Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Germany. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Germany. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τετάρτη 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Δευτέρα 13 Οκτωβρίου 2014

European Commission welcomes electricity subsea cables linking Norway to Germany and UK (EC - 13.10.14)

European Commission, Statement, Brussels, 13 October 2014:

"The EU Commission welcomed the announcement made today by the Norwegian government to licence the construction of two subsea cables linking Norway to Germany and UK. The two 1400 MW subsea cables will enable the three countries to exchange electricity and use the Norwegian hydropower potential.
Vice-President of the EU Commission, responsible for Energy, Günther H. Oettinger said: "This will help enormously to integrate renewable energy in North-West Europe. Germany and UK can sell renewable energy to Norway when weather conditions are such that they produce a lot and Norway can sell electricity from hydropower. This will benefit both sides and balance the system."

The licence granted today is a further step towards building the two subsea cables. The NORD.LINK interconnector will run between Norway and Germany and the North Sea Network (NSN) will run between Norway and UK with a goal to be operational by 2020 at the latest. 

The integration of the Norwegian, German and UK electricity markets, which at the moment are not connected directly, will ensure improved security of supply in the two countries, increase market efficiency and further integrate renewables.
In June 2012, UK Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg agreed a partnership between the three countries to secure sustainable long term energy security through interconnectors connecting Norway to Germany and UK."

Τετάρτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Report: Poland receives 20% less Russian gas per day. (Qualcuno ruba il gas alla Polonia)

Late on Wednesday, PGNiG reported receiving 20 million cubic meters of gas per day, which is slightly less than the planned volume...

WARSAW, September 17. /ITAR-TASS/. Poland has been receiving 19 million-20 million cubic meters of Russian gas per day, which is 20% less than Polish energy company PGNiG requested from gas giant Gazprom, Bloomberg reported Wednesday referring to CEO of the country’s pipeline operator Gaz-System Jan Chadam.

Late on Wednesday, PGNiG reported receiving 20 million cubic meters of gas per day, which is slightly less than the planned volume.

  • Since September 8, gas pipeline operators in Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Romania, and Italy have separately reported on declines in Russian gas supplies varying from 5% in Romania to 45% in Poland.

On September 11, Gazprom’s representative Sergei Kupriyanov said that the company’s gas exports to Poland remain intact, and they are going with the same daily amount as through all the previous days - 23 million cubic meters.

On Monday, Gazprom said that cuts in Russian gas deliveries to Europe are caused by gas pumping into domestic underground storage facilities.

Δευτέρα 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

European Commission postpones decision on OPAL pipeline until October 31

The delay was provoked by the upcoming trilateral gas talks between Russia, the European Union and Ukraine, the date of which has not been determined yet...

MOSCOW, September 15. /ITAR-TASS/. The European Commission has postponed the decision on the OPAL pipeline, which links Russia and Europe via Nord Stream bypassing transit countries, until October 31, the Russian Energy Ministry said on Monday.
The ministry confirmed it had received the Commission’s postponement note.

The delay was provoked by the upcoming trilateral gas talks between Russia, the European Union and Ukraine, the date of which has not been determined yet.
By delaying the decision, the European Commission is trying to give Kiev better positions in the negotiations with Gazprom, taking into account the latter’s interest in preserving a viable transit route via Ukraine, a source told ITAR-TASS.

The European Commission was expected to decide by September 15 whether Gazprom could fill up the whole of the OPAL pipeline, which is the final distribution link of the Nord Stream pipeline.

Under the Third Energy Package, some of OPAL’s capacities should be reserved for gas from independent suppliers. In practice, this will limit Gazprom’s gas supplies to Europe by Nord Stream, which appears to be the most reliable route amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on August 29 after talks with EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger that the working group on access to OPAL would meet shortly.

The OPAL (Ostsee Pipeline Anbindungs-Leitung) is a natural gas pipeline in Germany alongside the German eastern border. The OPAL pipeline is one of two projected pipelines to connect the Nord Stream pipeline to the existing pipeline grid in Middle and Western Europe, the other one being the NEL pipeline.

