Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα transportation system. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα transportation system. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τρίτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Egypt dust storm forces Cairo, Alexandria airports to suspend landings

Egypt's two main airports have suspended landings due to a dust storm which forced two planes to make emergency landings in Cairo, the head of the state civil aviation company said on Tuesday.

Cairo Airport and Borg al-Arab Airport in Egypt's second city of Alexandria are only allowing departing flights, the head of the National Air Navigation Services Company, Captain Ehab Mohieldin, said.

Egypt's other airports were not affected by the storm, which severely limited visibility at altitudes below 150 metres (yards), Mohieldin said.

Among other disruptions, one plane was turned back to Jordan and one redirected to Hurghada airport on the Red Sea, he said.
  [jpost.com by Reuters]

Δευτέρα 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2015

Floods paralyze Indonesia's capital (the rain will continue for another seven days)

 Parts of Indonesia's capital have been paralysed by floods after torrential downpours swamped the city overnight.

Heavy rain disrupted transportation throughout the city. Thousands of train passengers were left stranded when two of Jakarta’s main stations flooded, some areas left 2-1/2 feet deep in water.

The head of the country's Regional Disaster Management Agency, Bambang Surya Putra, told reporters at city hall Monday that many houses had been flooded, but no one had been displaced.

 "2,698 families homes were flooded, but residents remained in their homes, usually moving all their possessions to the second floor of their houses," Putra said.

The Southeast Asian country is halfway through a months-long rainy season that typically peak in Jakarta in January.

  • The agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics has predicted that the rain will continue for another seven days.

Flooding has also hit other areas on the country, namely; Bandung, West Java, Central Java, South Kalimantan, West Nusa Tenggara, and Bali.

Πέμπτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Ukraine’s Naftogaz sues Gazprom for $6 billion in Stockholm arbitration (Gazprom’s report)

The Ukrainian national energy company Naftogaz is claiming $3.2 billion compensation from Gazprom in a lawsuit filed with the Stockholm Arbitration Tribunal for lower gas transit via Ukraine and related interest, according to a report released by Gazprom on Thursday...
Naftogaz’s total claim together with interest amounts to $6.2 billion, the Russian gas giant said in its financial statements for the first nine months of 2014.

The Stockholm Arbitration Tribunal will hold oral hearings on mutual claims filed by Gazprom and Ukraine’s national energy company Naftogaz not earlier than in February-March 2016, the Russian gas giant said in its IFRS financial statements released on Thursday.

Naftogaz filed a claim with the Stockholm Arbitration Tribunal on October 13, 2014, seeking to "oblige Gazprom to pay a compensation of $3,200 million (and related interest) to Naftogaz Ukraine for the failure to provide gas for transit," the Russian gas giant’s financial statements said.

Naftogaz also seeks to acknowledge that the transit tariff stipulated in the gas contract with Gazprom "should be revised in such a way as provided in further written statements of Naftogaz Ukraine in line with key principles of the Swedish contractual law," the report said.

Russia’s gas transit to Europe via Ukraine totaled 58.9 billion cubic meters in 2014 compared with 83.9 billion cubic meters in 2013 and 92.2 billion cubic meters in 2009....................http://itar-tass.com/en/economy/774077

Κυριακή 18 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Eurostar suspends all train services after smoke detection. -- Channel tunnel reopens

All services of Eurostar were suspended Saturday due to smoke detection in the Channel Tunnel, Eurostar announced Saturday.

All trains were returning to original stations as the Channel Tunnel linking Britain and France was closed until further notice, Eurostar's customer care team said on its Twitter account.

Eurostar added that the incident occurred at around 1130 GMT and no further services would be running for the rest of the day.

In response to a customer's inquiry, the company said that "it's been necessary to investigate everything thoroughly in the Tunnel before services can run again."

Eurostar had not confirmed the time of resuming the services, but aimed to "get things running again" by Sunday.

Passengers were advised to reschedule their travel or keep hold of their original tickets for re-accommodation.

  Source:Xinhua - globaltimes.cn

Τετάρτη 7 Ιανουαρίου 2015

Snowstorm hits west Canada, leaving thousands without power

Thousands of residents in Canada' s western province of British Columbia (B.C.) remained without power on Tuesday, one day after a winter storm swept through the region, BC Hydro spokeswoman said.

