Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα contracts. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα contracts. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τρίτη 20 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Russia to lift discount for shipments of natural gas to Ukraine

The discount of $100 on the purchase of one thousand cubic meters of Russian natural gas that Russia provided to Ukraine as part of the "winter package" will be lifted from April 1, 2015, the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller said at a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The conditions of the winter package will remain in effect till the end of March, and from April 1, the discount that was provided by the Government of the Russian Federation, will cease to have effect. From April 1, gas supplies to Ukraine will be carried out strictly in accordance with the contract," said Miller.

In accordance with the winter plan, the price of Russian gas for Ukraine in November-December made up 378 dollars (given the discount to the contract price of $100 per thousand cubic meters).


Δευτέρα 19 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Russian gas deliveries to Ukraine and EU uninterrupted (Ukraine's Naftogaz)

Russia is supplying gas to Ukraine and the EU according to plan, Ukraine's Naftogaz said on Monday.
"The information circulating in the media that Russian gas has stopped going to the EU through Ukraine dates back to 2009 and has nothing to do with the current situation. As of 2015, there were no breaks in Russian gas deliveries to the Ukraine GTS," the statement said.

The CEO of Russia's Gazprom gas giant said in mid-January that risks persist for gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine as the latter falied to import the necessary ammounts of natural gas in November and December due to financial difficulties.

Earlier reports said Ukraine imported 572.2 million cubic meters of Russian gas in the first two weeks of January. Besides direct supplies from Russia, Ukraine gets reverse gas supplies from Slovakia and Hungary.................http://itar-tass.com/en/economy/771883

Τετάρτη 14 Ιανουαρίου 2015

No Reason to Revise Gas Deal With Ukraine in April (Alexander Novak, Russian EM)

Russia sees no reason to reach a new agreement on gas deliveries to Ukraine after the so-called 'winter package' deal expires at the end of March, as all the terms are already outlined in the existing contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz, Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Wednesday.

"We are talking about current deliveries schedule and the financing regime, in other words — about conditions that have been, in one way or another, stipulated in the existing contract [betwen Rusia's Gazprom and Ukraine's Naftogaz]," Novak said following talks Maros Sefcovic, the Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union.

"So far, we see no reason to sign a new document," Novak said.


Πέμπτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Russia to supply enough gas to Europe in winter — (Putin)

The gas supply will only be cut in case Ukraine taps gas from the export pipeline system without authorization....

BELGRADE, October 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Russia will provide enough gas to Europe in winter.
“We would very much like to prevent any crises in the fall-winter period,” Putin admitted at a press conference after talks with the Serbian leadership.

“I can tell you for sure and am saying with absolute responsibility: there will be no crises in Europe due to the fault of Russian participants of energy cooperation,” Putin said.
“Russia has always been a reliable supplier,” the Russian leader emphasized. “We have enough resources to provide for our own needs and growing demands of our consumers in Europe or Asia.”
“There exist great transit risks. If we see our Ukrainian partners begin to tap our gas from the export pipeline system without authorization, like in 2008, then we, like in 2008, will cut supply consecutively by the stolen volume,” Putin told journalists.

“But I hope very much it will not come to that,” he said, adding that he will start a series of meetings in Italy Thursday, including on Ukraine’s gas problem.
“Our partners - European, Ukrainian - are in contact with us. I hope they will manage to agree and put a period to all disputes,” Putin said....................http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/754840

Πέμπτη 2 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Date for Trilateral Gas Talks Remains Undefined: Ukraine’s Energy Ministry

BRUSSELS, October 2  – The exact date for the next round of gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the European Union has not been set yet, Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan told journalists Thursday.

"[The date] is undefined," Prodan, who held a bilateral meeting with EU Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger earlier on Thursday, said.

On Wednesday, Prodan said that the trilateral gas talks in the European Union-Russia-Ukraine format were likely to be held on Friday.

Later in the day, the Russian energy ministry's press service said the talks would not be held this week and that the date of the trilateral gas meeting would be determined next week.

Kiev is not happy with the winter package for Russia's natural gas deliveries to Ukraine, endorsed by Russia and the European Commission during the ministerial gas meeting in Berlin last Friday.

According to the plan, Ukraine would have to repay $3.1 billion of its gas debt to Russia and pay in advance for the delivery of five billion cubic meters of gas at a price of $385 per 1,000 cubic meters, with a discount of $100.

