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Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα islands. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Δευτέρα 10 Μαρτίου 2014

Turkish ship that ran aground in Aegean Sea may cause ‘catastrophe’

A Turkish cargo ship that ran aground off the Greek island of Mykonos may lead to an “environmental catastrophe,” officials have warned.

The vessel, named the Yusuf Çepnioğlu, had been anchored at a port in the western province of Izmir en route to Tunisia. It was abandoned by its crew after it ran into rocks off the coast of Mykonos and began taking in water on March 7. The ship was carrying 200 tons of fuel.

The container ship remains pinned to the rocks, coast guard authorities. There are concerns that strong winds and waves may cause some of its cargo to come loose and cause a spill near the island.

Responding to a distress call on March 8, a U.S. ship sent a search and rescue helicopter to the location where the vessel had run aground. The Bataan is in the Aegean Sea on a regular deployment in the 6th Fleet area of operations.

Officials said a joint operation to tow the ship to safety and ensure that there was no leakage was currently underway.

Σάββατο 8 Μαρτίου 2014

Turkish container ship runs aground off Greek island of Mykonos. -Marine pollution near the shore?

Crew rescued by coastguard after water floods engine room.
Fourteen sailors had to be rescued after a Turkish cargo ship ran aground near the Greek island of Mykonos on Friday night.
The 6,928-deadweight tonne container ship, the 'Yusuf Cepnioglu', had been anchored at a port in the western Turkish city of Izmir [Σμύρνη] en route to Tunisia.
The ship, with 14 personnel aboard, ran aground on the northwestern shore of Mykonos at 03:30 GMT on Friday night.

The Greek coast guard announced that 11 of the crew were rescued by coast guard boats. Helicopters were sent to the scene to rescue the remaining three. There were no reports of any injuries.
The ship, which was carrying 204 containers, ran ashore after its engine room took on water.

  • An Anadolu Agency correspondent at the scene has reported seeing marine pollution near the shore.
  • Την εγκατάλειψη του τουρκικού εμπορικού πλοίου που προσάραξε το απόγευμα της Παρασκευής σε βραχώδη περιοχή βόρεια των ακτών της Μυκόνου ανακοίνωσε το πρωί του Σαββάτου το Λιμενικό Σώμα.

Σύμφωνα με τις τελευταίες πληροφορίες, στο πλοίο προκλήθηκε μεγάλη εισροή υδάτων και έχουν κατακλυστεί από νερά το μηχανοστάσιο, οι δεξαμενές καυσίμων και ο χώρος του φορτίου.

Στο σκάφος επέβαιναν συνολικά 14 άτομα πλήρωμα, όλοι Τούρκοι υπήκοοι, εκ των οποίων οι 11 παραλήφθηκαν από πλωτό σκάφος του Λιμενικού και οι άλλοι τρεις από ελικόπτερο Super Puma.

To πλοίο, που ήταν φορτωμένο με 204 κοντέινερ, είχε αναχωρήσει από τη Σμύρνη με προορισμό την Τυνησία.

  • Έως στιγμής δεν έχει αναφερθεί θαλάσσια ρύπανση στη θαλάσσια περιοχή, ενώ πλωτά σκάφη του λιμενικού βρίσκονται στο σημείο.

Πέμπτη 21 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Japan hopes to expand its territorial waters /Erupting island rises south of Tokyo (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The Japanese government hopes to expand its territorial waters as a result of the occurrence of a large volcanic formation in the Pacific Ocean, which can later become a full-fledged island.

This was announced today at a press conference in Tokyo by Chief Cabinet Secretary, Esihide Suga.

“If this formation becomes a real island, the area of our territorial waters will increase”, - he said.

