Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Bosphorus. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Bosphorus. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τρίτη 10 Ιουνίου 2014

Ukraine mulls transferring natural gas via Turkish straits to bypass Moscow

Ukrainian companies are in talks with their Turkish counterparts over how to transfer LNG through Turkish straits to bypass Russia, Ukraine’s Ambassador to Turkey, Sergiy Korsunsky, has said answering Hurriyet reporter İpek Yezdani’s questions following a roundtable discussion organized at Kadir Has University in Istanbul.

“One will be responsible for transit and the other will be for storage. That’s exactly what the EU demanded from us so that there will be no monopolies,” he said. 

Korsunsky said first of all they have to diversify the sources of gas.

“If you look at the map, the only viable way to do it is through the Black Sea. That’s why the idea to build an energy terminal in Odessa was put on the agenda. We understood at the very beginning that it is not easy; it is quite a costly project, and we will need to talk to Turkey about the Bosphorus. But formally, by the Montreux Convention, Turkey cannot stop it,” he said. 

Korsunsky said private businesses in Ukraine were currently talking to private businesses in Turkey about possible routes.

“Is it that dangerous? Is it that problematic to organize this? We understand the concern because we were speaking unofficially to government officials, and we were told about serious concerns about possible accidents. We will try to continue these discussions; we will try to find common ground. Maybe we will try to find a common project to do that. But definitely this is high on the agenda of the [Ukrainian] prime minister,” he said....................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/ukraine-mulls-transferring-natural-gas-via-turkish-straits-to-bypass-moscow.aspx?pageID=238&nID=67581&NewsCatID=348


Δευτέρα 9 Ιουνίου 2014

Τουρκία: Διαμαρτυρία για την Μεταφορά Πετρελαίου στον Βόσπορο ("Bosphorus is not an oil pipeline" demo)

Σε…. πλωτή διαμαρτυρία προέβησαν διαδηλωτές στον Βόσπορο, καθώς είναι αντίθετοι στην μεταφορά πετρελαίου μέσω των Στενών, θεωρώντας ότι απειλεί το περιβάλλον στην περιοχή.

Οι 2.550 διαδηλωτές έπλευσαν με πλοιάρια από την μια άκρη του Βοσπόρου μέχρι την άλλη, κρατώντας πανό τα οποία έγραφαν «ασφάλεια, όχι καταστροφή», «τα Στενά δεν είναι αγωγός πετρελαίου» και άλλα παρόμοια συνθήματα. 

Επίσης, οι διαδηλωτές κράτησαν ενός λεπτού σιγή για τα θύματα στο ανθρακωρυχείο Σόμα τον περασμένο μήνα, αλλά και για τα θύματα στο Γκεζί. 

  • "Bosphorus is not an oil pipeline," say Istanbul locals in boat demo to mark Turkish Straits Day

A group of demonstrators put their boats out to sea to call for a safer Bosphorus on June 8, Turkish Straits Day, drawing attention to the danger of oil transportation in the waterway crossing Istanbul.

Around 2,550 participated in the protest, sailing from one end of the Bosphorus to the other, opening banners that read “safety before disaster,” “Turkish Straits are not an oil pipeline” and “No to death boats.”

Demonstrators also held a minute’s silence in memory of the Gezi protest victims and the 301 workers killed in the Soma mine disaster last month. 


Τετάρτη 11 Δεκεμβρίου 2013

Turkey closes the Bosporus Strait for navigation due to bad weather

Turkish authorities have blocked the Bosphorus for ships heading north because of strong winds and snowfall, said Wednesday the GAC transport company.

According to the report, vessels lesser than 200 meters in length are only allowed to pass through the strait. Ferry services across the Bosphorus has also been cancelled due to the bad weather.

Turkish newspaper "Hurriyet" writes that heavy snowfall in Istanbul on Wednesday led to the cancellation of a number of flights.

According to another report, two aircraft flying from Istanbul to Kharkiv and Isfahan were forced to make an emergency landing after they were hit by lightning.



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