Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Greece. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Greece. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Παρασκευή 20 Μαρτίου 2015

Τετάρτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Eurozone finance ministers back Greek reform plans. (Ministers from 19 states announce their approval of list of reforms)

Eurozone finance ministers have announced that they have approved a list of reforms submitted by Greece in exchange for a four-month extension to its international bailout. The 19 ministers decided in a teleconference on Tuesday that "they consider this list of measures to be sufficiently comprehensive to be a valid starting point," they said in a statement.

Τρίτη 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Oil Prices Rising, Brent Crude Now Selling for Over $62 a Barrel

Brent crude has climbed to $62 per barrel in Asian trade on February 17, despite growing uncertainty regarding the Eurozone's future which has been caused by the recent failure in Greece's debt negotiations.

On the New York Mercantile Exchange, light crude futures for March delivery were traded at $53.16 per barrel, while on London’s ICE Futures exchange Brent crude for April delivery mounted by $0.70/1.1% reaching $62.10 a barrel.

Meanwhile the talks over a new financing deal for Greece broke down Monday, sparking controversy between Athens and its creditors. 

A growing uncertainty regarding the economic prospects of Greece within the bloc is predictably undermining the euro. 

In contrast, the US dollar is strengthening steadily. Experts note that the trend is likely to sour oil-market sentiments; however, Brent crude has beaten its second-highest record since the beginning of the year.

Τετάρτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Residents of Turkish Thracian province eye suing Bulgaria over floods. Bulgaria sends urgent note to Turkey and Greece on river levels.

Residents in the northwestern Turkish province of Edirne are considering suing the Bulgarian government over floods triggered by dams in the neighboring country, Turkish Forestry and Waterworks Minister Veysel Eroğlu has said, expressing his support for such a move. ..

The Thracian city of Edirne, which borders Bulgaria, has been hit in recent days by floods from the Tundzha and Maritsa (Tunca and Meriç) rivers, as heavy rain that gripped the Balkans caused a sharp increase in the water levels of rivers in the area.

Eroğlu said the floods in the city, which prompted the evacuation of two villages on Feb. 2 after large sections of them were submerged, was caused by the sudden melting of snow melt in Bulgaria and dams constructed by the Bulgarian government “without considering flood margins.”

“They built some dams but unfortunately they don’t leave a marginal volume against floods,” he said on Feb. 4, answering reporters’ questions after the inaugural meeting of the EU River Basins Management Plans Project.

Eroğlu said Edirne residents had signaled that they were considering whether to sue Bulgaria, fed up with repeated overwhelming water flows that “put the city in lockdown.”

“When I was in Edirne, they [residents] said they will file lawsuit against Bulgaria about this issue if necessary. I also think it may be useful to do that,” he said.

Minister Eroğlu claimed that the Turkish authorities had warned their counterparts in Sofia “many times” about the issue, but now “our citizens have run out of patience.”

Joint project ‘at deadlock’

He also complained about Bulgaria’s “inaction” over the two country’s joint Tundzha Project, which was designed to take the flow speed and rate of the river under control in order to pave the way for its more efficient use in tourism activities.

“It was a joint friendship project. We completed everything … But when the time came for a bilateral agreement, the Bulgarian government didn’t do anything, although we sent the draft,” he said.

As the two countries have also failed to reach an agreement over the building of a joint dam on the Tundzha River, Ankara has drafted plan B to prevent floods in the region by constructing a dam on the Turkish side of the border, Eroğlu also said.

“We want to direct those waters to a dam on our soil by constructing a dam in Çömlekköy,” he stated, adding that the government planned to use excess water in irrigation during the summer months.

“Hopefully, we will be able to decrease floods from the Tundzha and Maritsa rivers,” Eroğlu added. 

  • Bulgaria is sending Turkey and Greece an urgent note on the levels of three rivers as well as of dams along the Arda River, the Environment and Water Ministry said on February 4, after days of heavy rainfall...

Officials in Ankara and Athens will sent data on the levels of the rivers Maritsa, Tundzha and Arda. 