In the area of ​​the newborn island, columns of ash arise to a height of about 600 meters from the water. Hot stones are been thrown in the air. The situation is being monitored by a patrolling aircraft of the Coast Guard.
  • A volcano eruption has raised a small islet in the sea off the Japanese coast. The Japanese Coast Guard has issued a warning as the new land mass is spitting steam, black smoke, ash and rocks.
The new island is part of the Ogasawara chain, also known as the Bonin Islands, a group of some 20 uninhabited islands located approximately 1,000 kilometres from the Japanese capital. The islet is estimated to be about 200 meters in diameter.
The new island may be eroded away just as quickly as it appeared, but it also may become a permanent part of the chain, volcanologist Hiroshi Ito, who travelled with the Coast Guard, told the FNN news network.
The eruption on Thursday is the first reported in the area since the mid-1970s. Most volcanic activity there goes undetected, because it goes on deep on the seabed along the Izu-Ogasawara-Marianas Trench.
The Japanese government is quite sensitive about the country’s territorial supremacy and have a number of border disputes with neighbours. It welcomed the unexpected addition.
"If it becomes a full-fledged island, we would be happy to have more territory," governmental spokesman Yoshihide Suga said.............fotos & video.... http://rt.com/news/japan-sea-volcano-eruption-066/

Τετάρτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013

Experts say Pakistan quake island unlikely to last. -Professor Shamim Ahmed Shaikh, chairman of the department of geology at Karachi University, said the island would disperse within a couple of months.(2 video)

A small island created in the Arabian Sea by the huge earthquake that hit southwest Pakistan has fascinated locals but experts say it is unlikely to last long.
 GWADAR: A small island of mud and rock created by the huge earthquake that hit southwest Pakistan has fascinated locals but experts -- who found methane gas rising from it -- say it is unlikely to last long.
The 7.7-magnitude quake struck on Tuesday in Baluchistan's remote Awaran district, killing more than 270 people and affecting hundreds of thousands.

Off the coastline near the port of Gwadar, some 400 kilometres (250 miles) from the epicentre, locals were astonished to see the dark grey mass of rock and mud that had emerged from the waves in the Arabian Sea.

"It is not a small thing, but a huge thing which has emerged from under the water," Gwadar resident Muhammad Rustam told AFP.
"It looked very, very strange to me and also a bit scary because suddenly a huge thing has emerged from the water."
Enterprising boat owners were doing a brisk trade ferrying curious sightseers to the island -- dubbed "Earthquake Mountain" by locals.
Mohammad Danish, a marine biologist from Pakistan's National Institute of Oceanography, said a team of experts had visited the island and found methane gas rising.
"Our team found bubbles rising from the surface of the island which caught fire when a match was lit and we forbade our team to start any flame. It is methane gas," Danish said on GEO television news.
The island is about 60 to 70 feet (18 to 21 metres) high, up to 300 feet wide and up to 120 feet long, he said. It sits about 650 feet from the coast.
The surface was a solid but muddy mix of stones, sand and water with visible cracks, said an AFP cameraman who visited the island. Dead fish and sea plants lay on the surface.
  • Gary Gibson, a seismologist with Australia's University of Melbourne, said the new island was likely to be a "mud volcano", created by methane gas forcing material upwards during the violent shaking of the earthquake.
"It's happened before in that area but it's certainly an unusual event, very rare," Gibson told AFP, adding that it was "very curious" to see such activity some 400 kilometres from the quake's epicentre.
The so-called island is not a fixed structure but a body of mud that will be broken down by wave activity and dispersed over time, the scientist said.
A similar event happened in the same area in 1945 when an 8.1-magnitude earthquake at Makran triggered the formation of mud volcanoes off Gwadar.
Professor Shamim Ahmed Shaikh, chairman of the department of geology at Karachi University, said the island, which has not been officially named, would disperse within a couple of months.
He said it happens along the Makran coast because of the complex relationship between tectonic plates in the area. Pakistan sits close to the junction of three plates -- the Indian, Arabian and Eurasian.
  • "About a year back an island of almost similar size had surfaced at a similar distance from the coast in the Makran region. This would disperse in a week to a couple of months," Shaikh told AFP.
Gibson said the temporary island was very different from the permanent uplift seen during major "subduction zone" earthquakes, where plate collisions force the Earth's crust suddenly and sometimes dramatically upwards.
  • For example, in the massive 9.5-magnitude earthquake in Chile in 1960 -- known as the world's largest ever -- whole fishing villages were thrust "several metres" upwards and wharves suddenly located hundreds of metres inland, Gibson said.
Such uplift events are relatively common in the Pacific's so-called "Ring of Fire", a hotbed of seismic and volcanic activity at the junction of several tectonic plates.
A thundering 8.0-magnitude quake in the Solomon Islands in 2007 thrust Ranogga Island upwards by three metres, exposing submerged reefs once popular with divers and killing the vibrant corals, while expanding the shoreline outwards by several metres in the process.
  • During the massive 9.2-magnitude earthquake off Sumatra which triggered a devastating tsunami across the Indian Ocean in 2004, several islands were pushed upwards while others subsided into the ocean.
The Aceh coast dropped permanently by one metre while Simeulue Island was lifted by as much as 1.5 metres, exposing the surrounding reef, which became the island's new fringe.