The heavy snowstorm has left up to 40 centimeters of snow in some areas and highway and schools closed. Monday was supposed to be the first day back to class after the winter break.

Closed roads and icy conditions made the work to restore power difficult, BC Hydro spokeswoman Simi Heer said.

As of Tuesday morning, more than 2,000 customers in west coast area and more than 1,000 residents in the Interior were left without electricity.

Nearly three dozen warnings remained in effect on Tuesday about winter storms, rainfall, snowfall and extreme cold across the province, except for the South Coast and Metro Vancouver.

Meanwhile, several highways are closed because of the storm, according to the Ministry of Transportation's DriveBC website. The ministry warns that moderate snow and high winds are increasing the avalanche hazard.

 Source:Xinhua - globaltimes.cn

Κυριακή 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

China builds first high-speed railway through karst region

Construction of China's first high-speed railway running through the country's southwest karst regions was completed on Sunday.

The 857-km railway linking Guiyang, capital of landlocked mountainous province of Guizhou, with south China's economic powerhouse Guangzhou, is expected to become operational on Friday.

Guizhou has the world's most typical karst plateau landscape, which was inducted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007. Karst topography is a landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone.

Stretching through the complicated karst clusters, the railway had half of its length run through 238 tunnels, two of which are more than 14 km long, said Zhang Jianbo, general manager of the Guiyang-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway Co.

It took builders four years to drill through the two longest tunnels. Construction was often disrupted by breaking rocks, rupture of strata and water infiltration, Zhang said.

The construction company applied for six national patents covering their shockproof technology which was adopted to reduce the vibration that occurs when a train travelling at 250 km/hour runs through mountain tunnels.

Wang Mengshu, a tunnel expert with the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said the technology and machinery engineering developed for building the Guiyang-Guangzhou high-speed railway represents the country's new-generation innovation in tunnel engineering.

 Source: Xinhua - globaltimes.cn

Κυριακή 16 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc makes road safety a priority in EU transport policy (EC - 16.11.14)

European Commission - Statement,  Brussels, 16 November 2014:
On the occasion of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, Violeta Bulc, the EU's Transport Commissioner made the following statement:

"Road safety has been one of the great European success stories and our roads are much safer today than they were some twenty years ago. But our work cannot stop here! More than 26, 000 people still die on our roads every year, and many more suffer horrific road traffic injuries.
Behind these statistics are grieving parents, children, siblings, colleagues and friends. This is an unacceptable price to pay for mobility. Today my thoughts go out to every person who has lost someone dear to them, and to all those who have been physically or mentally affected by a road accident.
The World Day of Remembrance gives us a painful but necessary reminder that working towards improving road safety is a never ending process. It is clear that we have come a long way, but more needs to be done.
That is why I would like to take this opportunity to personally pledge to make road safety one of my top priorities as the European Transport Commissioner. I hope that I can count on you to work actively together with the European Commission, to help make our roads safer in Europe. Together we can save thousands of lives."

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is commemorated on the third Sunday of November each year in order to remember all those who are killed or injured in road traffic crashes every year. The World Day of Remembrance also calls attention to the suffering of the families and friends of the victims. The Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was first established in 1995 on the initiative of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims. Since 2005 the World Day of Remembrance is endorsed by the United Nations and recognised and honoured on all continents.
VIDEO: http://europa.eu/!NK36QK

Παρασκευή 31 Οκτωβρίου 2014

China approves new railway in Tibet

China has approved construction of a railway linking Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region to Nyingchi in its east, local authorities said Friday.

According to the plan approved by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Lhasa to Nyingchi section of the Sichuan-Tibet railway runs 402 km from Nyingchi to Xierong, a stop on the Lhasa-Xigaze line.

The 32-km section from Xierong to Lhasa will be electrified.

The new Tibet line was one of three rail lines approved by the country's top economic planning body. The other two are from Ordos in the northern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to Ji'an in the eastern Jiangxi Province, and from Datong in the northern Shanxi Province to Zhangjiakou in neighboring Hebei Province. The total investment of the three is 250 billion yuan (40 billion US dollars).