Torrential rain that began on February 1 has led to at least two deaths in southern and eastern Bulgaria, a number of missing persons, evacuations of about 600 people close to the swollen Kamchiya River, destruction of property and damage to road infrastructure estimated to exceed 12 million leva (about six million euro).


Δευτέρα 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Evacuations as floods hit Greece, Albania, Turkey

 Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes after flash floods caused by heavy rains hit northwestern Greece, southern Albania and northwest of Turkey...

About 1,500 people had to be evacuated from their villages to safer zones after torrential rains hit the northwest Turkish province of Edirne on the border with Greece, causing the Tunca and Meric riverbeds to overflow, officials said Monday.

Four villages and several isolated farmhouses close to the city of Arta in Greece were also evacuated after heavy rains swept across the northwestern province of Epirus.

The historic Plaka Bridge near Arta also collapsed after at least four rivers in the region burst their banks, three of them near Arta and another closer to Greece's border with Albania.


Flash floods hit Greece and Albania

A winter storm has brought flooding to parts of Greece and southern Albania.

No fatalities have been reported in either country, but considerable disruption has been caused by a combination of torrential rain and strong winds.

Rain began falling in Greece’s northwestern province of Epirus on Saturday, prompting the authorities to evacuate people from four villages near the city of Arta.

By Sunday, four rivers in the area had overflowed.

One high-profile casualty of the flooding was the Plaka Bridge, the largest arch bridge in the Balkans. The bridge, which spans the Arachthos River, was built by Konstantinos Bekas in 1866. It is reported that the whole of the central section of the bridge was washed away.

In southern Albania, scores of families and their livestock were moved from homes and farms in Vlore, Fier, Berat and Gjirokaster, south of the capital, Tirana.

In Gjirokaster, 220mm of rain fell between Saturday and Monday, more than would normally be expected in the whole of February.

In coming days, further troughs of low pressure moving through the Mediterranean could bring another 100mm to 150mm of rain to coastal areas of southern Albania and northwestern Greece.
Source: Al Jazeera


Πέμπτη 15 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Bulgarian PM proposes creating gas hub on border with Turkey

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said on Thursday at a meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry that he favored the idea of creating a gas hub on the border with Turkey.
“An intersystem gas pipeline with Greece should be built using European money.

Besides, I acquainted our partners with our joint idea with the European Commission to build a gas hub on the Turkish border, if the project (for the construction of a gas pipeline between Russia and Turkey) is really implemented,” Borisov said.
  The Bulgarian premier also confirmed a ban on shale gas extraction in Bulgaria using the hydraulic fracturing method.  “We have stated on numerous occasions that unless a technology is found to guarantee the absence of environmental problems in the most fertile part of Bulgaria, we’ll keep the moratorium on shale gas extraction. Our position is clear and understandable to our partners,” the Bulgarian premier said.
Gazprom head Alexey Miller said on Wednesday that EU countries should hurry up with the construction of infrastructure to receive Russian natural gas from the Turkish Stream gas pipeline project. “They have a maximum of several years for this. This is a very tight schedule. To comply with it, work for the construction of new trunk gas pipelines should be started in EU countries right now. Otherwise, these gas volumes may be redirected to other markets,” the Gazprom head said.
The Turkish Stream gas pipeline project is the sole route for Russia’s future supplies of 63 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Europe currently delivered via Ukraine, Miller said.
The Gazprom head made this statement in response to a question about the fate of Russia’s South Stream gas pipeline project.
“The project is closed. The Turkish Stream is the sole route, which can deliver 63 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas transited across Ukraine so far. There are no other options,” Miller said.
  • Gazprom has notified its European partners about its Turkish Stream gas pipe plans and now their task is to create the necessary gas transport infrastructure from the border of Turkey and Greece, the Gazprom head said.



Δευτέρα 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Evacuation of burning Italian ferry completed (Hundreds of passengers brought to safety)

All remaining passengers on board an Italian ferry that caught fire in the Adriatic Sea off the Greek island of Corfu have been rescued, Greek officials have said.