Σάββατο 15 Ιουνίου 2013

Mykonos: A refreshing cocktail of contrasts

Paraportiani, Hora, Mykonos. (Wikipedia/Bernard Gagnon)
MYKONOS, Greece: Mykonos is nobody’s secret – for almost half a century the Greek island has been honing its cosmopolitan welcome, luring celebrities, tour groups, families and backpackers alike to its warm but refreshingly breezy shores.
Yet, while thronged annually by a million tourists of every ilk, this 85-square-kilometer arid granite rock in the Aegean Sea is overlaid with a quaint, undisturbed charm.
Blue-trimmed, whitewashed buildings restricted from rising higher than two-stories stud hillsides divided into plots by dry stone walls. Narrow country roads twist across the landscape before winding down to sheltered coves. Small white churches, some 900 of them, scattered across the terrain speak of homey, island traditions.

That this outward homeyness encases a lively and liberal world only adds to its appeal.
For the traveler, Mykonos serves two purposes – as a destination and a base camp. The wily tourist will allot time to ensure the exploitation of both.
Mykonos, locals will promptly tell you, is known among its Cycladic fellows as the “island of wind” and for good reason. The breeze whips across Mykonos at a good clip most of the time, providing welcome relief from temperatures that spike 30 degrees Celsius in the summer months, but also readily explaining the island’s most iconic landmark: its windmills.
No longer in operation, the 16 conical white structures with thatched roofs once ground agricultural produce for export. The easiest windmills to ogle up close are the row above the waterfront area known as Little Venice in Mykonos town, the island’s eponymously named urban center.
Getting momentarily lost, then finding yourself again is part of the charm of exploring the labyrinthine streets of Mykonos town. What is distinctly lacking in charm is getting trapped in the narrow streets amid a throng of lumbering cruise ship tour groups ashore for the afternoon. Retreat for coffee or lunch, or better still go to the beach and leave discovering the array of local and international brands housed in traditional Mykonian houses until evening time when the hoards are safely once again ensconced at sea.
Alternatively head inland and visit Mykonos’ other settlement – Ano Mera. Far less touristy than the main town, it’s perfect for a quiet wander around the main square before visiting the 16th-century Greek Orthodox monastery in the late afternoon. It’s likely you’ll be greeted by the resident monks who may ask about your religion – fear not, they’re just making conversation and all denominations are welcome.
Fans of the 1989 classic “Shirley Valentine” may like to visit Agios Ioannis, the beach where the movie was filmed. Word is that women of a certain age particularly enjoy seizing the nearest handsome Greek to pose for photos at the restaurant where Shirley, a bored English housewife, found romance in Greece.
There is one small problem with escaping Mykonos town, however. With fewer than three dozen taxis on the island, an extended queuing period is likely. You could always hire a vehicle and drive yourself – cars, scooters and ATVs are available – but that may put the brakes on beachside cocktail indulgence or an afternoon sampling of Greek wine.
Anyone who has ever had sand blown in their eyes knows that beaches and wind are an unhappy combination, but fortunately Mykonos’ prevailing wind is northerly, leaving beaches – an essential and likely repeated port of call – tucked in its southern coves adequately sheltered.
Some, like Ornos, are more crowded, with loungers crammed in right up to the water line, and dozens of yachts and other vessels anchored just offshore. Others, such as Super Paradise, which several locals told The Daily Star was their favorite, are developed with seafront bars and restaurants but are simultaneously spacious.
Quieter options still may be found with the right hotel booking: The Myconian Resort and Villas in the peaceful Elia bay for instance is built into rocky terraces above its own tranquil beach.
A word of warning: If you’ve conservative leanings when it comes to unclad skin beware the “trikini” – an ensemble comprising just hat, sunglasses and flipflops – which is donned at some of the island’s resorts. Locals can advise.
One source of pleasure common to all beaches however is their cleanliness. Travelers familiar with tiptoeing around garbage and avoiding swimming in a sewage-filled sea will relish the clean, although often gritty, sands of Mykonos and the transparent, calm waters of the Aegean.
It’s the tranquility of these waters that makes it a perfectly pleasurable experience to board a boat in the Cyclades, either to explore Mykonos itself from the sea, making pit stops at various beaches along the way, or to take a series of day trips by ferry to other islands in the archipelago.