The Tibet project will cost 36.6 billion yuan and take seven years to complete. Sate-owned China Railway Corporation will build and operate the line.

The designed speed for passenger trains will be 160 km per hour. The line will have a cargo capacity of 10 million tonnes per year.

"The Lhasa to Nyingchi railway section is conducive to improving the regional road network and transportation capacity to better integrate Tibet with other parts of China," said Yang Yulin, a Tibet railway official.

After completion, the Sichuan-Tibet railway will form a ring with the Qinghai-Tibet railway, which will bring more economic benefit, according to Wang Daiyuan with the Tibet Academy of Social Sciences.

Transport has long been a bottleneck for tourism in Tibet. More tourists will be able to visit Tibet via the Sichuan-Tibet railway, said Wang.

The Qinghai-Tibet railway began operations in 2006, introducing railway transportation into Tibet for the first time in history. The railway links Xining, capital of Qinghai Province, with Lhasa.

In August, a 251 km railway line linked Lhasa and Xigaze, the second city in the region.

Tourist arrivals in Tibet reached 12.9 million last year from 1.8 million in 2005. The region's gross domestic product reached 80 billion yuan in 2013, compared with 34 billion yuan in 2006.

Lines connecting Xigaze with Yadong, Jilung and Nyalam border ports are being planned.

 Source: Xinhua - globaltimes.cn

Παρασκευή 17 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Europe should respond to Ukraine’s statement on gas transit guarantees. ("Ukraine grants itself the right to steal Russian gas intended for European consumers")

Europe should respond to a statement by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk that Ukraine can give no guarantees for safe Russian natural gas transit to Europe, Gazprom Deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev said on Friday.

“Yatsenyuk said yesterday that Ukraine will not be able to ensure the safety of gas supplies from Russia to Europe,” he said.

“I can interpret these words as saying that Ukraine grants itself the right to steal Russian gas intended for European consumers. This needs a response not only from Russia, but also from Europe,” the Gazprom deputy CEO said.

The Ukrainian national energy company Naftogaz earlier filed a claim with the Stockholm Arbitration Tribunal, disputing some provisions of the gas transit contract with Gazprom.

[en.itar-tass.com ]

Πέμπτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Russia to supply enough gas to Europe in winter — (Putin)

The gas supply will only be cut in case Ukraine taps gas from the export pipeline system without authorization....

BELGRADE, October 16. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Russia will provide enough gas to Europe in winter.
“We would very much like to prevent any crises in the fall-winter period,” Putin admitted at a press conference after talks with the Serbian leadership.

“I can tell you for sure and am saying with absolute responsibility: there will be no crises in Europe due to the fault of Russian participants of energy cooperation,” Putin said.
“Russia has always been a reliable supplier,” the Russian leader emphasized. “We have enough resources to provide for our own needs and growing demands of our consumers in Europe or Asia.”
“There exist great transit risks. If we see our Ukrainian partners begin to tap our gas from the export pipeline system without authorization, like in 2008, then we, like in 2008, will cut supply consecutively by the stolen volume,” Putin told journalists.

“But I hope very much it will not come to that,” he said, adding that he will start a series of meetings in Italy Thursday, including on Ukraine’s gas problem.
“Our partners - European, Ukrainian - are in contact with us. I hope they will manage to agree and put a period to all disputes,” Putin said....................http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/754840

Ukraine Demands Gas Transit Contract With Europe, Refuses to Guarantee Safe Transit

KIEV, October 16  – Ukraine will not guarantee uninterrupted transit of Russian gas to Europe via its territory unless it signs a gas transit contract with EU partners, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk said Thursday.

“Ukraine declares that we are a state that guarantees uninterrupted transit of natural gas, but in order to guarantee it, we need to sign an agreement with European companies,” he said.

In the past months, Ukraine, a major transit nation for Europe-bound Russian gas, has been pushing for an agreement that would enable European companies to buy Russian gas as soon as it crosses into the territory of Ukraine.

Currently, European companies buy Russian gas on the western border between the European Union and Ukraine.

