Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Brazil. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Brazil. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Κυριακή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Sunken Brazilian town revealed amid 80-year drought

A buried Brazil city has miraculously re-emerged from the depths of the Jaguari River.

The city of Igarata was submerged by the river's rising waters in 1969 after the Brazilian government built a dam on the Jaguari river.
For almost 46 years the old city has been hidden from human sight. However, a long period of drought that has struck the country resulted in much lower water levels in the river.

The Jaguari river has reportedly dried up to 100 feet below its previous levels. So far, old buildings of the "lost" city together with benches and trees have started reappearing on its surface.

Local media sources report that the city's structure has remained unchanged and its school and a church as well as the main street are still recognizable, although they have been submerged for nearly half a century.

Some of its former residents returned to the site to take a look at the city they have not seen nearly half a century. Many of them said they had mixed feelings regarding the event. Happiness caused by the reappearance of the city was overshadowed by concerns over the severe drought that has hit the state: the lack of rainfall has resulted in water shortages across the country and prompted local officials to consider imposing water rationing measures.

San Paolo, South America's most populous city, is among those most badly affected by the natural disaster.

Σάββατο 24 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Brazilian Ministers End Emergency Meeting on Worst Drought in 80 Years

Brazilian ministers end an emergency meeting at the capital’s presidential palace, following a water crisis that began in the most populous state of Sao Paulo, causing the worst drought seen in the south east region, in the last 80 years, the BBC reported Saturday.

“Since records for Brazil's south-eastern region began 84 years ago we have never seen such a delicate and worrying situation,” the country's Environment Minister, Izabella Teixeira, was quoted as saying by the news outlet, following the emergency meeting in Brasilia.

Teixeira warned that the state of Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, the second most populous state, and the city of Rio de Janeiro, must save water.

Rising temperatures and inadequate waterfall have led to power cuts and water rationing affecting millions of people in Sao Paulo. Agriculture has also been negatively impacted by the drought. Growers of Arabica coffee, a key export commodity for Brazil, said rain in 2014 was half the usual levels, which saw production fall by 16.1 percent in that year, according to Brazil’s official Conab crop bureau.

Meanwhile, Sao Paulo's Governor Geraldo Alckmin, has began imposing charges on high levels on water consumption and offering discounts to those who reduced water use, as well as limiting the amount of water consumed by industries and farmers from rivers, as reported by the BBC.

Παρασκευή 4 Ιουλίου 2014

Two people die and 19 injured in overhead-road span collapse in Brazil's Belo Horizonte

Two people died and 19 were injured as a result of the collapse of an overhead-road span in Brazil's Belo Horizonte where a semifinal match is due to be played at the World Soccer Cup Finals. 

According to reports reaching here, a concrete framework section fell, pinning down part of the passenger compartment of a bus which was riding under the overpass bridge span, and smashing a car. 

This refers to a high-speed bus-service road in the administrative center of Minas-Gerais state. 

The site where the bridge span collapsed is located not far from the Mineirao Stadium where winners of a Brazil versus Colombia match (to be played on July 5) and France vs. Germany (July 4) one are to meet on the night from July 8 to 9 in a semifinal match.

Παρασκευή 15 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Brésil : nouvelle accélération de la déforestation de l'Amazonie

Au Brésil, la déforestation de l'Amazonie a atteint 5 843 km2 sur un an, en hausse de 28 % par rapport à l'année précédente, a annoncé jeudi 14 novembre la ministre de l'environnement du pays, Izabella Teixeira.

"Nous confirmons une hausse du taux de déforestation de 28 %, de 5 843 km2" de forêt, a déclaré Mme Teixeira lors d'une conférence de presse. Ce résultat encore provisoire couvre la période allant d'août 2012 à juillet 2013.

Le déboisement a été particulièrement important dans les états du Para et du Mato Grosso, terres de grands producteurs de soja et de grands éleveurs de bovins. Mme Teixeira a fixé une réunion d'urgence avec les secrétaires à l'environnement des états amazoniens pour leur demander des explications.

Malgré cette hausse, il s'agit du deuxième taux le plus faible de déforestation au Brésil après les 4 571 km2 enregistrés en 2012 (contre 6 418 km2 en 2011). En 2004, année record, 27 000 km2 de forêts avaient été dévastés.

Τετάρτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Brazil court orders resumption of work on Amazon Belo Monte dam.

