Παρασκευή 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Gas contracts with EU provide for no gas re-export options (Alexander Novak, Russian EM)

Russia’s gas contracts with partners in the European Union provide for no re-export options, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said in an interview with the German newspaper Handelsblatt, obviously meaning gas supplies from the European Union to Ukraine in the reverse regime.

“The contracts we have provide for no re-export. We hope our European partners will observe the contracts. Only this can guarantee uninterrupted gas supplies to European consumers,” the newspaper quotes him as saying.

On Thursday, three-party gas consultations involving Russia, Ukraine and the European Union will be held in Berlin.

  • Russia seeks compromise in Ukraine gas dispute 
Russia wants to resolve the gas pricing dispute with Ukraine and has made a number of constructive proposals to tackle the problem which have been rejected in Kiev, Energy Minister Alexander Novak said in newspaper comments on Friday.
Asked whether there were chances for a compromise, Novak told Germany's largest business and finance daily, Handelsblatt: “We are interested in it anyway.”

The minister said the parties already had eight rounds of talks on the dispute and Russia made some constructive proposals for pricing and the settlement of Ukraine’s debts.
“But Ukraine rejected them all,” Novak was quoted as saying.
  • Russia-Ukraine-EU gas talks

Russia, Ukraine and the European Union are scheduled to hold a trilateral gas meeting in Berlin on September 26.
Taking part in the consultations will be the EU outgoing energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak and Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Prodan. The focus will be made on Russian gas supplies to Ukraine and issues of energy security, a spokesman for the EU commission representation in Berlin told ITAR-TASS. The key task of the talks is to ensure uninterrupted gas supplies both to Ukraine and the European Union in the coming winter......http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/751403


3 σχόλια:

  1. Russia warned Europe on Friday that Moscow could cut off its gas supplies because some European countries have been re-exporting gas to Ukraine to help Kiev through its latest energy war with Moscow....

    The threat came as energy chiefs gathered in Berlin for EU-mediated talks aimed at halting a Russian gas supply cut to Ukraine that could leave parts of the war-scarred nation without heat this winter.

    Energy Minister Alexander Novak said the re-export to Ukraine of gas Europe buys from Russia was illegal and could see some of its nations go without fuel shipments from state energy giant Gazprom for the first time since 2009.

    "The agreed contracts do not foresee a re-export," Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak told Friday's edition of Germany's Handelsblatt business daily.

    "We hope that our European partners will stick to the agreements. That is the only way to ensure there are no interruptions in gas deliveries to European consumers."

    Novak's comments were published only hours after Ukraine's state energy firm Naftogaz reported an unexplained interruption of gas supplies it receives through Hungary.

    Naftogaz noted that the apparent cut "came only a few days after a visit to Hungary by representatives from (Russian state gas firm) Gazprom."

  2. L'amministratore delegato di Gazprom Alexey Miller ha dichiarato che con l'inizio della stagione fredda aumenta il rischio di prelievi di gas russo non autorizzati da parte dell'Ucraina...

    Lo ha dichiarato in un incontro con il primo ministro russo Dmitry Medvedev.

    Il premier ha rilevato che Mosca è interessata affinchè l'Ucraina sia un partner affidabile. “Tuttavia quello che dite ci fa iniziare a pensare su come si sviluppino gli eventi e su come monitorare i prelievi di gas in Ucraina”.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2015_01_05/Gazprom-teme-prelievi-di-gas-non-autorizzati-in-Ucraina-3649/

  3. Poland has stopped reverse-flow supplies of natural gas to Ukraine since the beginning of the year, says the information released by Gaz System , the operator of Polish gas pipelines...

    Reverse-flow deliveries of gas to Ukraine stood at 21.6 million cubic meters a day in the last ten days of December.

    As of January 10, supplies were resumed by Hungary but the volumes it supplies are minimum and do not exceed 2.6 million cubic meters daily.

    Slovakia is the biggest supplier of gas by the reverse-flow method to Ukraine. It pumped 446.5 million cubic meters of the fuel from January 1 through to January 15, which means that the averaged daily delivery totaled 29.7 million cubic meters.


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