The blaze left seven people dead. Six bodies were recovered from the water around the stricken Norman Atlantic on Monday, a day after the body of a 62-year-old Greek man was pulled from the heaving sea.
A 24-hour evacuation operation that proved to be extremely difficult was concluded shortly after midday.

Many of those rescued said the fire, which broke out at dawn on Sunday, triggered panic which the crew appeared ill-prepared to deal with.
One of the first passengers rescued told reporters after arriving in the Italian port of Bari he had thought he was going to die as parts of the ferry, with 478 passengers and crew on board, became engulfed by thick smoke as it travelled from Greece to Italy.
"We did not know what to do. The staff had no idea how to get people off the boat," he said.
"The lifeboats did not work, there was only one of them in the water and none of the crew were there to help people."

Others said they stayed huddled on the vessel's upper decks, pelted by rain and hail and struggled to breathe through the thick smoke.
A passenger recalled people being awakened by "the smell of burning plastic" and that the heat from the fire felt like the floors were "boiling".

The evacuation was completed nearly 36 hours after the fire broke out on the car deck and left the huge vessel drifting dangerously in high seas off the coast of Albania.

With the evacuation complete, questions are being raised as to how the fire started and why it was not contained.
Bari prosecutor Giuseppe Volpe announced a criminal investigation which will seek to establish whether negligence contributed to the disaster.
The Italian owner of the boat, Carlo Visentini, said he would cooperate fully.
He insisted that the vessel, which was leased to Greek operator ANEK ferries, had passed a technical inspection which included its firedoors on December 19.

Al Jazeera's Simon McGregor-Wood, reporting from Italian coastal city of Brindisi, said what caused the fire remained a mystery.

"But what we do know from various sources is that the fire took hold in the car deck," he said. "There were 200 vehicles of all kinds including several tanker trucks containing olive oil, which it is expected to have contributed to the fire."


251 People Rescued, 227 Still on Board Norman Atlantic Ferry (Italian Navy)

251 out of more than 470 passengers of the Norman Atlantic passenger ferry, which caught fire Sunday as it was sailing from Greece to Italy, have been rescued and 267 are still on board, the Italian Navy stated Monday.
"251 people have been saved, 227 are still on board," the Italian Navy said on its official Twitter page.

The Norman Atlantic ferry, which caught ablaze in the Ionian Sea, has been taken under tow, with the fire on board partially under control, the Greek shipping ministry reported on Sunday.
The towing rope, used by the Italian ship Marietta Barretta to tow the burning Norman Atlantic ferry, has broken, the website of the Il Messaggero newspaper reported.
The government rescue team is now trying to reattach the ship to one of the four tugs, which are close to the Norman Atlantic. When the tow rope is reattached, the ferry is likely to be moved to the Italian port of Brindisi.

Earlier, the Greek Minister of National Defense Nikos Dendias reported that the Norman Atlantic angled down 7 degrees. At the same time, a representative of the ANEK company, chartering the ferry, said to the Skai Greek TV channel, that angle of the heel was not dangerous......................http://sputniknews.com/europe/20141229/1016349172.html

Κυριακή 28 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Italian-flagged ferry with 466 people on board evacuated due to fire / Un ferry en feu au large de la Grèce: sauvetage en cours (VIDEO YT)

An Italian-flagged ferry with a total of 466 people on board was being evacuated on Sunday after a fire broke out in one garage off the island of Corfu in western Greece, the local Coast Guard said.

The "Norman Atlantic" was sailing from the port of Patras in western Greece to Ancona in Italy with 411 passengers, 55 crew members and 220 vehicles on board when the fire started under yet unclear circumstances.

For precaution measures authorities decided to evacuate the people to ships which were sailing nearby at about 30 nautical miles off Corfu. 

  • Un ferry en feu au large de la Grèce: sauvetage en cours

Un incendie s'est déclaré, dimanche, sur un ferry grec avec 411 passagers et 55 membres d'équipage à son bord. Le "Norman Atlantic" avait quitté le port grec de Patras à 05h30 (03h30 GMT) dimanche matin en direction du port italien d'Ancona, et a envoyé un signal de détresse alors qu'il se trouvait à 33 miles nautiques de la petite île grecque d'Othonoi, en mer Adriatique. Le feu aurait pris dans le garage du navire, avant de se répandre rapidement.

