Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα canal. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα canal. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Πέμπτη 14 Αυγούστου 2014

Panama Canal Turns 100 Amid Growing Pains, Competition

The Panama Canal turns 100 this week. Officially opened in 1914, the 77-kilometer channel joins the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean at the isthmus of Panama.  It made the world smaller, creating a shortcut for cargo ships that ply their trade from east and west.  But 100 years later the canal is straining from the demands of expanding global trade.  It may also be facing some serious competition as it navigates the next 100 years.
Taking over 30 years to build, tens of thousands of workers - and more than 27 million kilograms of dynamite - it is considered one of the biggest engineering feats of the 20th century.  

"The Panama Canal is one of those phenomenal moments in history.  A terrific example of engineering and technological strength of the United States, and really the coming of age of the United States as a global power," said University of Maryland Professor Julie Greene, author of the book "Canal Builders."
  • But the work exacted a heavy toll.  By the time the first ship crossed the canal, nearly 26,000 workers had died, some from accidents, many from malaria.
But it also changed international commerce forever, especially in the U.S., says George Washington University professor, Noel Maurer.
“Because it enabled for the first time oil from California and lumber from the Pacific Northwest, but it was really the Californian oil that was driving the boat, to be profitably exported from California to the rest of the United States, and that had huge economic benefits for the United States," Maurer said.
Today more than four percent of the world's commerce passes through the canal - some 14,000 ships per year. But the canal's locks are now too small for much of the world's container fleet and the largest oil tankers.
Transportation expert Rodney McFadden says bigger ships can be more efficient and profitable.

“They carry more cargo for about the same amount of money per mile.  They are much easier on the environment," he said. "And they increase trade."

A Hong Kong company is backing a $40 billion plan to dig an alternate route through Nicaragua.  If successful, it could pose a serious challenge to the canal.  
But critics say the project is redundant and impractical, especially when the Panama canal is in the midst of a $5 billion expansion.  Once complete, the new locks will accomodate ships the length of the Empire State building and as wide as three basketball courts.
Autodesk, the New Hampshire-based company that created the software for the project, is thrilled.  Not only has the expansion created over 250,000 jobs - once finished - it will create thousands more around the world, says AutoDesk spokesman Paul Sullivan.
"The ripple effect here is interesting because once this canal is completed and these ships are able to transit the canal,  you’re going to see a lot  more cities around the world competing for improving their ports so they can support those larger ships," he said.
Of the approximately 160 ports in the U.S., only about 15 can accommodate the larger supertankers that will pass through the expanded canal.  By early 2016, experts say this grand canal will be able to handle 97 percent of the world's container ships - doubling the canal's capacity and ensuring it remains a marvel of engineering a hundred years from now.
Mil Arcega 

Τρίτη 8 Ιουλίου 2014

Aprobada ruta definitiva del Gran Canal Interoceánico de Nicaragua (albergaría el 5% de tráfico internacional de buques)

La ruta escogida para la construcción del Gran Canal Interoceánico cruzaría a Nicaragua de este a oeste, partiendo desde la desembocadura del río Punta Gorda (Caribe) hasta la desembocadura del río Brito, en Rivas (Pacífico).

El canal superará más de tres veces los 77 kilómetros de su análogo en Panamá. Pasará a través del Gran Lago Cocibolca y de sus afluentes, la zona de libre comercio en Brito, por el complejo turístico en San Lorenzo y el aeropuerto en Rivas, uniendo dos puertos en el Pacífico y el Caribe.

El ingeniero del proyecto del canal, Dong Yung Song, aseguró que la construcción causará el menor impacto posible en los recursos hídricos, ya que después de su construcción se formará un lago artificial, Atlanta, semejante al lago Gatún de Panamá, que suministrará el agua para la operación del canal y "se puede desarrollar como centro de ecología del turismo y sede de acuicultura".

Este canal de paso Interoceánico, albergaría el 5 por ciento de tráfico internacional de buques, es decir, unos 5 mil 100 barcos. que tardarás unas 30 horas en cruzarlo.

La construcción del Gran Canal generará unos 200 mil empleos, y se estima una inversión de más de 40 mil millones de dólares. Asimismo la empresa china planea terminar las obras en 2019 y ponerlo en servicio en 2020.