AFP - A Brazilian court on Wednesday ordered work to resume on a dam in the Amazon, reversing a ruling that had ordered a stoppage over environmental concerns, the project consortium said.
A Norte Energia statement said the president of the Federal Court in Brasilia lifted the suspension on the Belo Monte dam.
Another judge had ordered the consortium to halt the work Friday, saying it had not met its environmental commitments.
Just as the 20,000 workers were preparing to stop work at the dam, located in the northern state of Para, Judge Mario Cesar Ribeiro said only a special court could rule on a suspension, according to a spokesman.

Federal Court Judge Antonio Souza had suspended the project's environmental license as well work at the dam last week after state prosecutors charged that Norte Energia had failed to comply with environmental commitments.
But Norte Energia insisted that it was "rigorously complying with its obligations and commitments."

Indigenous groups fear the dam across the Xingu River, a tributary of the Amazon, will harm their way of life. Environmentalists have warned of deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and irreparable damage to the ecosystem.
Belo Monte, a $13 billion project aiming to produce 11,000 megawatts of electricity, is expected to flood a 500-square-kilometer (300-square-mile) area, displacing 16,000 people, according to the government.
It would be the third-biggest dam in the world, after China's Three Gorges and Brazil's Itaipu in the south.

Δευτέρα 28 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Brésil: la justice suspend la construction du gigantesque barrage de Belo Monte.

Foto: en.wikipedia.org
Un juge d'un tribunal fédéral de Brasilia a ordonné la suspension des travaux de construction du gigantesque barrage de Belo Monte, en Amazonie brésilienne, vivement contesté par les écologistes et les populations locales, a annoncé lundi une porte-parole de la cour.
Le juge Antonio Souza Prudente a prononcé la suspension de l'autorisation environnementale accordée au projet et l'arrêt des travaux du barrage hydroélectrique, situé sur le fleuve Xingu, dans l'Etat du Para (nord), selon cette porte-parole.
Prise vendredi, la décision du juge interdit à la banque publique BNDES, qui finance le projet, de débloquer des fonds tant que tous les engagements sociaux-environnementaux n'auront pas été tenus par les promoteurs. "Nous ne nous opposons pas au développement du pays mais nous affirmons qu'il faut respecter la loi", avait déclaré le procureur de l'Etat du Para.

La décision du juge Souza Prudente fait effet jusqu'à ce que les magistrats de ce tribunal se réunissent en collège et statuent sur sa validité.
Norte Energia, responsable du projet, a indiqué à l'AFP ne pas avoir encore été informée de cette décision judiciaire mais a affirmé que "toutes les obligations et les engagements de l'entreprise sont rigoureusement respectés".

  • Belo Monte est le barrage le plus important en cours d'édification au Brésil et le troisième du monde, derrière celui d'Itaipu (Brésil et Paraguay) et des Trois Gorges (Chine). Il fournira 11 233 mégawatts, soit 11% de la capacité installée du pays, et la première tranche devrait entrer en service en 2015. Sa mise en place entraînera l'inondation de 502 km2. Son coût est estimé à 13 milliards de dollars.

  • Même si leurs terres ne seront pas inondées, l'édification du barrage risque de changer le mode de vie des communautés indiennes vivant aux alentours, qui ne pourront plus pêcher pour leur subsistance en raison de la dérivation des cours d'eau.

Κυριακή 18 Αυγούστου 2013

Brasileño creó sistema de iluminación con botellas de agua

Alfredo Moser es un brasileño que inventó las lámpara de agua. (Foto: BBC)
Alfredo Moser, un mecánico brasileño, ideó en 2002 un sistema para alumbrar su casa durante el día sin necesidad de utilizar electricidad, usando únicamente botellas llenas de agua con un poco de cloro.
Moser explica que el experimento funciona por refracción de la luz solar. “Hay que añadir dos tapas de cloro (a una botella de dos litros) para evitar que el agua se ponga verde. Mientras más limpia esté la botella, mejor”, asegura.
En los últimos dos años su idea llegó a diferentes partes del mundo, y se tiene previsto que para el 2014 un millón de hogares implemente este sistema.
La idea del brasileño se basa en que en el techo de la vivienda se abre un hueco donde se coloca la botella llenas de agua con el cloro, se fija con resina de poliéster y según el inventor “no hay goteras, ni siquiera cuando llueve, no cae ni una gota".