The OPAL will pick up the natural gas in Lubmin near Greifswald from the Nord Stream pipeline and transport it 470 kilometres south to Olbernhau on the Czech border. The OPAL will not only provide connecting points for discharging the gas into the existing pipeline network, it will also link up the current natural gas transit lines. That will strengthen Germany's position as a focal point in Europe for the growing natural gas market.
Nord Stream will transport 27.5 billion cubic metres of natural gas from late 2011, and up to 55 billion cubic metres from 2012. This amount of gas corresponds to the energy produced by 55 coal power plants pr 20 new nuclear reactors.
The Shtokman gas and condensate field will be a resource base for gas deliveries via Nord Stream.

Δευτέρα 11 Αυγούστου 2014

Germany asks Ukraine not to block Russian gas and oil supplies to Europe

Germany has urged Ukraine not to block Russian gas and oil supplies to Europe. 

“The federal government hopes that Ukraine is not going to implement a measure which Prime Minister (Arseniy) Yatsenyuk announced on Friday,” German government’s spokesperson Steffen Seibert said on Monday.

Yatsenyuk threatened to put an end to Ukraine’s gas dependency on Russia after a government meeting last Friday.

“It’s not going to be easy but we simply do not have another choice,” he said, adding the Ukraine government was suggesting imposing sanctions against any transit via Ukraine’s territory, including air flights and gas transits.

Τρίτη 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

EU allows cultivation of new US genetically modified corn

BRUSSELS: EU ministers allowed the controversial cultivation of a new genetically modified crop, US firm Pioneer's TC1507 corn, after opponents failed on Tuesday to muster enough support against the move.
A meeting of European Affairs ministers could not establish a majority either way, Greek chairman Evangelos Venizelos said.
Accordingly, TC1507 was allowed through, after Venizelos asked for legal advice.
The rules require that "if the Council (of member states) does not take a decision, then the measure has to be adopted by the European Commission", a legal adviser said.

The Commission, the EU's executive arm, was on the spot after a European Court ruled late last year that the company's 2001 request for approval had to be dealt with without further delay.
Cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms stokes widespread suspicion in the 28-nation EU on health and environmental grounds.
GM crops, however, have won repeated safety approvals and several ministers noted on Tuesday that they are imported into the EU in large amounts, and having been fed to animals, had by now entered the human food chain.
The General Affairs Council of ministers had to decide the issue on Tuesday under what is known as "qualified majority voting".
  • This complex system weighs member states according to their size to ensure that it is a majority of the EU's 500 million population which decides an issue, not the simple number of countries for or against.
  • In this instance, some 19 member states opposed, mustering 210 votes out of a required 260 to block the measure.
Britain, Finland, Estonia, Spain and Sweden were in favour but abstentions proved crucial.
  • Germany, the EU's most powerful and biggest country with 19 votes, changed its position to abstain from against, thereby taking itself out of the balance.
  • Also abstaining were Belgium, Portugal and the Czech Republic with 12 votes each.
France and Hungary led the opposition and the arguments, saying ministers would not be able to easily explain the outcome to the public.

Τρίτη 21 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Germany seeks to trim subsidies for renewable energy

Germany's economy and energy minister laid out Tuesday proposals to curb renewable energy subsidies and cap electricity prices but opponents fear they could jeopardise the country's much vaunted green energy transition.
Just weeks after taking over as Economy and Energy Minister in Chancellor Angela Merkel's left-right "grand coalition", Social Democrat Sigmar Gabriel presented a blueprint to meet what he described as "the biggest challenge currently facing our country."
He wants to start by trimming subsidies for renewable sources of energy, a keystone in the so-called energy transition that Europe's top economy embarked on 15 years ago under its then Social Democrat chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