  • Grand $40 billion project of Atlantic-Pacific Nicaragua Canal finally completed
The final mega-project of the grand trans-oceanic waterway Nicaragua Canal, a new alternative to the Panama Canal, which will connect the Pacific coast of Nicaragua with the Caribbean Sea, has been successfully presented in the country’s capital and estimated by the authorities at $40 billion.

The company HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment, which is financing the project, plans to start construction works in December this year, said the company’s official representatives on Monday. According to several America’s independent sources, Russia will also join China to help construct the canal.

However, Russia will provide not so much economic and organizational assistance as military and political support, for it will establish a base in Nicaragua to guard the construction site against possible acts of provocation. Moreover, Russian warships and aircrafts will be allowed to be present in the country’s territorial waters and coastline.

The canal will enable 5,100 big-tonnage ships from the Atlantic to reach the Pacific coast in 30 hours. The Nicaragua Canal will be 278 kilometers long and from 230 to 520 meters wide, flowing from Brito on the country’s Pacific coast to the estuary of the Punta Gorda river. The canal’s depth will be reaching up to 30 meters.

Consequently, two deep-sea ports in Brito and Punto Agila, located on the Pacific and the Atlantic coast respectively, will be constructed within the project. They will be thoroughly protected from earthquakes, very frequent in the region. These two ports will enable the transportation of 2.8 billion tonnes of cargo per annum.

A free trade zone, an airport, an oil pipeline, and other facilities are also to be built as part of the project, providing 130,000 Nicaragua citizens with new job places. The project will boost tourism in the country and stimulate the influx of foreign visitors as well.
[ MEXICO, July 08. /ITAR-TASS]

Σάββατο 18 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Canal de Panama: les travaux seront menés à bien quoiqu'il arrive....

En dépit d'un conflit financier qui oppose le gestionnaire de la voie et le consortium en charge du chantier, les travaux d'élargissement se réaliseront bien, a affirmé samedi l'administrateur du Canal. 

Les travaux d'élargissement du Canal de Panama se réaliseront malgré le conflit financier opposant le gestionnaire de la voie et le consortium chargé d'une importante partie du chantier, qui menace de suspendre ses opérations lundi, a affirmé samedi l'administrateur du canal Jorge Quijano.

"Nous sommes préparés à faire face à toute éventualité, mais je suis sûr que l'élargissement du canal sera mené à bien avec ou sans" le consortium international GUPC, qui réclame une rallonge financière de 1,6 milliard de dollars (environ 1,2 milliard d'euros) en raison de "surcoûts" dus à des problèmes géologiques imprévus, a annoncé le responsable.

"Notre intention est de terminer les travaux le plus tôt possible, (même) dans le cas où il y a une suspension des travaux (...) nous allons achever les travaux quoi qu'il advienne", a ajouté M. Quijano lors d'une cérémonie marquant le centenaire de la voie interocéanique, inaugurée en 1914 et rétrocédée au Panama par les États-Unis en 1999.

Le consortium Groupe Unis pour le canal (GUPC), dirigé par l'entreprise espagnole du BTP Sacyr, a menacé fin décembre de suspendre le chantier dans un délai de 21 jours si l'Autorité du Canal de Panama (ACP) ne versait pas la somme demandée. Cet ultimatum arrive a échéance lundi.
"Les négociations demeurent ouvertes"

Plusieurs tentatives de dialogue, notamment sous l'égide des autorités espagnoles et panaméennes, ont échoué jusqu'à présent mais "les négociations demeurent ouvertes", a souligné M. Quijano, reconnaissant toutefois avoir ouvert des discussions avec d'autres entreprises en cas de rupture du contrat du GUPC.

Le consortium, chargé de construire un troisième jeu d'écluses pour le canal, partie la plus couteuse des travaux (3,2 milliards de dollars), a déjà "significativement" réduit ses activités, a encore indiqué M. Quijano.

Ces travaux pharaoniques d'élargissement, d'un montant total de 5,2 milliards de dollars, ont commencé en 2009 et devaient initialement se terminer en 2014 afin de coïncider avec le centenaire du canal. Mais leur achèvement a été repoussé à 2015 après un premier désaccord dès le début du chantier entre l'ACP et GUPC sur la qualité du ciment utilisé...........................En savoir plus sur http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/monde/canal-de-panama-les-travaux-seront-menes-a-bien_1315354.html#GDsHm3T1J57qpuzL.99

Sur le même sujet:

Κυριακή 12 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Un nouveau canal pourrait bientôt concurrencer celui de Panama

Le président du Nicaragua Daniel Ortega et le magnat chinois Wang Jing ont déclaré samedi que les travaux de construction d'un canal interocéanique à travers le Nicaragua devraient débuter fin 2014.
"Le gouvernement nicaraguayen et le groupe HKND sont heureux de confirmer que les travaux de construction du canal débuteront comme prévu en décembre 2014", ont déclaré les deux hommes dans un bref communiqué.