Une opération de sauvetage est en cours pour évacuer les 466 personnes à bord, ont annoncé les garde-côtes grecs.

Δευτέρα 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Russia’s new gas pipeline to Turkey may be named Turkish Stream

Russia’s new natural gas pipeline, which energy giant Gazprom will built in place of the South Stream pipeline, might be called the Turkish Stream, Gazprom deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev said on Monday.

“The South Stream pipeline will not be constructed and we will be implementing another project, which will get its name in the nearest future,” Medvedev said. “Our partners in Turkey proposed the name of the Turkish Stream.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on December 1 that Russia was abandoning its South Stream gas pipeline project in Europe over the European Commission’s unconstructive approach and instead was planning to build a gas pipeline to Turkey.

Gazprom will build a gas hub on the Turkey-Greece border under a new 63 billion cubic meter pipeline project. Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller said the construction of a gas pipeline to Turkey will make it possible to reduce the risks linked with natural gas transit through Ukraine. Russia’s steel pipe manufacturers hope that all their products originally meant for the South Stream project will be redirected to the new gas pipeline project.......................http://itar-tass.com/en/world/768439


Τρίτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Bulgaria, Greece, Romania to Develop Regional Gas Infrastructure

Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania have signed a contract on cooperation in the development of regional gas infrastructure.

The contract was signed Tuesday by the energy ministers of the three countries.

In February 2011, the EU decided that each Member State had to have at least two sources of natural gas and electricity by 2014 in order to be able to cope with a cut-off of Russian supplies.

Romania still lacks a connection to Bulgaria’s gas grid, despite the fact that a project for the construction of a gas pipeline between Giurgiu and Ruse has been available for years, according to reports of the BGNES news agency.

The gas pipeline, evaluated at around EUR 24 M, is to be completed by 2016.

Romania’s gas transmission grid is connected to those of Hungary and Moldova.

In the case of a suspension of imports from Russia, however, it will not be able to make up for the losses through these connections because the gas imports from Hungary are negligible and the pipeline to Moldova is used for exports.


Δευτέρα 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Russia-Turkey relations in energy sector rise to strategic level. Russia will reduce by 6% gas price for Turkish consumers from January 1, 2015

Russian-Turkish relations in the energy sector have raised to strategic level, Russian President Vladimir Putin said after talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Russia will increase gas supplies to the Turkish market by 3 billion cubic meters under the Blue Stream project, Putin said. Russia will reduce by 6% gas price for Turkish consumers from January 1, 2015, Putin said. 

Russia ready to further reduce gas price for Turkey as its strategic partner, Putin noted, adding that the 6% discount on gas price for Turkey is only the first step. The Russia president also said the free trade regime with Turkey is possible.
Putin has vowed the Akkuyu NPP (nuclear power plant) in Turkey will be built in due time, and all safety requirements will be observed. The Akkuyu nuclear plant is being built by Russia’s state-run corporation Rosatom.

South Stream construction

In the current situation, Russia cannot launch the South Stream gas pipeline project, the Russian president noted. However, Russia is ready to build another pipeline transportation system to meet Turkey’s economic needs and create additional gas hub on the border, he stressed. 
  • "If this idea is considered to be expedient, we can create an additional gas hub for consumers in southern Europe in the Turkish territory on the border with Greece,” Putin said.
Putin stressed that the EU's position on South Stream project is not constructive. 
  • Therefore, energy resources will be re-oriented to other regions and to LNG (liquefied natural gas) projects, he added. 
The Russian president also suggested that Bulgaria demands from EU to repay its loss of profit on the South Stream project.
[ itar-tass.com]


Πέμπτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Mayor of Rhodes says may restore Colossus

Scientists will discuss possible restoration of Colossus of Rhodes – one of the Seven Wonders of the World, Rhodes Mayor Fotis Chatzidiakos told Agence France-Presse.