Moser explicó que un ingeniero fue a su casa “y midió la intensidad de la luz, depende de cuan fuertes sean los rayos de sol, pero equivale mas o menos a 40 o 60 vatios", comenta.
El brasileño recuerda que el invento se le ocurrió en 2002, durante uno de los frecuentes apagones que ocurren en el país. "Los únicos lugares que tenían electricidad eran las fábricas, no las casas de la gente", dice refiriéndose a la ciudad en la que vive, Uberaba (sur).
"No hice ningún dibujo con su diseño", cuenta el mecánico. "Es una luz divina. Dios nos dio el Sol a todos, así que la luz es para todos. Quien quiera (usar su sistema de iluminación), ahorra dinero. No vas a electrocutarte con esto y no te cuesta ni un centavo", aseveró.
Mientras que el Gobierno de España pretende cobrar a sus ciudadanos por el uso de la energía solar, Moser instala las lamparas hechas con botellas en las casas de sus vecinos y en el supermercado local y aunque se gana algún dinero con la instalación de las mismas no vive de ello, lo cual lo llena de orgullo.
Cuenta que "hubo un hombre que empezó a utilizar las botellas en su hogar y, en un mes, ahorró suficiente para pagar por las cosas básicas que necesitaba para su hijo, quien estaba a punto de nacer”.

Beneficios patentados
El director ejecutivo de la Fundación MyShelter, Illac Angelo Diaz, una organización de Filipinas que se especializa en construcciones alternativas, haciendo casas utilizando materiales sostenibles y reciclables como bambú, llantas y papel, expresó que "Alfredo Moser ha cambiado la vida de una gran cantidad de personas, creo que para siempre".
Recuerda que siempre reciben grandes donaciones de botellas que llenan con barro para hacer paredes, y que "cuando estábamos tratando de poner más, alguien dijo: ‘hay una persona que hizo eso en Brasil. Alfredo Moser las pone en el techo’".
La fundación comenzó a utilizar las lámparas en junio de 2011. actualmente las "lámparas Moser" se encuentran en 140 mil hogares filipinos. La idea también ha sido popular en unos 15 países más, como India, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Argentina y Fiyi.
teleSUR-BBC / ad- LP

Παρασκευή 7 Ιουνίου 2013

Βραζιλία: Συρρικνώνονται οι σπόροι στα δάση της βροχής

Οι σπόροι του φοίνικα συρρικνώνονται σε μια προσπάθεια προσαρμογής στην αποψίλωση και την απώλεια του Ατλαντικού Δάσους της Βραζιλίας. Επιστήμονες προειδοποιούν ότι αυτή η μεταβολή σε συνδυασμό με την κλιματική αλλαγή ενδέχεται να έχει καταστροφικές συνέπειες για το δέντρο.
Σε δημοσίευσή τους στο Science, οι ερευνητές από το Σταθμό Βιολογίας Ντονιάνα, στη Σεβίλλη της Ισπανίας, γράφουν ότι η αποψίλωση στη Βραζιλία προκαλεί την παραγωγή μικρότερων και πιο αδύναμων σπόρων, οι οποίοι έχουν παράλληλα μικρότερες πιθανότητες να ξαναγεννηθούν. Αποδίδουν την τάση αυτή στην απώλεια των μεγάλων πτηνών, τα οποία τρέφονται με τους σπόρους αυτούς και τους εξαπλώνουν.