Ukraine’s oil and gas company Naftogaz earlier said it had requested the Stockholm court of international arbitration to review the transit contract with Russia.

 (RIA Novosti)

Πέμπτη 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Russia and Finland Sign Icebreaker Deal for Baltic Sea

Russia and Finland have signed an agreement on the provision of mutual icebreaking services in a bid to improve navigation in the eastern Gulf of Finland.

The new rules will allow Finnish icebreakers to operate in Russian territorial waters in return for financial compensation, said a statement posted Monday on the Finnish Transportation Ministry website.

In accordance with the agreement, Russian icebreakers will also help ships at Finnish ports, though all operations in territorial waters will be subject to prior approval.

Russian Transportation Minister Sergei Aristov and his Finnish counterpart Harri Pursiainen were prompted to sign the icebreaking accord following a particularly harsh winter in 2010 when conditions in the gulf were tough, said a statement on the Russian ministry's website.

The transportation ministers also signed an amendment to an existing road transport agreement that will allow Russian transport operators to carry higher weights in Finland, the statement added.
The Gulf of Finland is the easternmost part of the Baltic Sea and borders Russia, Estonia and Finland.

Πέμπτη 21 Αυγούστου 2014

Shell won't take part in establishing operator for Ukrainian gas system. (the company is not ready to ruin its reputation in Russia)

Shell refused to take part in the creation of the operator of the gas transportation system of Ukraine.

Shell, which is a partner of Russia's Gazprom in "Sakhalin-2" and "Gazprom Oil" project to extract oil Salym Petroleum, will not apply to participate in the creation of the operator of the gas transportation system of Ukraine, the head of the department of public relations of Shell-Ukraine, Anna Dumanskaya said.

"At this stage, Shell is not interested in investing either in the Ukrainian gas transportation system or the system of underground gas storage facilities," Dumanskaya said, the Izvestia newspaper wrote.

A source close to Shell made ​​it clear that the company was investing in projects for the transportation of hydrocarbons, whist the pipeline project involves the pumping of its own energy resources. Here, it goes about participation in the modernization of pipelines for the transit of Russian gas to Europe. Experts believe that the decision of the company is politically motivated: the company is not ready to ruin its reputation in Russia.

In the near future, Naftogaz of Ukraine intends to begin formal negotiations with gas networks operators for their participation in the management of the Ukrainian GTS.


Τρίτη 12 Αυγούστου 2014

European Commission to Discuss Idea of Buying Gas on Border With Russia, Ukraine

MOSCOW, August 12 (RIA Novosti) - The European Commission believes that Naftogaz' idea for European companies to purchase Russian gas on the border between Russia and Ukraine would require a review of contracts and is ready to discuss the suggestion with the two countries in the fall, European Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said in a statement.

"Naftogaz' idea that European gas companies could buy Russian gas at the Russian-Ukrainian border instead of getting it delivered through Ukraine requires a renegotiation of the transit contracts. As this cannot be done in the short term, it is a question that would need to be discussed in a trilateral meeting between the European Commission, the Russian Federation and Ukraine. We are working for such a meeting taking place in early autumn. At the moment, gas transit to the EU is unaffected," Oettinger's statement said.

In regard to a law currently being discussed in Ukraine on possibly imposing sanctions on Russian transit gas, Oettinger said the flow of Russian gas to the European Union has far been uninterrupted, and that he believes Ukraine will remain a reliable partner.

"We have raised the issue of the draft law again this morning in a phone call with our Ukraine partners. We are confident that Ukraine remains a reliable transit partner," the energy commissioner’s statement read.
On Monday, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko discussed the possibility of resuming gas talks between Ukraine, Russia and the European Union with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. On August 7, Naftogaz expressed its readiness to seek to resolve the Russia-Ukraine gas issue via an intermediary.

Previous gas talks lasted from April through mid-June, with Kiev insisting on a significant reduction of prices for Russian gas, and refusing to clear its debt. Later, Ukraine did not agree to the conditions of the price decrease suggested by Russia.
Gazprom switched to a prepayment system for gas deliveries to Ukraine on June 16, and said it would continue the discussion only when Ukraine paid off its debt. Ukraine’s gas debt is currently believed to be in excess of $5 billion.

