Τετάρτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Ukraine-Russia-EU gas talks postponed till next week. --Ukraine’s debt for gas exceeds $5 billion

The trilateral Russia-EU-Ukraine talks have been postponed till next week, a European Commission representative told TASS on Wednesday.
Russian Energy Ministry spokesperson also told TASS that the talks have been postponed.

Previous round of talks

After the tripartite talks in Berlin on September 26 Russia, the EU and Ukraine prepared a new package on the gas problem. The agreement should be coordinated by the governments of the countries.

European Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger, explaining the new agreement at a press conference after the meeting in Berlin, said Ukraine must pay $3.1 billion until the end of this year to repay its debt to Gazprom for the already supplied gas. The Russian company will supply five billion cubic meters of gas to Ukraine and give an option for five billion cubic meters more. The price will be set at $385 for 1,000 cubic metres with a $100 discount (from $485 Russia previously insisted on). The discount will be in force only for the next six months.
Ukraine will pay $2 billion to Gazprom before October 2 for the supplied gas, and at least $1.1 billion until the end of 2014, the EU commissioner said. Thus, $3.1 billion must be paid until the end of this year.
Oettinger said final payment to settle the debts must be made after the arbitration consideration (no earlier than in the summer of 2015). The final settlement will depend on the court decision.
Ukraine’s debt for gas exceeds $5 billion.

3 σχόλια:

  1. La compagnia ucraina Naftogaz ha rimborsato le obbligazioni dal controvalore di 1,6 miliardi di dollari e pagato cedole per 75,76 milioni di dollari....

    Secondo la compagnia energetica ucraina, il pagamento è stato accreditato ad Euroclear e Clearstream.

    I fondi per il rimborso delle obbligazioni, emessi con la garanzia dello Stato ucraino, sono stati concessi a Naftogaz dalla Banca Centrale del Paese.
    Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_02/Lucraina-Naftogaz-rimborsa-obbligazioni-e-cedole-per-1-6-miliardi-1294/

  2. La société russe Gazprom n’accuse pas réception de paiement remboursé de la dette de l'Ukraine pour le gaz russe. C'est ce qu'a déclaré le représentant officiel de la société russe, Sergueï Koupriyanov....

    Koupriyanov a suggéré que le Premier ministre ukrainien Arseni Iatseniouk parlait d’un montant remboursé de la dette en euro-obligations de la compagnie Naftogaz d’Ukraine.

    Plus tôt samedi, Iatseniouk a déclaré que l'Ukraine avait payé la Russie 1,67 milliards de dollars pour le gaz.

    Entre-temps, la dette de Naftogaz devant Gazprom représente plus de 5 milliards de dollars.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_04/LUkraine-na-pas-rembourse-sa-dette-pour-le-gaz-Gazprom-1419/

  3. ‘Every penny paid’: Ukraine PM confuses gas debt repayment with Eurobonds pay-off...

    Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk’s statement that $1.67 billion was transferred as part of the country's gas debt payment actually refers to the repayment of Eurobonds which Ukraine’s Naftogaz received under state guarantees, Russia’s Gazprom says.

    Arseny Yatsenyuk made the statement live on-air on Ukraine's “First” TV channel, specifically stating that the recent payment was connected to “gas debt.”

    “They [Russia] hoped that we will not pay off our gas debts. The day before yesterday, we paid every single penny of the [US$]1.67 billion debt,” Yatsenyuk stated.

    But Gazprom spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov did not confirm receiving any money from Kiev, TASS reported. Kupriyanov added that he believes Ukraine’s prime minister was talking about Eurobonds.

    “It is hard to imagine that the payment for gas went through before the agreement was signed,” Kupriyanov said, referring to the final agreement between Ukraine and Russia that is not expected to be signed until next week.

    September 30 was the maturity date of Eurobonds given to Naftogaz. The sum which Ukraine had to pay back equaled $1.67 billion...........http://rt.com/business/193240-ukraine-pm-debt-eurobonds/


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