Kiev, however, rejects Russia's offer of the discount in the form of an export-duty exemption and wants the contract price to be reduced instead.

Ukraine also wants to agree the debt repayment schedule, as well as terms and schedules of future gas deliveries and insists on amending the current gas contract with Russia in order to formally authorize reverse deliveries of Russian gas to Ukraine from Europe.

(RIA Novosti)

Τετάρτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Ukraine-Russia-EU gas talks postponed till next week. --Ukraine’s debt for gas exceeds $5 billion

The trilateral Russia-EU-Ukraine talks have been postponed till next week, a European Commission representative told TASS on Wednesday.
Russian Energy Ministry spokesperson also told TASS that the talks have been postponed.

Previous round of talks

After the tripartite talks in Berlin on September 26 Russia, the EU and Ukraine prepared a new package on the gas problem. The agreement should be coordinated by the governments of the countries.

European Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger, explaining the new agreement at a press conference after the meeting in Berlin, said Ukraine must pay $3.1 billion until the end of this year to repay its debt to Gazprom for the already supplied gas. The Russian company will supply five billion cubic meters of gas to Ukraine and give an option for five billion cubic meters more. The price will be set at $385 for 1,000 cubic metres with a $100 discount (from $485 Russia previously insisted on). The discount will be in force only for the next six months.
Ukraine will pay $2 billion to Gazprom before October 2 for the supplied gas, and at least $1.1 billion until the end of 2014, the EU commissioner said. Thus, $3.1 billion must be paid until the end of this year.
Oettinger said final payment to settle the debts must be made after the arbitration consideration (no earlier than in the summer of 2015). The final settlement will depend on the court decision.
Ukraine’s debt for gas exceeds $5 billion.

Τρίτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Ukrainian Energy Ministry Not Satisfied With Berlin ‘Winter Plan’ on Gas

The Ukrainian Energy Ministry said Tuesday it had three reasons to object the “Winter Plan” on gas, endorsed by Russia and the European Commission during the ministerial gas meeting in Berlin last Friday.

The plan envisages that Kiev repays of $3.1 billion of its gas debt to Russia and pays in advance to Gazprom for the delivery of five billion cubic meters of gas at the price of $385 per 1,000 cubic meters, with a discount of $100. The plan, intended to reduce risks for transit of Europe-bound Russian gas via Ukraine, is to be in place until late March.

Kiev, however, rejects Russia’s offer of the $100 gas-price discount in the form of an export-duty exemption and wants the contract price to be reduced instead.

Ukraine also wants to agree the debt repayment schedule, as well as terms and schedules of future gas deliveries.

Kiev also insists on amending the current gas contract with Russia in order to formally authorize the reverse deliveries of Russian gas to Ukraine from Europe.

Earlier on Tuesday, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said that Russia is ready for the "Winter Plan" of delivering natural gas to Ukraine and is waiting for Kiev's reaction.

Moscow and Kiev have a long history of disputes over natural gas deliveries. In June, Russia's gas giant Gazprom was forced to introduce a prepayment system for gas deliveries to Ukraine due to Kiev's massive debt which is currently estimated at $5.3 billion.

As Ukraine is not only a consumer, but also a major transit country for Russian gas supplies to Europe, the European Union has repeatedly emphasized the importance of trilateral gas talks, the next round of which is scheduled to take place in Berlin on October 2 and 3.

(RIA Novosti)

Russia Ready to Implement 'Winter Gas Plan,' Waiting for Kiev's Response (Alexander Novak, Energy Minister)

Russia is ready to implement the “winter plan” of delivering natural gas to Ukraine and is waiting for Kiev’s reaction, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Tuesday.

“It all depends on Ukraine. I believe that from our side we are practically ready to do everything that we agreed on in regard to this packet. We’ll wait for a reaction from Ukraine in the next few days when everything becomes clear,” Novak told journalists.

The “winter gas packet” is due to be sent to the Russian government for approval soon.

“First, the three parties [Russia, Ukraine, EU] need to agree during the trilateral consultations, then we’ll be able to talk about the next steps: putting it on the government’s agenda,” Novak said.

Earlier, Novak said the next trilateral gas talks were scheduled to take place in Berlin on October 2-3.

In June, Russian gas giant Gazprom introduced a prepayment system for gas deliveries to Ukraine over Kiev's refusal to pay off its gas debt that currently is in excess of $5 billion.