The Daily Star visited Delos, just a 20-minute ferry ride away.
The now uninhabited birthplace of Greek gods Apollo and Artemis was the region’s commercial hub and seat of the Delian League – 25 centuries ago.
For tourists acquainted with Levantine archaeological sites such as Baalbek and Palmyra, the ruins on Delos are at first glance unimpressive. In the presence of a good guide, however, the ancient town comes to life, and instead of stepping between piles of stone one is transported to a lively urban world of fishmongers, jewelers, open sewers and wealthy men imbibing in homage to the god Dionysus.
A good guide to historic sites in Greece is one that is certified – i.e., has spent three years intensively studying the country’s heritage. Uncertified guides abound, and beyond operating illegally, it’s unlikely that they’ll ultimately prove good value for money.
Back on Mykonos, head to the town where cocktail-fueled nights regularly capsize into dawns.
Start with dinner. For seafood lovers, there is an abundance of choices, but ask if the catch is local – it isn’t always.
After dinner, linger over coffee before doing some souvenir shopping or strolling down to Little Venice, a warren of unassuming waterside taverns which start off quietly enough but before long transform into a United Nations of hip-gyrating foreigners.
Mykonos is a long-standing gay friendly island and many of its gay bars are popular with partiers of all persuasions – don’t be surprised if you come across a drag queen performance.
The Daily Star didn’t make it this far, but if you wind up at Cava Paradiso, Mykonos’ famous cliff-top nightclub, reliable sources say with confidence you won’t see your bed before sunrise.
Finding your way to Mykonos is an uncomplicated affair. It is easy to get to by plane or ferry from Athens, and, beginning next month, MEA is operating two charter flights weekly direct to the island from Beirut.

For more information visit http://www.wilddiscovery.com.lb.

Read more: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Culture/Travel-and-Tourism/2013/Jun-15/220454-mykonos-a-refreshing-cocktail-of-contrasts.ashx#ixzz2WGC7zLs3
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: http://www.dailystar.com.lb)

Κυριακή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Τσουνάμι απειλεί τη Χάβάη (live)/ Basically this tsunami is pointed right at us (Gerard Fryer)/Tsunami warning downgraded to advisory; coastal evacuees can return home

Tsunami warning downgraded to advisory; coastal evacuees can return home .....Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL  

  • [1] Hawaii in path of tsunami after 7.7 earthquake strikes western Canada(online)

  • [2] Das Erdbeben erreichte nach Angaben der US-Erdbebenwarte USGS eine Stärke von 7,7.  

    [3] Tsunami Warning for Hawaii After Canada Quake

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Emergency sirens sounded around Hawaii late Saturday warning about an oncoming tsunami, after a powerful earthquake struck off the coast of Canada.