The strategy has been pursued with even greater intensity by his conservative successor Merkel after the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan persuaded her to gradually abandon nuclear energy completely.
Generous subsidies -- financed via an energy tax -- have meant that renewables now account for around a quarter of energy production and consumption in Germany. And the aim is for renewables to meet as much as 80 percent of the country's energy needs by 2050.
But the tax has caused energy prices to shoot up, adding as much as 24 billion euros ($32 billion) to industry's power bills, according to Gabriel.
"We must be careful not to bite off more than we can chew," he argued, pointing out that the manufacturing industry remains the backbone of the German economy.
By the summer, the subsidy system has to be revamped to target "the most promising technologies," namely wind and solar power. And the pace of development in those sectors should be monitored more closely.
In the medium term, the Social Democrat minister hopes to introduce market mechanisms to the subsidy system.
That will help keep a lid on price rises but will not force prices down, Gabriel insisted.
Industry is satisfied
"It's a big step in the right direction," said the BDEW industry federation for the energy sector.
And Leonard Birnbaum, board member at Germany's biggest power supplier E.ON, said the proposals were "clearly positive."
The powerful BDI industry federation, which has been highly critical of the current system, also hailed "the first sensible steps."
It welcomed in particular the government's commitment to exempting high-consuming industries from all or part of the energy tax.
But such exemptions have come under fire from the EU Commission in Brussels and Berlin has been ordered to take action to appease the EU's competition authorities.
EU Energy Commissioner, Guenther Oettinger, gave Gabriel's plans the thumbs up.
"I fully back the plans of Mr Gabriel. They're important and are the right ones," Oettinger said.
By contrast, the head of the opposition Green party, Simone Peter, claimed that "Gabriel's proposals ... are putting the energy transition in jeopardy."
Fossil fuel is still the biggest energy source for Germany, and Gabriel's proposals will mean that the country will not meet its goals in reducing carbon emissions, warned Hermann Falk of the BEE industry federation for renewables.
"The planned measures are so radical that they resemble open heart surgery," the left-leaning Frankfurter Rundschau wrote in an editorial, expressing concern about the development of wind power.
Nevertheless, a revamp of the system of subsidies for renewables is just the first of many steps that Gabriel will have to take.
The minister must find a solution that allows fossil-fuel fired power stations to remain profitable. Many of them cannot compete with subsidised renewable energy sources. But Germany needs a guaranteed power supply on days when there is no sun or wind.
Peter Terium, head of Germany's number two power supplier RWE, urged the minister to tackle the problem.
"The situation for industry is catastrophic," he said.
RWE is planning to axe 7,000 jobs by 2016 as competition from renewables pushes the group into heavy loss. 

Τετάρτη 20 Νοεμβρίου 2013

Climate Conference: Doubts Emerge Over Germany's Leadership.

By Joel Stonington (spiegel.de)
Renewable energy experts worry that support will fade for climate-related policies in Berlin with the inauguration of the planned new grand coalition government. The UN climate conference and NGOs are responding with pressure on Germany to send a signal that the country is still a leader.

As the high-level segment of the United Nations conference on climate change gets under way on Tuesday in Warsaw, it's an open question as to whether Germany can continue to be a leader on the issue. There is increasing concern among renewable energy industry groups and environmental organizations that the planned new grand coalition government will scale back the speed and funding of the promised switch to renewables, known as the Energiewende.

On Tuesday, a group of 85 organizations sent a letter to Chancellor Angela Merkel and the top negotiators for both her conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) and the center-left Social Democrats' (SPD) urging German support for a European-wide target of a 55 percent reduction in emissions by 2030. They also encouraged domestic support for a climate act that would give investors the ability to plan for the long term.

"We want them to give clarity about the Energiewende and put that in a binding climate act," said Christoph Bals, the policy director of environmental organization Germanwatch.

Germany's role as a leader has already taken a hit during this conference. The country's emissions rose 1.8 percent last year despite headway in building renewable energy and a focus on the Energiewende. In the European Union as a whole, emissions were down 1.3 percent, according to the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research in Oslo.