The possibility of restoring the 31-meter statue will be discussed during a special conference that will take place on the island in 2015. “We have always considered restoring the Colossus. However, it is important to discuss the details of possible reconstruction with scientists,” Chatzidiakos noted.

The world’s most famous and distinguished sculptors and architects are willing to realize this project.

The Colossus was dedicated to the God of sun Helios – the protector of Rhodes. It was built in 292 BC just in 12 years. 

The metal for statue was melted from weapons and siege engines abandoned in Rhodes by one of the conquerors. However, 66 years after construction, the statue was destroyed by a strong earthquake. 

The attempts to raise it failed, and the Colossus spent next 900 years lying on the side. 

The Saracens that conquered Rhodes in 654 broke the giant statue to pieces and sold it to a merchant from Syria.


Πέμπτη 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

EUR 815 million support for transport and energy in Greece

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is providing up to EUR 815 million for motorways, the Thessaloniki metro and an improved electricity transmission network in Greece.

In the presence of EIB President Werner Hoyer, five finance agreements were signed today in Athens in a public ceremony by the EIB Vice-President responsible for Greece, Mihai Tanasescu, the Minister of Finance Gikas Hardouvelis, the Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Michalis Chrysohoidis, the Chairman and Managing Director of Attiko Metro Christos Tsitouras, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Greek Public Power Corporation S.A. Arthouros Zervos, and the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Greek Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) Yiannis Yiarentis. The ceremony was attended also by Minister of Environment, Energy & Climate Change Yannis Maniatis.

On this occasion, EIB President Werner Hoyer stated: “With this strong shot we continue our support for growth and jobs in Greece. We concentrate on key sectors and help the Greek State to proceed with the construction of the country’s major motorways and the Thessaloniki metro to improve the citizens’ living and economic conditions. We also contribute to realise the electricity interconnection of the Cyclades islands, a long awaited project in Greece. This investment boosts tourism, by putting an end to the blackout risks of the past. All five projects will create jobs during construction and after, through commissioning, and will have further positive spillover effects in the regional and national environment, economy and living conditions”.

EUR 300 million to the Hellenic Republic for the Greek motorway programme
The EIB loan will be supporting the State’s financial commitments to the country’s main transport corridor (Patras-Athens-Thessaloniki), which is also a trans-European priority transport investment. The loan will finance the construction of 239 km of new motorways and smaller upgrades on 434 km of existing motorways located along this main axis. This is the second and last tranche of the EIB facility of a total of EUR 650 million for the resumption of construction works on Greek motorways which, considering their strong impact on employment and GDP growth, play a special role in revitalising the Greek economy.

EUR 200 million in further support of the Thessaloniki metro
The Thessaloniki Metro project has been the focus of the Greek State’s strategy for providing an efficient and effective public transport system in metropolitan Thessaloniki, in parallel with the ongoing extensions of the Athens metro network. As such, it has been supported by the Greek State, the European Union through EU grants and the EIB. This essential public service project represents one of the most important areas of EIB value-added activity, as the EU Bank’s ability to provide long-term financing perfectly matches the long-term nature and requirements of the infrastructure provided. The EIB is already partially financing the Thessaloniki metro baseline, with previous loans totaling EUR 650 million, and the finance agreement signed today provides additional support for the network’s extension to the area of Kalamaria.

EUR 180 million for improved electricity network
The signature of EUR 180 million loan is the second and final tranche of a EUR 415 million facility to the Greek Public Power Corporation S.A. (PPC), for renovating and reinforcing the electricity distribution network, as well as extending it to enable some 186 000 new connections throughout peninsular and insular Greece.
The investment programme will benefit consumers and suppliers by improving the electricity distribution infrastructure and increasing the effectiveness of electricity supply in meeting demand.
The promoter of the project is the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A. (HEDNO), a 100% subsidiary of PPC created in 2012.  