Gazprom's head, Alexey Miller, said that Russia insisted that Ukraine pay $2 billion of its total debt in October and another $1.1 billion by the end of the year.

Ukraine's Minister of Energy Yuri Prodan said that Ukraine would first make an advance payment of $1.9 billion for the future delivery of five billion cubic meters of gas and then pay another $1.5 billion, as part of the debt, at the end of October, followed by $800 million in November and December.

The European Union has repeatedly emphasized the importance of trilateral gas talks, fearing possible troubles with gas transit to Europe via Ukraine.

 (RIA Novosti)

Παρασκευή 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Hungary halts gas sale to Ukraine on Russia fears

Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Sept. 26 that Hungary could not risk a halt to Russian gas supplies as it froze deliveries to Ukraine amid threats by Moscow.

"Hungary cannot get into a situation in which, due to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it cannot access its required supply of energy," Orban said on state radio.

Hungary's gas pipeline network operator FGSZ said late Sept. 25 it had indefinitely suspended gas supply to neighbouring Ukraine for technical reasons, a move branded "unexpected and unexplained" by Ukraine state-owned gas firm Naftogaz.

Orban's statement followed a warning by Moscow that it could cut off European countries have been re-exporting gas to Ukraine to help Kiev through its latest energy war with Moscow.

The threat came as energy chiefs gathered in Berlin for EU-mediated talks aimed at halting a Russian gas supply cut to Ukraine that could leave parts of the war-scarred nation without heat this winter.

The European Commission rapped EU member Hungary for cutting of so-called reverse flow supplies to Ukraine.

"The message from the commission is very clear - we expect all member states to facilitate reverse flows as agreed by the European Council in the interest of a shared energy security," said European Commission spokeswoman Helene Banner in Brussels.

'Large quantities of gas needed'

The Hungarian halt in supply came days after a meeting in Budapest between Alexei Miller, head of Russian gas giant Gazprom, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who often warns against damaging commercial relations with Russia.

"In the next period we will need large quantities of gas.... We will receive this, I agreed this with Alexei Miller," Orban said.....................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/hungary-halts-gas-sale-to-ukraine-on-russia-fears.aspx?pageID=238&nID=72227&NewsCatID=348


Gas contracts with EU provide for no gas re-export options (Alexander Novak, Russian EM)

Russia’s gas contracts with partners in the European Union provide for no re-export options, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said in an interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt, obviously meaning gas supplies from the European Union to Ukraine in the reverse regime.

“The contracts we have provide for no re-export. We hope our European partners will observe the contracts. Only this can guarantee uninterrupted gas supplies to European consumers,” the newspaper quotes him as saying.

On Thursday, three-party gas consultations involving Russia, Ukraine and the European Union will be held in Berlin.

  • Russia seeks compromise in Ukraine gas dispute 
Russia wants to resolve the gas pricing dispute with Ukraine and has made a number of constructive proposals to tackle the problem which have been rejected in Kiev, Energy Minister Alexander Novak said in newspaper comments on Friday.
Asked whether there were chances for a compromise, Novak told Germany's largest business and finance daily, Handelsblatt: “We are interested in it anyway.”

The minister said the parties already had eight rounds of talks on the dispute and Russia made some constructive proposals for pricing and the settlement of Ukraine’s debts.
“But Ukraine rejected them all,” Novak was quoted as saying.
  • Russia-Ukraine-EU gas talks

Russia, Ukraine and the European Union are scheduled to hold a trilateral gas meeting in Berlin on September 26.
Taking part in the consultations will be the EU outgoing energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak and Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Prodan. The focus will be made on Russian gas supplies to Ukraine and issues of energy security, a spokesman for the EU commission representation in Berlin told ITAR-TASS. The key task of the talks is to ensure uninterrupted gas supplies both to Ukraine and the European Union in the coming winter......http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/751403


Τετάρτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Miller: Gazprom Maintains Steady Daily Supply of Gas to Europe

MOSCOW, September 17 (RIA Novosti) - Gazprom maintains stable daily deliveries of natural gas to European customers in line with contractual obligations, the company's CEO Alexei Miller said Wednesday.

During a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Miller said that claims of some of the Western customers of periodical reductions in supplies could be referred only to additional volumes.

Miller also said that Gazprom would be able to satisfy the growing demand for Russian gas on Chinese and Asia-Pacific markets without hurting contractual deliveries to Europe.