What's more, Germany's new coalition government has already agreed in negotiations to drastically cut the country's offshore wind target for the next 15 years. It's the kind of change that worries investors and sends a signal that renewables are risky. One major energy firm, DONG Energy, would not have invested in a number of offshore wind farms with the new, lower levels of support, according to BusinessGreen.

A member of the German delegation declined to comment on the letter and Peter Altmaier, Germany's Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety does not arrive in Warsaw until Wednesday.

Merkel Putting Off Tough Decisions

Another issue at the conference is Germany's level of support for fixing Europe's broken carbon trading program. Energy-heavy industries and coal-dependent countries like Poland, which ironically held a coal conference yesterday and today in Warsaw, have battled against a strong European Emissions Trading System (ETS). But while Germany has the ability to sway the argument, Merkel has largely been sitting on the sidelines during the last year, putting off the tough decisions until the new government takes shape.

Germany has set country targets for reduction of emissions of 40 percent by 2020, but is unlikely to achieve the goal without a strong emissions trading system. The ETS is crucial for meeting targets on emissions reductions by setting European limits on sectors like aviation, chemical producers and other energy-intensive industries such as steel and cement.

Now, with ministers arriving in Warsaw for the high-level segment of the talks, there is much concern that this crucial conference will not accomplish what is necessary among countries before Paris in 2015, when a legally binding agreement is expected.

Germany could help shift the conversation with strong agreements for a governmental direction on these topics in Berlin. However, Berlin may be moving away from a leadership position. It wouldn't be the only country to do so. Australia has been undercutting negotiations in Warsaw, with the prime minister moving to repeal the country's carbon tax. And with Japan announcing lower targets for emissions, it's clear there are few leaders among the wealthy countries here at the climate conference. As today's letter to Merkel noted, "in Warsaw, this leadership is lacking." 

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Κυριακή 27 Οκτωβρίου 2013

El nuevo aeropuerto de Berlín, una pesadilla sin fecha de apertura./Cost Explosion: Price Tag for New Berlin Airport Keeps Rising (2 video)

1. El mantenimiento de sus instalaciones cuesta al erario 35 millones de euros mensuales.
2. El coste de la obra, fijado inicialmente en 2.400 millones de euros, podría superar los 5.00.
El nuevo aeropuerto de Berlín, que deberá reemplazar a los dos que funcionan actualmente y mejorar las conexiones transatlánticas de la capital alemana, se ha convertido en una de las obras inconclusas más discutidas de Europa y continúa sin fecha de apertura a la vista.
La última reunión de su consejo de administración, celebrada esta pasada semana, no ha arrojado luz sobre el futuro de las instalaciones, cuyo mantenimiento cuesta al erario público 35 millones de euros mensuales, aunque no se espera que puedan estar operativas antes de 2015.

El aeropuerto Willy Brandt -o Berlín Brandeburgo (BER)- empezó a construirse en 2006 y era uno de los proyectos estrella del alcalde gobernador de Berlín, Klaus Wowereit, y del primer ministro del estado federado de Brandeburgo, Mathias Platzek.
En 2010 se descartó ya la fecha prevista inicialmente para la apertura -noviembre de 2011- y se fijó un nuevo calendario: el BER comenzaría a funcionar el 3 de junio de 2012.
Todo parecía preparado, se organizaba la fiesta de inauguración e incluso las compañías aéreas habían vendido billetes de aviones que aterrizarían en sus pistas, pero un día antes se conoció la noticia, que cayó como un jarro de agua fría, de que la apertura tenía que ser aplazada indefinidamente.
La razón principal era que se había detectado que la terminal no cumplía con las normas de protección contra incendios, además de otros problemas técnicos que tenían que ser resueltos.
Al desastre de planificación se agregó el hecho de que Wowereit, que estaba al frente del consejo de administración, fue informado de los problemas en el último momento, cuando sólo quedaba cancelar de manera precipitada la apertura.

