Τρίτη 8 Ιουλίου 2014

Aprobada ruta definitiva del Gran Canal Interoceánico de Nicaragua (albergaría el 5% de tráfico internacional de buques)

La ruta escogida para la construcción del Gran Canal Interoceánico cruzaría a Nicaragua de este a oeste, partiendo desde la desembocadura del río Punta Gorda (Caribe) hasta la desembocadura del río Brito, en Rivas (Pacífico).

El canal superará más de tres veces los 77 kilómetros de su análogo en Panamá. Pasará a través del Gran Lago Cocibolca y de sus afluentes, la zona de libre comercio en Brito, por el complejo turístico en San Lorenzo y el aeropuerto en Rivas, uniendo dos puertos en el Pacífico y el Caribe.

El ingeniero del proyecto del canal, Dong Yung Song, aseguró que la construcción causará el menor impacto posible en los recursos hídricos, ya que después de su construcción se formará un lago artificial, Atlanta, semejante al lago Gatún de Panamá, que suministrará el agua para la operación del canal y "se puede desarrollar como centro de ecología del turismo y sede de acuicultura".

Este canal de paso Interoceánico, albergaría el 5 por ciento de tráfico internacional de buques, es decir, unos 5 mil 100 barcos. que tardarás unas 30 horas en cruzarlo.

La construcción del Gran Canal generará unos 200 mil empleos, y se estima una inversión de más de 40 mil millones de dólares. Asimismo la empresa china planea terminar las obras en 2019 y ponerlo en servicio en 2020.


  • Grand $40 billion project of Atlantic-Pacific Nicaragua Canal finally completed
The final mega-project of the grand trans-oceanic waterway Nicaragua Canal, a new alternative to the Panama Canal, which will connect the Pacific coast of Nicaragua with the Caribbean Sea, has been successfully presented in the country’s capital and estimated by the authorities at $40 billion.

The company HK Nicaragua Canal Development Investment, which is financing the project, plans to start construction works in December this year, said the company’s official representatives on Monday. According to several America’s independent sources, Russia will also join China to help construct the canal.

However, Russia will provide not so much economic and organizational assistance as military and political support, for it will establish a base in Nicaragua to guard the construction site against possible acts of provocation. Moreover, Russian warships and aircrafts will be allowed to be present in the country’s territorial waters and coastline.

The canal will enable 5,100 big-tonnage ships from the Atlantic to reach the Pacific coast in 30 hours. The Nicaragua Canal will be 278 kilometers long and from 230 to 520 meters wide, flowing from Brito on the country’s Pacific coast to the estuary of the Punta Gorda river. The canal’s depth will be reaching up to 30 meters.

Consequently, two deep-sea ports in Brito and Punto Agila, located on the Pacific and the Atlantic coast respectively, will be constructed within the project. They will be thoroughly protected from earthquakes, very frequent in the region. These two ports will enable the transportation of 2.8 billion tonnes of cargo per annum.

A free trade zone, an airport, an oil pipeline, and other facilities are also to be built as part of the project, providing 130,000 Nicaragua citizens with new job places. The project will boost tourism in the country and stimulate the influx of foreign visitors as well.
[ MEXICO, July 08. /ITAR-TASS]

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Nicaragua plans to begin building access roads and highways on Monday (Dec 22) near the country’s Pacific coast as it starts work on a US$50 billion (S$65.9 billion) inter-oceanic canal meant to rival Panama’s century-old waterway....

    President Daniel Ortega and executives from the Hong Kong-based HKND Group, which is building the canal, will attend an inauguration ceremony in the capital of Managua, according to Telemaco Talavera, a spokesman for the project’s development commission. A separate ceremony will be held in Rivas, a town between the Pacific coast and Lake Nicaragua, he said.

    At an estimated cost more than four times the size of Nicaragua’s US$11 billion economy, the project has raised doubts among analysts who point to HKND’s lack of experience in major infrastructure projects and question the need for another Central American canal. Panama is planning to complete a US$5.25 billion expansion of its waterway next year................http://www.todayonline.com/world/americas/nicaraguas-rival-panama-canal-set-start-dec-22


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