"We are ready to satisfy the growing demand in Chinese direction, in eastern direction and in the European Union," Miller said.

Earlier on Wednesday, Ukraine's Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan wrote a letter to the European Commission, saying that the country's energy security was threatened by the alleged reduction in Russian gas supplies to Slovakia, which launched reversed deliveries to Ukraine earlier this month.

On September 11, Slovakia's electricity and gas supplier SPP claimed it was receiving only 90 percent of Russian gas transited through the Ukrainian territory. On the same day, Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said the company had not reduced gas deliveries to Slovakia, maintaining the supply at the regular level of 12 million cubic meters per day.

  • Poland's state-controlled oil and gas company PGNiG also claimed on September 11 that Russian gas deliveries to Poland had fallen.
In June, Russia introduced a prepayment mode of gas deliveries to Ukraine over its $5.3 billion debt and warned that it could reduce gas supplies to Europe should Kiev siphon off gas transited to Europe through its territory. On July 1, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, however, that Moscow would not aggravate the situation, although it saw the artificiality of reverse gas supplies from Europe to Ukraine.


Τρίτη 12 Αυγούστου 2014

European Commission to Discuss Idea of Buying Gas on Border With Russia, Ukraine

MOSCOW, August 12 (RIA Novosti) - The European Commission believes that Naftogaz' idea for European companies to purchase Russian gas on the border between Russia and Ukraine would require a review of contracts and is ready to discuss the suggestion with the two countries in the fall, European Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said in a statement.

"Naftogaz' idea that European gas companies could buy Russian gas at the Russian-Ukrainian border instead of getting it delivered through Ukraine requires a renegotiation of the transit contracts. As this cannot be done in the short term, it is a question that would need to be discussed in a trilateral meeting between the European Commission, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. We are working for such a meeting taking place in early autumn. At the moment, gas transit to the EU is unaffected," Oettinger's statement said.

In regard to a law currently being discussed in Ukraine on possibly imposing sanctions on Russian transit gas, Oettinger said the flow of Russian gas to the European Union has far been uninterrupted, and that he believes Ukraine will remain a reliable partner.

"We have raised the issue of the draft law again this morning in a phone call with our Ukraine partners. We are confident that Ukraine remains a reliable transit partner," the energy commissioner’s statement read.
On Monday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko discussed the possibility of resuming gas talks between Ukraine, Russia and the European Union with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. On August 7, Naftogaz expressed its readiness to seek to resolve the Russia-Ukraine gas issue via an intermediary.

Previous gas talks lasted from April through mid-June, with Kiev insisting on a significant reduction of prices for Russian gas, and refusing to clear its debt. Later, Ukraine did not agree to the conditions of the price decrease suggested by Russia.
Gazprom switched to a prepayment system for gas deliveries to Ukraine on June 16, and said it would continue the discussion only when Ukraine paid off its debt. Ukraine’s gas debt is currently believed to be in excess of $5 billion.

Δευτέρα 16 Ιουνίου 2014

Gazprom Vows to Use Alternative Routes if Ukraine Starts Tapping Transit Gas

Russian energy giant Gazprom will deliver gas to Europe via alternative routes if Ukraine starts tapping Europe-bound gas, the company’s CEO Alexei Miller said Monday.
He said that Gazprom would keep daily records of volumes of Russian gas leaving the Ukrainian gas transit network.
"If we notice that [some] gas is on the territory of Ukraine… in this case, we would boost deliveries via the Nord Stream, the Yamal-Europe pipeline and will increase the volumes of gas stored in underground storage facilities in Europe," he said.

Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan said Kiev would ensure reliable gas transit to European nations. Gazprom’s spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said earlier European consumers will receive Russian gas deliveries in full volume.
Ukraine stopped receiving gas from Russia on Monday, except for the daily 185 million cubic meters intended for further transit to Europe, after Gazprom had implemented a prepayment plan for the delivery of Russian fuel to Ukraine’s Naftogaz at 10:00 a.m. MSK (06:00 a.m. GMT) due to Naftogaz' $4.458-billion debt.
Miller said the measure, the implementation of which had been postponed several times this month, was forced because of Ukraine’s blackmailing during negotiations. Miller said that to date the debt amounts 11.5 billion cubic meters of gas in unpaid supplies.
The gas price for Ukraine surged from $268.5 to $485.50 per 1,000 cubic meters in April after Russia canceled two discounts granted previously to the country. The latest price proposed by Russia stands at $385, which is the average market price Gazprom offered Kiev after axing a deal to subsidize gas exports to Ukraine.
Having found no consensus on the price with Russia, Naftogaz' CEO Andriy Kobolev addressed the European Commission with a request to increase reverse supplies along the Slovakian route.
European Energy Commissioner Spokesperson said Russian gas supply to the EU was normal and the early warning mechanism had not been triggered.
 MOSCOW, June 16 (RIA Novosti)