«Μία από τις μεγαλύτερες εκπλήξεις για εμάς ήταν η διαπίστωση ότι η αποψίλωση προκαλεί με ραγδαίους ρυθμούς την εξαφάνιση της πανίδας, αλλά επίσης επηρεάζει την εξέλιξη των χαρακτηριστικών των φυτών με εξίσου γρήγορους ρυθμούς», εξήγησε μιλώντας στο BBC ο ερευνητής Πέντρου Ζουρντάνου διευκρινίζοντας ότι οι μεταβολές αυτές λαμβάνουν χώρα «μέσα σε λίγες γενιές».
Το Ατλαντικό Δάσος, που εκτείνεται κατά μήκος των ακτών της Βραζιλίας, έχει συρρικνωθεί στο 12% της αρχικής του έκτασης. Από την έκταση αυτή, περίπου το 80% έχει διασπαστεί εξαιτίας της γεωργίας, με αποτέλεσμα να μην μπορεί πλέον να υποστηρίξει μεγάλα ζώα. Έτσι, μεγαλόσωμα πτηνά που τρέφονται με φρούτα, έχουν σχεδόν αφανιστεί επηρεάζοντας αρνητικά και το οικοσύστημα.
Οι ερευνητές είδαν ότι οι σπόροι των φοινίκων είναι μικρότεροι σε περιοχές, από τις οποίες τα πτηνά αυτά απουσιάζουν. Συγκεκριμένα, σε τοποθεσίες με μεγάλους πληθυσμούς, η διάμετρος των σπόρων φθάνει τα 14 χιλιοστά, ενώ σε τοποθεσίες χωρίς πτηνά κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 8 και 10 χιλιοστών, ενώ ο σπόρος δεν έχει καμία ελπίδα διασποράς.
Οι ίδιοι διαβεβαιώνουν ότι το φαινόμενο δεν μπορεί να ερμηνευθεί από άλλους παράγοντες, όπως τη γονιμότητα του εδάφους, τη δενδροκάλυψη ή τις κλιματικές συνθήκες, οι οποίες ωστόσο ενδέχεται να επηρεάσουν περαιτέρω την κατάσταση. «Με την κλιματική αλλαγή, θα έχουμε λιγότερη βροχόπτωση και γνωρίζουμε ότι οι μικροί σπόροι χάνουν περισσότερο νερό από τους μεγάλους», προειδοποίησε μιλώντας στο LiveScience ο Μάουρο Γκαλέτι, ένας εκ των ερευνητών που συμμετείχαν στις μελέτες.
Οι συντάκτες της έκθεσης επισημαίνουν ότι ο μόνος τρόπος να ανακοπεί αυτή η τάση είναι η αναδάσωση και η καλύτερη διατήρηση των δασών, με την ελπίδα τα μεγάλα πτηνά να επιστρέψουν στους βιοτόπους τους.

Σάββατο 6 Απριλίου 2013

Traditional Amazon boat-making ....

Watch Video cctv

In the waterways of the Amazon basin, ships and boats are a lifeline connecting isolated communities with more developed areas. And indigenously-made wooden boats continue to be a mainstay of transportation in the region. In Macapa, Brazil, tradesmen still practice traditional ship-building--making the city a hub for the craft.
No giant factories, no complex machines. The Amazon’s traditional wooden boats are built in outdoor workshops like these. Craftsmen here use just their hands and simple tools to build and renovate the vessels.
Marcos Ramos, craftsman, said "I have learnt ship-building from my father since I was very little. I started from simpler techniques when I was eight, and when I reached the age of 16, I was capable of building a ship all by myself."

In the waterways of the Amazon basin, ships and boats are a lifeline connecting
isolated communities with more developed areas.
From the initial design to the last nail, Marcos and his sons build every ship entirely by themselves. He’s lost count of how many ships he’s made over the last 23 years--his experience and skills have amassed a loyal group of customers in the region.
Jose Souza, local resident, said "He is very talented and his ships have the best quality, everybody knows that. In fact, he constructed this ship together with his family. He built the main frame, one of his sons made the exterior decoration, and his other son finished the varnishing. This boat is the fruit of family collaboration."
Marcos infuses each ship with immense thought and care-the choice of wood is one example.
In the waterways of the Amazon basin, ships and boats are a lifeline connecting
isolated communities with more developed areas.
Marcos said "Normally I would pick sucupira or itauba. They are tree species particular to the Amazon forest. Because they are very tenacious and resistant to decay. If I used any other woods, the ship wouldn’t last long before all kinds of problems would emerge."
Although these ships are such an important part of the life in the Amazon, the traditional shipbuilding craft is on the decline.
Marcos says his sons are willing to help for now, but they don’t want to dedicate their lives to the trade. Eventually, they’ll probably leave his workshop, but in the meantime, they’ll help him build this ship-after six months, when it’s finished, it will be sent out to the river, when the flood tide rises and invites the boat to its currents.


Παρασκευή 18 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Indigenous community clashes with loggers in the Amazon

Trucks filled with timber from illegal logging operations in the Amazon have been stopped in their tracks by an indigenous village protesting the continued exploitation of their lands.
With little or no support from the local or federal authorities, the Pukobjê-Gavião people in Maranhão state, Brazil, are refusing to stand aside as their forests are destroyed by illegal loggers.
The Pukobjê-Gavião have blocked four trucks and a tractor filled with fresh timber from leaving their lands. 
Frederico Pereira Guajajara, a member of the neighboring Indigenous Land “Arariboia”, says he was assaulted as he began filming the Pukobjê-Gavião protests as the trucks were trying to leave their land.