EUR 135 million for improved electricity transmission and interconnection of Cyclades
The funding to the Greek Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO or ADMIE) consists of two loans aiming at improved electricity transmission and the interconnection of the Cyclades islands to the mainland network.
The signature of EUR 70 million is the first tranche of a EUR 140 million facility to support the company’s current on-going power transmission investment programme. This includes the construction of the Megalopoli Extra High Voltage Station, the interconnection of Nea Makri (Attica mainland) to Polypotamos (island of Evia), and a cluster of smaller transmission schemes.  The loan is expected to support the integration of new generation resources into the grid, including renewable energy, to extend transmission capacity and contribute to improving the reliability of supply.
The signature of EUR 65 million is the first tranche of a EUR 130 million facility to support the connection of the main Cycladic islands Syros, Tinos, Mykonos and Paros with the mainland interconnected system of Greece. The interconnection will be effected through a subsea cable grid operated at 150 kV. The project will substitute the local generation run on fuel oil with energy produced by far cheaper and less polluting stations operated in the mainland system. It will also support the development of additional wind and solar generation capacity that on the islands, which in the currently isolated configuration is restricted for technical reasons.

Τετάρτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Bulgaria fears new gas deliveries interruption (Deputy PM)

Bulgaria was preparing contingency plans in case of a new interruption in gas supplies from Russia, which was seen as a high-probability scenario, Bulgarian caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva said on September 17.

Speaking to reporters after the weekly cabinet meeting, Zaharieva said that the country’s heating utilities have been cautioned to be ready to switch to other fuel types in case of such interruptions.

Bulgaria’s annual gas consumption is about three billion cubic metres. The country imports more than 80 per cent of its gas from Russia.

Despite plans to build interconnector pipelines with neighbouring countries – partially funded by the European Union in the wake of the January 2009 suspension of supplies, caused by a price dispute between Moscow and Kyiv – Bulgaria has only completed the pipeline to Greece, but not those linking it up to Turkey and Romania.

Bulgaria has also a gas storage facility at Chiren near its Black Sea coast, with a capacity of 550 million cubic metres (due to be doubled by 2017, according to plans announced earlier by state-owned company Bulgargaz), which is enough to cover the bulk of domestic consumption for a period between two and four months, depending on the weather.

  • Zaharieva said that gas was being stored at the Chiren facility as scheduled and that the cabinet was in talks with Greek authorities to buy gas if the need arises.

She said that there was no reduction in gas deliveries to Bulgaria. Several eastern European countries reported a decrease in Russian deliveries last week, mainly countries that have signed reverse flow agreements with Ukraine – Poland, Slovakia and Hungary – with analysts interpreting this as a move by Gazprom to curtail reverse gas deliveries with Ukraine, which Russia considers illegal.

Russia halted gas supplies to Ukraine in June, claiming that Kyiv owed more than $5 billion for past deliveries. Ukraine says that the price it pays is too high and has lodged a lawsuit in a Stockholm arbitration court.

Transit gas flows through Ukraine have continued unabated, however, although Moscow has repeatedly claimed Ukraine would dip into supplies meant for European customers for its own domestic needs.

Kyiv has denied the accusation, saying it is merely Russian propaganda meant to scare the EU into approving construction of the South Stream gas pipeline (due to make landfall in Bulgaria), which aims to bypass Ukraine altogether and ultimately replace the Ukrainian transit route altogether.

Previous gas disputes between Russia and Ukraine have resulted in Russia cutting off all gas supplies through Ukraine in January 2006 and January 2009. The latter interruption was felt especially strongly in Bulgaria, as it coincided with a bitter cold spell.


Κυριακή 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Greece unearths two sculpted female figures in major discovery / Συνέχιση ανασκαφικών εργασιών στον Τύμβο Καστά στην Αμφίπολη

Photo: yppo.gr
Archaeologists have unearthed two sculpted female figures, known as Caryatids, as they slowly make their way into an ancient tomb recently discovered in Greece's northeast, the country's culture ministry said....

They mark a significant new finding in the tomb on the Amphipolis site, about 100 km from Greece's second-biggest city Thessaloniki, which archaeologists have hailed as a major discovery from the era of Alexander the Great.