    Even as many people along Hawaii's coast rushed to higher ground, officials downgraded a tsunami warning to an advisory for southern Alaska and British Columbia. They also issued an advisory for areas of northern California and southern Oregon.
    A small tsunami created by the magnitude 7.7 quake was barely noticeable in Craig, Alaska, where the first wave or surge was recorded Saturday night.
    In Hawaii, Gov. Neil Abercrombie proclaimed an emergency, mobilizing extra safety measures.
    Warning sirens blared while residents drove away from coasts and tourists were evacuated from lower floors of beachside hotels. Incoming bus routes were shut off into Waikiki and police shut down a Halloween block party in Honolulu.
    The center said the first tsunami wave could hit the islands by about 10:30 p.m. local time (1:30 a.m. PDT Sunday).
    At first, officials said the islands weren't in any danger of a tsunami, but they later issued a warning, saying there had been a change in sea readings.
    In Alaska, the wave or surge was recorded at 4 inches, much smaller than forecast, said Jeremy Zidek, a spokesman for the Alaska Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
    The U.S. Geological Survey said the 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit in the Queen Charlotte Islands area, followed by a 5.8-magnitude aftershock several minutes later. The quake was felt in Craig and other southeast Alaska communities, but Zidek said there were no immediate reports of damage.
    The West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for coastal areas of southeast Alaska, down the western Canadian coast to the tip of Vancouver Island.
    Later Saturday evening, the warning for those areas was downgraded to an advisory, while a warning was issued for Hawaii. Early Sunday, the advisory was canceled entirely for Alaska.
    In addition, officials issued an advisory for areas from Gualala Point, Calif., about 80 miles northwest of San Francisco, to the Douglas-Lane county line in Oregon, about 10 miles southwest of Florence.
    A tsunami warning means an area is likely to be hit by a wave, while an advisory means there may be strong currents, but that widespread inundation is not expected to occur.
    The U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska said it was warning warn everyone with a boat on the water to prepare for a potential tsunami.
    The first wave hit Craig about two hours after the earthquake.
    "It started off where it might be a 3-foot wave, and it kept getting downgraded," Craig Mayor Dennis Watson said. "And the last time we heard, it was less than 1 foot."
    It actually was recorded at 4 inches. Watson said he was downtown on the waterfront, and had his car lights shining on pylons.
    "I didn't even see the surge. I watched the pylons. And the tides came in about four or five inches. The surge would leave a wet spot as it would go back out, and we never did see that," he said.
    There could be subsequent waves in Craig, but an official with the tsunami warning center didn't think it would amount to much.
    The first wave "typically is not the largest but nevertheless we don't expect the maximum wave height to be large," said Bill Knight.
    The state Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management activated its emergency operations center and notified officials in southeast Alaska communities.
    Lt. Bernard Auth of the Juneau Command Center said the Coast Guard was also working with local authorities to alert people in coastal towns to take precautions.
    Lucy Jones, a USGS seismologist, said the earthquake likely would not generate a large tsunami.
    "This isn't that big of an earthquake on tsunami scales," she said. "The really big tsunamis are usually up in the high 8s and 9s."
    She said the earthquake occurred along a "fairly long" fault - "a plate 200 kilometers long" in a subduction zone, where one plate slips underneath another. Such quakes lift the sea floor and tend to cause tsunamis, she said.
    In Craig, officials implement an emergency plan, and took fire trucks, ambulances and heavy equipment to higher ground.
    "If nothing else it was a good exercise in determining how well our disaster plan works. I thought it came off quite well, really," he said.
    Watson said he did receive calls from townspeople about the tsunami.
    "There's supposed to be a big Halloween party downtown. People are calling, 'Did the wave hit yet so we can go to the party?'" he said.
    Oskar Garcia reported from Honolulu. AP reporter Chris Weber in Los Angeles contributed to this report. 

Τσουνάμι απειλεί τη Χάβάη μετά το σεισμό στον Καναδά

Προς τη Χαβάη κατευθύνεται το τσουνάμι που προκάλεσε ο σεισμός των 7,7 βαθμών της κλίμακας Ρίχτερ, στ’ ανοικτά της δυτικής ακτής του Καναδά, ανακοίνωσε το Κέντρο Προειδοποίησης για τσουνάμι στον Ειρηνικό.

Οι κάτοικοι κλήθηκαν να εγκαταλείψουν τις παράκτιες περιοχές, ενώ σειρήνες ηχούν σε όλα τα νησιά της Χαβάης.