Cadena de despropósitos

Suspender la inauguración obligó, además, a dar marcha atrás a los planes de un cierre inmediato de los aeropuertos de Tegel y Schönefeld, ya preparados.
La cadena de despropósitos es objeto de una comisión de investigación en Berlín y, según publican este sábado los medios locales, sus miembros tienen desde este viernes nuevos documentos en sus manos.
La policía ha registrado las oficinas que tiene en Berlín y Hamburgo el estudio del arquitecto que planificó en un primer momento las obras, Meinhdard von Gerkan, y ha hallado documentos que atestiguan que ya desde el inicio se sabía que los plazos establecidos eran imposibles de cumplir.
Tras la suspensión de la inauguración el año pasado, se fijaron nuevas fechas de apertura que también han tenido que ser aplazadas. La última era este mes de octubre, pero en enero quedó claro que las obras no habrían concluido para entonces, lo que le costó el puesto al gerente del proyecto, Rainer Schwarz.
En marzo, Hartmut Mehdorn, ex presidente de Air Berlín y de Deutsche Bahn, reemplazó a Schwarz como uno de los posibles salvadores de lo que había dejado de ser un sueño para convertirse en pesadilla.

Un tándem fallido

En agosto del año anterior los administradores del proyecto habían depositado sus esperanzas en otro fichaje, Horst Amman, contratado como director de la parte técnica, pero el tándem con Mehdorn no ha funcionado.
Amann optó por enumerar los problemas por resolver y llegó a citar 60.000 carencias que debían ser subsanadas, lo que retrasaba la posibilidad de una apertura. Mehdorn le acusó de buscar sólo problemas y no soluciones y su opinión terminó por imponerse esta pasada semana, cuando el consejo de administración del BER decidió apartar a Amann de su cargo.
Además de los gobiernos de Berlín y Brandeburgo, participa en el proyecto el Ejecutivo alemán, representado por el Ministerio de Transportes, pero su papel ha sido más bien discreto.
El coste de las obras, fijado inicialmente en 2.400 millones de euros, podría superar los 5.000 millones, según cálculos de los medios de comunicación alemanes.

  • Cost Explosion: Price Tag for New Berlin Airport Keeps Rising
The seemingly neverending story of the German capital's scandal-plagued new airport continues: The much-delayed project is expected to cost far more than previously thought. And Berlin's mayor appears to be planning a return to the airport's supervisory board.

The forthcoming Berlin Airport will cost more than its previous estimate of €4.3 billion ($5.9 billion), according to a member of the project's supervisory board.

Rainer Bretschneider told public broadcaster ZDF on Sunday that the airport, which still lacks an official opening date, may breach the €5-billion mark. He added that costly noise insulation, previously budgeted at €305 million, may ultimately cost twice that amount. 
"I still believe the airport will be able to cover its costs, but not as swiftly as thought," Bretschneider said.
Cleaning, heating and lighting the fallow airport, officially called Berlin Brandenburg Willy Brandt Airport (BER), was previously found to be costing taxpayers €20 million per month -- more than the still-operational Tegel Airport.

BER was originally slated for a 2010 opening, but a long list of problems ranging from an insufficient fire safety system to cracks in the tile floors has forced officials to postpone the opening four times. The earliest estimates place the opening at some time next year.

Wowereit Comeback?
Meanwhile Berlin's mayor, Klaus Wowereit, is eyeing a permanent return to the top post of the airport's governing body. He gave up the office to the governor of the surrounding state of Brandenburg, Matthias Platzeck, earlier this year after the airport's opening was postponed indefinitely. Wowereit stepped back into the role in August after Platzeck resigned, agreeing to lead the board until a new chair could be elected. That election was due to take place on Wednesday, but Wowereit took it off the board's agenda late last week amid doubts that he could win the support of the Brandenburg state government. Thomas Heilmann, justice senator in Berlin's city-state government and a member of the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU), is also interested in the post, according to sources in the Berlin government.
The post is now set to be filled by December, when official talks between the CDU and the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) on forming a national coalition government will presumably be concluding. Wowereit, a big name in the SPD, could then enjoy more support from his party on the national level.