The figures made of Greek marble were unearthed on Saturday, the ministry said in a statement. The Caryatids, with thick curls covering their shoulders, support an inner entrance into the tomb and feature the same sculpting technique used for the heads and wings of two sphinxes found guarding the main entrance of the tomb in August, according to the statement.
"The structure of the second entrance with the Caryatids is an important finding, which supports the view that it is a prominent monument of great importance," the Culture Ministry said.
The face of one of the Caryatids is missing, while both figures have one hand outstretched in a symbolic move to push away anyone who would try to violate the tomb.
Archaeologists have said that the Amphipolis site appeared to be the largest ancient tomb to have been discovered in Greece.
Excavations, which began in 2012, have not yet determined who was buried in the tomb but culture ministry officials have said that the monument appeared to belong to a prominent Macedonian from the 300-325 B.C. era.
  • Συνέχιση ανασκαφικών εργασιών στον Τύμβο Καστά στην Αμφίπολη-Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού και Αθλητισμού (Δελτίo Τύπου)
.....Το Σάββατο 6 Σεπτεμβρίου, η αφαίρεση του χώματος μπροστά από το επιστύλιο, επέτρεψε την σοβαρή ενίσχυση της υποστύλωσης του θραυσμένου τμήματος του, με κατακόρυφες σωληνωτές δοκούς, σε ξύλινη επαφή. 

Με την αφαίρεση των αμμωδών χωμάτων, στο χώρο μπροστά από τον δεύτερο διαφραγματικό τοίχο, αποκαλύφθηκαν κάτω από το μαρμάρινο επιστύλιο, ανάμεσα στις, επίσης, μαρμάρινες παραστάδες, δύο εξαιρετικής τέχνης καρυάτιδες , από θασίτικο μάρμαρο (φωτο 6) συμφυείς με πεσσό, διατομής 0,20Χ0,60 μ. 

Το πρόσωπο της δυτικής καρυάτιδας σώζεται σχεδόν ακέραιο,(φωτο 7,8 ), ενώ από την ανατολική λείπει.(φωτο 9). Οι καρυάτιδες έχουν πλούσιους βοστρύχους, που καλύπτουν τους ώμους τους, φέρουν ενώτια, και φορούν χειριδωτό χιτώνα. Το δεξί χέρι της μιας και το αριστερό της άλλης ήταν προτεταμμένα, ώστε με την κίνηση τους να αποτρέπουν συμβολικά εκείνους οι οποίοι θα επιχειρούσαν την είσοδο στον τάφο και ήταν ένθετα. Ακολουθείται, δηλαδή, η ίδια τεχνική, όπως στις κεφαλές και στα φτερά των Σφιγγών. Οι μορφές, επί των οποίων σώζονται ίχνη κόκκινου και μπλε χρώματος, παραπέμπουν στον τύπο της Κόρης. Ανάμεσα στα αμμώδη χώματα βρέθηκαν θραύσματα των γλυπτών, όπως τμήμα παλάμης και μικρότερα θραύσματα από τα δάκτυλα τους. Η διάταξη της δεύτερης εισόδου με τις καρυάτιδες αποτελεί σημαντικό εύρημα, το οποίο συνηγορεί στην άποψη ότι πρόκειται για εξέχον μνημείο, ιδιαίτερης σπουδαιότητας. 

Μπροστά από τις καρυάτιδες, και από το ύψος της μέσης τους και κάτω, αποκαλύπτεται τοίχος σφράγισης από πωρόλιθους σε όλο το πλάτος των 4,5μ. ( φωτο 10, 11) Πρόκειται για δεύτερο τοίχο σφράγισης που ακολουθεί την ίδια τεχνική, όπως και στην πρόσοψη του ταφικού μνημείου. Είναι ένα ακόμη χαρακτηριστικό της προσπάθειας των κατασκευαστών για την αποτροπή εισόδου στο μνημείο...............................http://www.yppo.gr/2/g22.jsp?obj_id=58312


Πέμπτη 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Earthquake - Magnitude 4.7 - 33 km NW of Mýrina, Greece - local time: 20:43 / Σεισμός 4,7R στη θαλάσσια περιοχή Λήμνου και Θάσου στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο

Σεισμός 4,7R στη θαλάσσια περιοχή Λήμνου και Θάσου στο Βόρειο Αιγαίο. 33 χιλιόμετρα Β.Δ. της Μύρινας....(Το εστιακό βάθος του σεισμού στα 10 χιλιόμετρα)
Magnitude    ML 4.7
Region    AEGEAN SEA
Date time    2014-09-04 17:43:41.7 UTC
Location    40.12 N ; 24.84 E

Depth    10 km

  •    257 km N of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 20:43:41.7 2014-09-04
  • 121 km SW of Komotiní, Greece / pop: 45,631 / local time: 20:43:41.7 2014-09-04
  • 92 km W of Gökçeada, Turkey / pop: 7,822 / local time: 20:43:41.7 2014-09-04
  • 33 km NW of Mýrina, Greece / pop: 5,406 / local time: 20:43:41.7 2014-09-04.......
****Ισχυρή σεισμική δόνηση, μεγέθους 4,8 βαθμών της κλίμακας Ρίχτερ και όχι 4,9 όπως είχε αρχικά ανακοινωθεί, σύμφωνα με το Γεωδυναμικό Ινστιτούτο, σημειώθηκε στις 20:43 ανοιχτά της Λήμνου. Ο σεισμός είχε εστιακό βάθος 29 χιλιομέτρων και το επίκεντρο εντοπίζεται στην υποθαλάσσια περιοχή 30 χιλιόμετρα βορειοδυτικά της Μύρινας και 258 βορειοανατολικά της Αθήνας.


    Τρίτη 26 Αυγούστου 2014

    European Union helps fight forest fires in Greece (European Commission)

    European Commission, Press release, Brussels, 26 August 2014:

    Greece is receiving support through the European Union's Civil Protection Mechanism to fight the forest fires raging in the central part of the country. France has responded to Greece's request for assistance in a matter of hours – its two fire-fighting planes are already operating in the affected areas.
    "Forest fires are a risk we face every summer and this year is no exception; we will continue to support the efforts of Greece to prevent the fire from spreading towards populated areas.
    The Commission is grateful to France for its prompt gesture of solidarity; I hope that other Member States will also be able to offer assistance," said Kristalina Georgieva, the European Union Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response.
    The European Commission's Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) is in contact with the civil protection authorities of the countries participating in the Mechanism.
    The ERCC is actively monitoring the forest fire risks across Europe. It uses national monitoring services and tools such as EFFIS (the European Forest Fire Information System) and satellite imagery to provide an overview of the situation in Europe. Every summer, its experts hold a weekly videoconference with national authorities from countries at greatest risk of forest fires.

    The fire that broke out on 24 August in a forest region near Kalabaka, central Greece, has burnt around 400 hectares of land and is still active. Greece has also activated the satellite imagery service of the European Commission. Тhe Copernicus mapping system provides all actors involved in the management of natural and man-made disasters and humanitarian crises with timely and accurate satellite images of the affected areas. It can be activated only by authorised users, e.g. national civil protection authorities, through the ERCC.

    The European Civil Protection Mechanism facilitates cooperation in disaster response among 31 European states (EU-28 plus Norway, Iceland, and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). The participating countries pool the resources that can be made available to disaster-stricken countries all over the world. When activated, the Mechanism coordinates the provision of assistance inside and outside the European Union. The European Commission manages the Mechanism through the ERCC.

    The European Civil Protection Mechanism was activated 17 times over the last three summers to respond to forest fires inside and outside Europe. In 2012, for example, Greece has requested assistance at combatting forest fires for three times.
    Furthermore, in June 2014 a major EU civil protection exercise, EU PROMETHEUS 2014, took place in Greece, testing cooperation and response capacities of Member States through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Among other things, the participating teams from a number of EU Member States were tested at combatting a huge wildfire near populated areas.

    Οι νεκροί Έλληνες στα μακεδονικά χώματα σάς κοιτούν με οργή

    «Παριστάνετε τα "καλά παιδιά" ελπίζοντας στη στήριξη του διεθνή παράγοντα για να παραμείνετε στην εξουσία», ήταν η κατηγορία πο...