Ces déclarations visent apparemment à démentir toute rumeur de retard, alors que le responsable de l'Autorité du Canal de Panama avait récemment fait état d'un report des travaux du canal du Nicaragua à 2015.

La société de Wang Jing, Beijing Interoceanic Canal Investment Co., a obtenu une concession pour creuser un canal interocéanique à travers le Nicaragua qui concurrencera le canal de Panama et aura un impact non négligeable sur le commerce international.
Daniel Ortega a accordé au groupe une concession de 50 ans, renouvelable pour 50 ans supplémentaires.

Il s'agit de loin du plus important projet d'infrastructure porté par Daniel Ortega depuis son retour au pouvoir en 2007.

  • Le Panama mène actuellement des travaux d'élargissement de son canal, mais le projet, évalué à 5,2 milliards de dollars, subit des retards.
Ces travaux visent à permettre au canal, qui fait transiter 5% du commence mondial, d'accueillir de nouveaux cargos d'un capacité allant jusqu'à 12.000 conteneurs.

Δευτέρα 6 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Spanish minister in Panama to end US$1.6b canal row

PANAMA CITY: A Spanish cabinet minister launched mediation efforts in Panama on Monday to resolve a US$1.6 billion dispute threatening to halt the expansion of the Central American nation's vital canal.
Public Works Minister Ana Pastor held separate meetings with Panama's president and executives of the Spanish-led consortium that has threatened to stop the project this month unless local authorities pay for the massive cost overruns.
After the two meetings, Pastor said the Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC) consortium wanted to negotiate a way out of the impasse.
"The commitment of GUPC is to resolve everything within the contract and for that reason they will sit down for dialogue," she said.
"We are trying to reach an agreement that will be good for everybody," Pastor said after talks with Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli.

Martinelli said the consortium and the Panama Canal Authority need to find a solution, even if it means going through international arbitration.
"Surely solutions will be found within the meeting. This is a project of global scope for Spain, Panama and the maritime community," he said.
Pastor met first with 16 GUPC executives, including the head of Spanish builder Sacyr, Manuel Manriquez. She will meet later with canal authority officials.
"The Spanish government will not support Sacyr with money. This is an issue between a company" and Panamanian authorities, Spain's ambassador Jesus Silva told reporters.
The construction group, which includes Impreglio of Italy, Belgium's Jan de Nul of Belgium and Constructora Urbana of Panama, warned on December 30 that it would suspend work in 21 days if authorities failed to pay for extra "unforeseen" charges.
  • The expansion project aims to make the 80-kilometre (50-mile) waterway, which handles five per cent of global maritime trade, big enough to handle new, giant cargo ships that can carry 12,000 containers.
  • Currently the canal can handle ships large enough to carry 5,000 containers.
The United States built the canal between 1904 and 1914 and had full control of the waterway until handing it over to Panama in late 1999.
The consortium began work on a third set of larger canal locks in 2009 and expects to complete construction in June 2015, already nine months over the contractual date. Work is about 70 per cent complete.
The overall cost of the project has been estimated at US$5.2 billion.
A year ago, GUPC demanded that the Panama Canal Authority pay the extra US$1.6 billion for the extra costs.
Sacyr says the extra charges are related to technical and geological matters, cement ingredients, weather conditions as well as tax, labour and financial issues.
Jose Pelaez, in charge of building the third set of locks, said Saturday that the rising price tag was partly due to problems in the regional geology that the Canal Authority had not detected.
On Sunday, the Panama Canal Authority said that the contractor's claims "have no legal standing and are not clear," and are not reason enough to halt the project.
"We're being cornered," canal administrator Jorge Quijano said, adding that Panama cannot become "hostage to a contractor."
Canal officials say there was already a four-month delay shortly after the project began caused by the reversal of a GUPC plan to use lower-quality cement.
Moreover, the consortium had "14 months before submitting their bid to closely study the components of the project" in order to submit a "solid" bid.

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