"Loggers beat me on my head, pushed me, broke my phone and wanted to throw me in the fire, but did not because the other Indians started to leave," he said.
The Federal Police were informed of the confrontation by the Indigenous Missionary Council (CIMI) and the Federal Public Ministry.
The police arrived to investigate and seized the logger’s equipment but left the land empty-handed just hours later. A group of 100 people – made up of loggers, according to media reports – barricaded the access road to the territory with burning tires, preventing the police from leaving the indigenous land with the seized machinery.
According to Augusto Gavião – a leader from a village of the same name – the police have since left the area, without giving any notice.
"We are not able to go to the city, because it is dangerous for us. We are being threatened by loggers, they call here and say they will kill us," Gavião said.
"The situation is not resolved. We are waiting for Funai (the Brazilian National Indian Foundation) to contact us again, this time with the prosecutors and police. The trucks will have to be removed from here."
The public prosecutor from the municipality of Imperatriz, Douglas Fernandes, said they are demanding the Federal Police, Funai and Ibama resolve the case. He said the illegal logging of indigenous lands is common practice in the region.
In May 2012, Greenpeace denounced the destructive logging practices in the region – driven by the production of pig iron – the raw material of steel.
An investigative report about the impacts of the pig iron industry was released showing the degrading conditions in this production chain, including invasion of protected areas for illegal logging and charcoal used in the work by slave labour.
Two months after the allegations, the pig iron industry of Maranhão signed a public commitment for zero deforestation in its supply chain. Under the agreement, producers have two years to implement a monitoring system to ensure that none of their suppliers produce coal with wood from native forests or deforestation to plant eucalyptus trees that are turned into charcoal.
Lack of governance and the new Forest Code has made a case for a Zero Deforestation Law in Brazil.
In March, a petition for a zero deforestation law in Brazil was launched.
Just a few months later, over 600,000 people have signed onto the citizen’s initiative.
According to Brazil’s laws, if 1.4 million people support the Zero Deforestation initiative, it could be presented to the Brazilian Congress and become law. Learn more about the Zero Deforestation Law and support Brazil’s call to end Amazon destruction.

Πέμπτη 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

Brazil: Women's participation strengthens and multiplies Agroforestry

Women become protagonists of agroforestry, improving the living conditions of their families and increasing their participation in the spaces of production, marketing and advocacy. Where the leading role of the female has been exercises, success has been achieved.
It is not just today that the active participation of women in Agroforestry Systems (AFS) supported by Cooperafloresta - Agroforestry Farmers Association of Bar Turvo/SP and Adrianople/PR has contributed to the success of the work. In all cities where it operates, the female lead has been exercised. Agroflorestar Project, sponsored by Petrobras Environmental Program, is supporting the Association in working with women farmers, and quilombolas.