Ukraine files lawsuit contest Russian gas pricing

Ukrainian state-run energy firm Naftogaz on Monday said it had filed a lawsuit at the Stockholm arbitration court to contest the pricing of natural gas it imports from Russian giant Gazprom.

"The lawsuit also contains a requirement to recover an amount of money from Gazprom, which Ukraine has overpaid since 2010," Naftogaz said in a statement.

The Ukrainian company estimates it has "overpaid" around 6 billion U.S. dollars to Russia due to the "unfair" gas contract.

Earlier in the day, Gazprom said it had filed a lawsuit at the Stockholm court demanding Ukraine pay off some 4.5 billion dollars of gas debt and decided to introduce the prepayment regime with Naftogaz.

The two sides have been locked in dispute for three years over a 2009 contract under which they agreed to tie the price of gas to the international spot price of oil.

  • Russia initially demanded Ukraine pay 485 dollars per 1,000 cubic meters of gas. Moscow then offered to remove an export duty, which would cut the price by 100 dollars. Ukraine had been holding out for a price of just over 268 dollars.
On Friday, Ukraine said it was ready to pay 326 dollars for the next 18 months while the two sides worked out a long-term price deal, but the two neighbors failed to reach a compromise during their weekend talks.
Xinhua - china.org.cn

Τετάρτη 21 Μαΐου 2014

Gazprom to receive $25 billion prepayment for gas supplies to China

Russian gas monopoly Gazprom will get $25 billion in prepayment from the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) to be allocated for the Sila Sibiri (Power of Siberia) pipeline under the gas supply deal, a source close to Gazprom told ITAR-TASS.

The amount is similar to the earlier announced cost of the pipeline with an annual capacity of up to 38 billion cubic metres.

Construction would start as soon as the contract is signed, said Gazprom’s CEO Aleksey Miller. Gas should first be sold - this is the formula Gazprom had always stuck to, he said........[itar-tass.com]


Πέμπτη 24 Απριλίου 2014

Gazprom sends Ukraine $11.4bn bill for unshipped gas. - In the take-or-pay contract Ukraine is obliged to pay for the volume agreed

Russia’s Gazprom, the world’s biggest natural gas producer, has sent a $11.4 billion bill to Ukraine’s Naftogaz. The money is for the two thirds of the gas it failed to use under its 2009 take-or-pay contract .
According to the contract Naftogaz had to consume 41.6 billion cubic meters of gas last year, while Ukraine used only 12.9 billion cubic meters, Bloomberg quotes Aliona Osmolovska, a spokeswoman for the Ukrainian company as saying.

  • In the take-or-pay contract Ukraine is obliged to pay for the volume agreed, whether it is used or not.
Ukraine is looking to avoid dependence on Russia, accusing President Vladimir Putin of using energy exports as a political tool. 

About half of Ukrainian gas imports come from Russia and 15 percent of Europe’s annual gas consumption goes through Ukrainian pipelines. This makes the energy issue a central problem as tensions with Russia escalate. 

Russia is clearly whipping up tension before Ukraine’s talks with Europe, understanding that Naftogaz won’t pay,” Bloomberg quotes Bohdan Sokolovskyi, an energy adviser to former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko. 
  • Under the contract, Gazprom truly has the right to demand $11.4 billion. The other issue is the contract was unfair.
In the talks with Europe Ukraine wants to reverse the flow in EU-bound pipelines to supply its domestic needs. 

  • Last week Vladimir Putin said that Gazprom will switch to a pre-payment system next month if Ukraine doesn’t settle the accumulated $2.2 billion gas debt. 

Currently Ukraine needs to pay $485 per a thousand of cubic metres of Russian gas, which compares to $268.5 agreed between Russia and Ukraine in December.
Kiev has repeatedly said this price is “unacceptable”, purely "political" and isn't ready to pay it. 

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