Κυριακή 27 Ιουλίου 2014

China to upgrade transport infrastructures in Tibet (will also build more airports in Tibet)

China has vowed to further promote the development of transport infrastructures in Tibet to make travels on "the roof of the world" much easier.

The Ministry of Transport (MOT) said in a guideline that China aims to expand highways in the autonomous region to 110,000 kilometers by 2020.

China plans to complete a primary network of railways by then with 1,300 kilometers of rails in operation. The country will also build more airports in Tibet.

Building roads connecting rural areas has become the policy focus. The authorities plans to make sure that by 2020, every village in Tibet has at least one road connecting with the outside.

To that end, the MOT will beef up support to the construction of transport infrastructures in Tibet and make specific plans to ensure the accomplishment of these targets.

Tibet has received about 83 billion yuan ($13 billion) in transport investment during the last 20 years.

In ancient times, it usually took months even years for people living in the country's middle and eastern regions to get to Tibet.

Although airlines, railways and expressways have made travels to Tibet much more convenient, the transport infrastructures in the autonomous region are still outdated.

"The development of transport in Tibet is crucial to China's national security and lasting prosperity in the autonomous region, " said the MOT guideline.

Source:Xinhua - globaltimes.cn

Τρίτη 24 Ιουνίου 2014

Environment: Ljubljana European Green Capital 2016

European Commission, Press release, Brussels, 24 June 2014:

The capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, has won the European Green Capital Award for 2016. The award was presented this afternoon by EU Environment Commissioner, Janez Potočnik, at a ceremony in Copenhagen, which holds the 2014 European Green Capital title. Ljubljana received recognition for raising environmental awareness amongst its citizens, for its sustainability strategy 'Vision 2025', its implementation of a range of urban green measures over the past decade and its impressive transportation network.

Commissioner Potočnik said: "It gives me great pleasure to present Ljubljana with the European Green Capital Award for 2016. As a citizen of Ljubljana, it is with immense pride that I congratulate the city on its environmental achievements. I very much look forward to its year as the 2016 European Green Capital. All of the finalists of this Award provide us with valuable real-life examples of how respect for the environment, excellent quality of life and economic growth can all be successfully combined."

The European Green Capital Award is an annual event that promotes and rewards the efforts of cities that are committed to improving the urban environment. The Award is given to a European city that has demonstrated a well-established record of achieving high environmental standards and is committed to ongoing and ambitious goals for future environmental improvement and sustainable development. 

The Jury was very impressed with Ljubljana’s implementation of the city's sustainability strategy ('Vision 2025') which follows an integrated approach to environmental management. The Environmental Protection Programme, the Sustainable Mobility Plan, the Sustainable Energy Action Plan and the Electromobility Strategy all work together towards an integrated vision for the city. Ljubljana has made significant progress in the area of green procurement which has been implemented for 70% of all city purchases.

Transportation in Ljubljana has changed dramatically over the past decade. From a city which was rapidly becoming dominated by the car, the focus has now shifted to eco-friendly alternatives. In 2013, Ljubljana modified the traffic flow within the city to limit motorised traffic and give priority to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. Cycling is also increasing, with over 1.6 million journeys using the 'BicikeLJ' bike-sharing system since 2011. Future transportation plans are promising in Ljubljana. In 2012 the city adopted goals that will see public transport, non-motorised traffic and private vehicles account for equal one-third shares of all transport by 2020.

Twelve cities applied to become the European Green Capital of 2016. Each entry was assessed by an international panel of 12 experts and five cities were shortlisted – Essen, Ljubljana, Nijmegen, Oslo and Umeå. Representatives from the shortlisted cities were interviewed by a Jury which comprised members from the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Committee of the Regions, the European Environment Agency, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the Covenant of Mayors Office and the European Environmental Bureau.

The European Green Capital Award is ultimately about making cities more pleasant places in which to live and work. The Award is given to a European city that has a record of achieving high environmental standards, is committed to ambitious goals for future environmental improvement and sustainable development and can act as a model to inspire other cities.
Cities entering the European Green Capital Award are assessed on 12 areas – climate change: mitigation and adaptation, local transport, green urban areas incorporating sustainable land use, nature & biodiversity, ambient air quality, quality of the acoustic environment, waste production & management, water management, waste water treatment, eco-innovation & sustainable employment, energy performance, and integrated environmental management.

