Πέμπτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Russia to supply enough gas to Europe in winter — (Putin)

The gas supply will only be cut in case Ukraine taps gas from the export pipeline system without authorization....

BELGRADE, October 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Russia will provide enough gas to Europe in winter.
“We would very much like to prevent any crises in the fall-winter period,” Putin admitted at a press conference after talks with the Serbian leadership.

“I can tell you for sure and am saying with absolute responsibility: there will be no crises in Europe due to the fault of Russian participants of energy cooperation,” Putin said.
“Russia has always been a reliable supplier,” the Russian leader emphasized. “We have enough resources to provide for our own needs and growing demands of our consumers in Europe or Asia.”
“There exist great transit risks. If we see our Ukrainian partners begin to tap our gas from the export pipeline system without authorization, like in 2008, then we, like in 2008, will cut supply consecutively by the stolen volume,” Putin told journalists.

“But I hope very much it will not come to that,” he said, adding that he will start a series of meetings in Italy Thursday, including on Ukraine’s gas problem.
“Our partners - European, Ukrainian - are in contact with us. I hope they will manage to agree and put a period to all disputes,” Putin said....................http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/754840

1 σχόλιο:

  1. President Vladimir Putin on Thursday reassured European partners that Russia would do everything possible to prevent any interruption of Russian natural gas deliveries to Europe.....

    "We would't want any crisis to occur during the winter period," Putin told reporters following talks with Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade.

    "Russia has always been a reliable supplier, and we have enough resources to satisfy our own demand and the growing demand of our clients in Europe or Asia," Putin said.

    The president added, though, that if Ukraine starts illegally removing gas from the transit pipeline, Russia would have to reduce gas supplies to Europe.

    “We will equally reduce the amount of supply as it happened in 2008. I really hope that it would not come to that,” Putin said.

    Earlier in the day, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said that Kiev will not guarantee uninterrupted transit of Russian gas to Europe via its territory unless it signs a gas transit contract with the EU partners...................http://en.ria.ru/politics/20141016/194164338/Putin-No-Energy-Crisis-in-Europe-on-Russias-Behalf.html


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