on Wednesday led to the cancellation of a number of flights.

According to another report, two aircraft flying from Istanbul to Kharkiv and Isfahan were forced to make an emergency landing after they were hit by lightning.



Δευτέρα 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Costa Concordia salvage operation begins. - LIVE STREAM RT./ VIDEO 17-9-13: The Costa Concordia has been rotated.

One of the largest and most daunting salvage operations ever undertaken is under way with an attempt to pull the shipwrecked Costa Concordia upright.
The operation was delayed for three hours because of an overnight storm, but began at 09:00 local time (07:00 GMT).
Righting the cruise ship is expected to take up to 12 hours.

Engineers have never tried to lift such a huge ship so close to land. Thirty-two people died when it hit rocks.
A senior engineering official says the Costa Concordia still has not broken free of the rocks on which she is lying, the BBC's Alan Johnston reports from the scene.
The bodies of two of the dead, a passenger and a crew member, have never been recovered and may be found during the operation.
The Italian Civil Protection Authority said the sea and weather conditions had mostly been right for the attempt. 
 VIDEO: The Costa Concordia has been rotated.Engineers in Italy have succeeded in setting the cruise ship Costa Concordia upright, 20 months after it ran aground off the island of Giglio.

Fabio Gabrielli from the Italian Civil Protection Authority said that the unprecedented salvage effort "reached degree zero, which was our target".

Σάββατο 6 Απριλίου 2013

Traditional Amazon boat-making ....

Watch Video cctv

In the waterways of the Amazon basin, ships and boats are a lifeline connecting isolated communities with more developed areas. And indigenously-made wooden boats continue to be a mainstay of transportation in the region. In Macapa, Brazil, tradesmen still practice traditional ship-building--making the city a hub for the craft.
No giant factories, no complex machines. The Amazon’s traditional wooden boats are built in outdoor workshops like these. Craftsmen here use just their hands and simple tools to build and renovate the vessels.
Marcos Ramos, craftsman, said "I have learnt ship-building from my father since I was very little. I started from simpler techniques when I was eight, and when I reached the age of 16, I was capable of building a ship all by myself."

In the waterways of the Amazon basin, ships and boats are a lifeline connecting
isolated communities with more developed areas.
From the initial design to the last nail, Marcos and his sons build every ship entirely by themselves. He’s lost count of how many ships he’s made over the last 23 years--his experience and skills have amassed a loyal group of customers in the region.
Jose Souza, local resident, said "He is very talented and his ships have the best quality, everybody knows that. In fact, he constructed this ship together with his family. He built the main frame, one of his sons made the exterior decoration, and his other son finished the varnishing. This boat is the fruit of family collaboration."
Marcos infuses each ship with immense thought and care-the choice of wood is one example.
In the waterways of the Amazon basin, ships and boats are a lifeline connecting
isolated communities with more developed areas.
Marcos said "Normally I would pick sucupira or itauba. They are tree species particular to the Amazon forest. Because they are very tenacious and resistant to decay. If I used any other woods, the ship wouldn’t last long before all kinds of problems would emerge."
Although these ships are such an important part of the life in the Amazon, the traditional shipbuilding craft is on the decline.
Marcos says his sons are willing to help for now, but they don’t want to dedicate their lives to the trade. Eventually, they’ll probably leave his workshop, but in the meantime, they’ll help him build this ship-after six months, when it’s finished, it will be sent out to the river, when the flood tide rises and invites the boat to its currents.


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