The European Green Capital Award was conceived by Mr Jüri Ratas, former Mayor of Tallinn, Estonia in 2006, as an initiative to promote and reward efforts, to encourage cities to commit to further action, and to showcase and promote the exchange of best practice among European cities. Seven cities – Stockholm, Hamburg, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Nantes, Copenhagen, Bristol and now Ljubljana – have won the award so far, from 2010 to 2016 respectively. 

Τρίτη 17 Ιουνίου 2014

L'Ukraine veut modifier le tarif pour le transit du gaz

La compagnie ukrainienne Naftogaz a l'intention de modifier la structure tarifaire pour le transit du gaz russe par l'introduction du principe de « pomper ou payer », a déclaré le gouvernement de l'Ukraine.

Selon le chef de Naftogaz Andreï Kobolev, en plus de changement du niveau tarifaire, une « mise en œuvre de la structure tarifaire correcte, ce qui permettra à la société Ukrtransgaz (filiale de Naftogaz) de recevoir la part du lion du revenu, peu importe la quantité de gaz transitant par Ukraine » devient importante.

 « Ceci est cohérent avec le principe européen, et nous avons déjà soulevé cette question avec Gazprom à plusieurs reprises, je l'espère, ce problème sera résolu cette fois», a-t-il souligné.



Σάββατο 3 Μαΐου 2014

Ukraine can’t guarantee gas storage and transit to Europe. - Alexander Novak, Russian minister

“Ukraine cannot guarantee supply of gas to European consumers, that is, its transit in the amount that is provided for in the contracts between Gazprom and European consumers,” Russian minister adds

Russia urged Europe to share responsibility for storing natural gas in Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities, as Ukraine is unable to guarantee the transit of gas to Europe in necessary amounts, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said.

At trilateral consultations in Warsaw on May 2, Ukrainian Energy and Coal Industry Minister Yuriy Prodan said his country could not guarantee the storage of necessary amounts of gas during summer for further transit to Europe.
“Therefore Ukraine cannot guarantee the supply of gas to European consumers, that is, its transit in the amount that is provided for in the contracts between Gazprom and European consumers,” the Russian minister said.
“This is very disturbing information and we think this is unacceptable. Urgent measures must be taken by both Ukraine and our European partners who are also an interested party and bear just as much responsibility for the transit of sufficient volumes of gas across Ukraine,” Novak said.
“We think the situation is becoming critical and urgent measures must be taken to resolve it,” he added.
According to Novak, at least 18.5 billion cubic meters of gas need to be held in underground gas storage facilities in wintertime. “Our estimates indicate that there are about 4-6 billion cubic metres of gas there now. This means that about 12 billion cubic meters of gas have to be pumped into the underground gas storage facilities in western Ukraine from May to September. That’s a rather large amount,” he said.

“The current volume of 4 billion cubic metres would not be sufficient to meet Ukraine’s own needs. Ukraine consumes about 50 billion cubic metres of gas a year. Of that amount about 20 billion are produced inside the country and 30 billion cubic metres or so are imported,” Novak said.
Prodan said earlier that the Ukrainian gas transit system would be incorporated into the European gas transportation system. “We can also use the possibilities of our underground gas storage facilities and hope that European gas companies will build up their reserves in our storage facilities,” he said.........http://en.itar-tass.com/economy/730339

Παρασκευή 2 Μαΐου 2014

Russia, EU, Ukraine fail to reach agreement at gas talks

Russia, Ukraine, and the European Union failed to reach an agreement on gas supply issues during three-party talks in Warsaw on Friday. Kiev vowed to fulfill its gas transit obligations, but did not say when it plans to repay debt to Russia’s Gazprom.
According to EU energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger, the sides have agreed to hold two more rounds of consultations, in two and four weeks. During their next meeting in mid-May, the sides will focus on gas prices for Ukraine, Oettinger told journalists on Friday.