The initiative mobilizes hundreds of women who work from the sustainable management of natural resources in agroforestry, the realization of joint efforts, in accounting and organization of collective marketing of food. The result is due to a continuing process of organizing, training and technical assistance for the development of agroforestry, participatory certification and collective marketing.
Among the benefits generated by the integration of women in agroforestry practice is access to their own income, which has contributed to the advancement of their economic emancipation, which strengthens and empowers them to deal with violence against women, as well as to expand its involvement with the political spaces of social intervention.
This commitment of women from agricultural families in agroforestry articulates the transformation of social class with the change in relations with nature and the construction of new social relations of gender. This is expressed in symbols of Agroforestry Systems (AFS) that we support. At the same time, it contributes much to the transformation of social reality, as women themselves entered in SAFs Cooperafloresta and supported by the project Agroflorestar recalls Nelson Correia Neto, agronomist, technician for Cooperafloresta.
The everyday reality
Leni Rodrigues de Sena Pamplona, 44, a member of the Group Agroforestry Blue Magpie / MST, located on the coast of Paraná, recounts her experience. "There has to be a woman to impose order," she says. She receives all the produce twice a week through the farming families merchandise, brands the products and then sends them to the locations where they are sold.
"At these times, women magnify the work of men who no longer work alone. They count on our support. I see it every day here. The production more than doubles since beforehand, most men, besides having to work on other activities, did not have the support of women. I feel valued, respected and I'm proud of what I do," Leni adds.
The voice of women
The agroforestry farmer Olga Maria de Figueiredo says that what she likes best, and along with her husband produces the food on their plot, is to collaborate so that others who do not know how  agroforestry works follow suit. "Today we sent 15 varieties of food to the Fair. Thus, we showed how women can grow food and contribute to ensuring the survival of the family," says Olga, who is also part of the Group Agroforestry Blue Magpie / MST.
In Barra Turvo it is no different. There, where exist the headquarters of Cooperafloresta, since 2003 the SAF has been changing day by day the life of women. Dolíria Rodrigues, from the Quilombo Terra Seca and Ribeirao Grande, states: "We learned how to grow and prepare much. So many meals that do not fit onto a single table. This knowledge cannot be just for us. We must cherish and show other women how much you can do with Agroforestry," she says, satisfied.
"Today, we want to continue in the field, producing food, preserving life, species and nature, developing experiences: agro-ecology, biodiversity preservation, the use of medicinal plants, seeds of recovery as the heritage of peoples in the service of humanity, healthy eating as sovereign nations, diversification of production, the appreciation of the work of women in agroforestry," adds Dolíria.
About Agroflorestar
The Project adopts the tool Agloflorestar farming and sustainable agricultural production, since it does not allow monocultures, pesticides or transgenics and guarantees the work of sustainable agroforestry farmers. It is the development, implementation and maintenance of productive ecosystems that maintain diversity, strength, and stability of natural ecosystems, promoting energy, housing and food in harmony with the environment.
Josi Basso
Translated by Olga Santos
Portuguese version

Τετάρτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

White Christmas in Rio. Health alert?

Under a torrid 40 degrees Celsius, the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro woke up on December 25 under a white blanket. Only it was not snow - it was a mysterious white soot-like dust which entered people's apartments and caused allergies. The authorities still do not know what caused it... could there be a serious health risk?
The official data available can be summarized by a white soot-like dust which descended on several areas of the city of Rio de Janeiro early on the morning of Christmas Day. Eye witnesses described the phenomenon as being like snowflakes falling. The dust settled mainly in the southern areas of the city such as Lagoa, Copacabana, Ipanema, Botafogo, Laranjeiras, Largo do Machado and Glória, in the Centre, Tijuca (North) and Recreio (West).

Eye witnesses declare that it is a fine white powder which entered apartments and in some cases caused allergies. The Brazilian environmental authorities are still investigating the causes of the event.
Some commentators postulate that the microparticles could have come from the volcanic eruption in Chile.
In 2010, the States of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo set up stations to monitor a similar phenomenon of white microparticles which invaded the cities and which at the time considered as a serious health risk. At the time the blame was placed on the incomplete burning process of fossil fuels used by vehicles and which were, in 2010, declared to be responsible for 77% of the air pollution in the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro.
The nature of this substance was of particular concern to the authorities because it was four times smaller (at 0.0025 mm.) than the size of microparticles which were considered dangerous and for this reason the particles penetrate very deeply into the human respiratory system. Such particles have been linked by some experts also to heart attacks and cancer.
If the microparticles which spread out over Rio de Janeiro on Christmas Day are of the same origin, then a public health alert may be in order.
Juan Blanco

Σάββατο 20 Οκτωβρίου 2012

The future of the Amazon uncertain | Greenpeace International

For ten years, the fate of Brazil’s forests have hung in the balance as the future of the Forest Code has been up for grabs. We’ve see the debate over the law come to a head over the last few years, as the agribusiness sector pressed the Congress for major changes to the law and the scientific community and 80% of the public opposed drastic changes to the law.
Today, President Dilma has ignored the call of the people of Brazil and taken final steps to approve a new law that opens the Amazon up for destruction. 
President Dilma Rouseff announced today, approval of the provisional measures of the new Forest Code with 9 partial vetoes,  making the law that has protected the Amazon for almost 70 years a thing of the past, paving the way for new areas of expansion for the agribusiness sector and granting amnesty for past forest criminals. Vetoes sound like a a drastic measure but in reality they will do nothing new to protect the Amazon. ........The future of the Amazon uncertain | Greenpeace International

Οι νεκροί Έλληνες στα μακεδονικά χώματα σάς κοιτούν με οργή

«Παριστάνετε τα "καλά παιδιά" ελπίζοντας στη στήριξη του διεθνή παράγοντα για να παραμείνετε στην εξουσία», ήταν η κατηγορία πο...