Αξιωματούχοι του Κέντρου Προειδοποίησης για Τσουνάμι δήλωσαν ότι αναμένονται κύματα ύψους από ένα ως δύο μέτρα.

Προειδοποίηση για τσουνάμι εξεδόθη και για τις ακτές της καναδικής επαρχίας της Βρετανικής Κολομβίας και της Αλάσκας.

skai gr

  • [1] Hawaii in path of tsunami after 7.7 earthquake strikes western Canada

(CNN) -- Sirens blaring across parts of Hawaii urged residents to seek higher ground, as a tsunami -- triggered by a sizable 7.7-magnitude earthquake in western Canada -- barreled toward them.
Waves between 3 and 7 feet are expected to lash the islands beginning about 10:28 p.m. Saturday (4:28 a.m. Sunday ET), the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said.
"Basically this tsunami is pointed right at us," said Gerard Fryer, senior geophysicist at the center.
The impact could last for hours.
"It's not just one wave, it's a succession of waves," Fryer said. "We are recommending coastal evacuation."
But he noted that the tsunami will not be as significant as the devastating quake and tsunami that killed thousands in Japan in March 2011.
Local television showed images of bumper-to-bumper traffic on roads leading from the coast to inner ground. About 80,000 people live in evacuations zones in the island of Oahu, the island where Honolulu is located.
John Cummings, spokesman for Honolulu Emergency Management, said officials have opened 26 centers for evacuees.
"All islands and all shorelines will be affected when it comes in," Cummings said.
Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle urged residents who are already on higher ground to not clog traffic. Officials expressed concerns about emergency vehicles getting by in heavy traffic.
But the tsunami warning came at an unfortunate time -- when thousands of revelers packed streets in Honolulu for the annual Hallowbaloo festival.
Even Hawaiians accustomed to tsunami warnings spared no effort in bracing for the worst.
Honolulu resident Victoria Shioi filled her bathtub with water, set her refrigerator to the coldest setting and gathered candles in case of water or power outages.
"Also backed up my computer and put the external (hard drive) in the waterproof safe," Shioi said.
Basically this tsunami is pointed right at us
(Gerard Fryer)
The tsunami was spawned by an earthquake in western British Columbia, prompting a local tsunami warning and sending some residents toward higher ground.
"A (magnitude) 7.7 is a big, hefty earthquake -- not something you can ignore," Fryer said. "It definitely would have done some damage if it had been under a city."
Instead, the quake struck about 139 kilometers (86 miles) south of Masset on British Columbia's Queen Charlotte Islands. No major damage was reported.
The Alaska Tsunami Warning Center issued a warning for western British Columbia from Vancouver to the southern panhandle of Alaska.
Canadians as far as Prince Rupert on mainland British Columbia felt the quake.
Tanya Simonds said she felt like her house was "sliding back and forth on mud," but didn't see any damage from the tremor.
Shawn Martin was at a movie theater when the quake struck.
"It just felt like the seats were moving. It felt like someone was kicking your seat," he said. Martin said more than hundred cars headed toward a popular intersection in the city known for its higher ground.
Fryer said he expects Hawaiians to also seek higher ground due to the expected "significant flooding."
"The rest of the Pacific does not have to worry, but Hawaii does," he said.

Πέμπτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2012

41 Places To See Before You Die (Part I) | Bored Panda

Santorini is perhaps the most fascinating and most talked about island of Greece in the Aegean. Only the name of the island is enough to unfold in mind pleasurable connotations, volcanic landscape, gray and red beaches, dazzling white houses, terraces with panoramic sea views , stunning sunsets, wild fun. All this, together with remnants of lost civilizations discovered in the volcanic ash justify the epithets with which visitors identify Santorini and fairly is called, magical, indescribable, astonishing........... [3]
41 Places To See Before You Die (Part I) | Bored Panda

Οι νεκροί Έλληνες στα μακεδονικά χώματα σάς κοιτούν με οργή

«Παριστάνετε τα "καλά παιδιά" ελπίζοντας στη στήριξη του διεθνή παράγοντα για να παραμείνετε στην εξουσία», ήταν η κατηγορία πο...