Moscow, Kiev, and Brussels gathered in Warsaw to search for a solution to the “crisis situation” around Ukraine's payments for Russian gas, the Russian Energy Ministry said earlier.
Ukraine's debt to Russian energy giant Gazprom has already reached US$3.5 billion, but the sides have so far failed to come to a compromise over the price that Ukraine should pay for the natural gas supplies.
  • Our Ukrainian colleagues did not say anything about when they would pay for the gas they already received and they will receive later,” Russian energy minister Aleksandr Novak told journalists after the Warsaw talks.
Today, we took a decision that Gazprom will not demand advance payment in April,” he said, as quoted by Itar-Tass. “May 16 is the date when a bill for gas supplies in June will be issued. They will have a time span until May 31 to pay it. If the bill is not paid by that date, Gazprom will have a possibility to limit gas supplies or to supply as much gas as is paid for until May 31.”
The head of the Russian delegation also noted that Ukraine has received $3.2 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as part of a $17 billion loan package and could use the money to pay its debt.
  • Ukraine’s energy minister, Yury Prodan, argued that the IMF loan will “switch on” the country’s economy and help it to grow.
Then gas consumption will increase and the ability to pay for the gas will grow,” Prodan said. State-owned energy company Naftogaz will get “balanced financing, and there will be very possibility to pay for gas that Ukraine receives from external sources,” he added.
At the same time, Kiev is set to seek a reduction of price for Russian gas since it is not able to pay the current rate.
We are unable to pay almost $500 per 1,000 cubic meters,” Prodan said. "The Ukrainian side has repeatedly asked the Russian side to return to the price of $268 per 1,000 cubic meters. Ukraine has agreed to repay its debts at this price.”.....................http://rt.com/business/156408-eu-gas-ukraine-russia/

Τρίτη 15 Απριλίου 2014

New EU rules for safer and greener lorries: European Parliament endorses Commission proposal

European Commission, Press release, Brussels, 15 April 2014:
The European Parliament has endorsed today the Commission's proposal for new EU rules for safer and greener lorries. Vice-President Siim Kallas, in charge of transport, said: "I am pleased with this vote which supports the Commission's goal to make road transport cleaner and safer, allowing innovative designs for the greener trucks of the future."
The European Commission proposed in April 2013 new rules, revising the current legislation on weights and dimensions of certain road vehicles, to allow manufacturers to develop more aerodynamic lorries which will reduce fuel consumption by 7-10%, cut emissions of greenhouse gases, and also enhance the safety of vulnerable road users.

The proposal will allow cabs with a rounded shape and aerodynamic flaps at the back of the trailer. These measures will considerably improve the aerodynamics of vehicles, saving approximately €5,000 per year in fuel costs for a typical long-distance lorry covering 100,000 km. This represents a 7–10% cut in greenhouse gas emissions (or 7.8 tonnes of CO2 for the same long-distance lorry covering 100,000 km). At the same time, the field of vision of the driver will be improved, helping to save the lives of 300 to 500 vulnerable road users such as pedestrians or cyclists every year.
The European Parliament (EP) position at first reading adopted today supports most key provisions in the Commission proposal. The Commission welcomes particularly the EP amendments that
  1. facilitate the use of a broader range of low carbon propulsion technologies,
  2. clarify the possibilities for aerodynamic cabs and rear devices and
  3. strengthen the enforcement provisions of its proposal.
On the other hand, the Commission cannot agree with certain points of the EP position. These include:
  1. an amendment that would limit the extension of aerodynamic rear devices to 500mm (which is already authorised today and which would deprive the society of the benefits of longer devices further reducing fuel consumption and emissions) and
  2. amendments that reject the broad definition of "intermodal transport" proposed by the Commission, which takes into account the evolution of container trade.
The EP decided not to amend the current rules on the cross border operation of longer vehicles and asks the Commission to report on the subject by 2016.
  • What's next?
With this vote, the European Parliament has adopted its first reading position on the Commission proposal. It is now up to the Council to adopt its own position. The Greek Presidency is aiming at a Council position on this text in June 2014. If the adoption of this text takes place in 2014/2015, the new trucks could be expected to be seen on the roads by 2018-2020.


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