Σάββατο 20 Ιουλίου 2013

Hamburg's model of building green metropolis (2 video)

All eyes are on Germany as the country prepares to abandon nuclear power by 2020. Hamburg, an industrial port on Germany's northern shore, may seem like an unlikely candidate to be voted Europe's Green City of 2011. But this urban hub won accolades for its innovation in green planing, transportation, and construction. Is it a model city of the future? Correspondent Constantino de Miguel reports.


Παρασκευή 11 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Τα ψάρια πάνε από τη σκάλα/German fish ladder celebrates millionth user

Καμιά φορά τα ψάρια χρησιμοποιούν ακόμα και σκάλες! Στον ποταμό Έλβα κοντά στο Αμβούργο δεκάδες χιλιάδες ψάρια περνούν καθημερινά από μια ειδική σκάλα για να φθάσουν στους τόπους αναπαραγωγής τους.
Φράγματα, τεχνητές λίμνες και υδροηλεκτρικά εργοστάσια δημιουργούν συχνά ανυπέρβλητα εμπόδια για τα ποταμίσια ψάρια που ανεβαίνουν το ποτάμι για να κάνουν τα αυγά τους εκεί όπου κάποτε γεννήθηκαν. Υπάρχει ωστόσο ένας απλός τρόπος για να βοηθηθούν τα ψάρια: η σκάλα ψαριών!

Στο κρατίδιο Σλέσβιχ-Χόλσταϊν, στο Γκέεστχαχτ κοντά στο Αμβούργο, λειτουργεί στον ποταμό Έλβα από το 2010 η μεγαλύτερη σκάλα ψαριών στην Ευρώπη από την οποία μέχρι σήμερα έχουν περάσει περισσότερα από 1.000.000 σολομοί, πέστροφες, σίλουροι και τούρνες. Η σκάλα έχει μήκος 550 και πλάτος 16 μέτρα.

Όταν το 1960 κατασκευάστηκε ένα τεχνητό φράγμα για να βοηθήσει τα ποταμόπλοια που κινούνταν στον Έλβα, πολλά, κυρίως μεγαλύτερα ψάρια αποκόπηκαν από τους τόπους αναπαραγωγής τους. Με την τεχνητή σκάλα όμως δόθηκε με απλό και σχετικά οικονομικό τρόπο η ενδεδειγμένη λύση στο πρόβλημα.

40.000 ψάρια τη μέρα!

Από τη σκάλα ψαριών ανεβαίνουν καθημερινά πολλές πέστροφες
Στον δρόμο τους προς τις πηγές του ποταμού Έλβα τα ψάρια περνούν από 50 τεχνητές δεξαμενές με διαφορά ύψους 9 εκατοστά η μια από την άλλη. Το ότι οι δεξαμενές είναι από μπετόν δεν δείχνει να ενοχλεί καθόλου τα ψάρια, τα οποία προσανατολίζονται με τη βοήθεια των ρευμάτων. Για τα χέλια, τα οποία δεν θεωρούνται και οι καλύτεροι κολυμβητές, υπάρχουν ειδικές αυλακώσεις δίπλα ακριβώς από τις δεξαμενές. Ακόμα και τη δυνατότητα διαλείμματος στο δύσκολο και ανοδικό δρόμο προς τις πηγές του ποταμού έχουν προβλέψει οι ειδικοί του Ινστιτούτου Εφαρμοσμένης Οικολογίας για τα ψάρια κατασκευάζοντας ειδικά σημεία, όπου τα νερά λιμνάζουν.
Στο τέλος της διαδρομής οι ειδικοί καταμετρούν τα ψάρια, πριν αυτά συνεχίσουν το ταξίδι προς τον τελικό τους προορισμό. Από την έναρξη λειτουργίας της σκάλας πριν από δυόμιση περίπου χρόνια περνούν καθημερινά από εκεί περίπου 40.000 ψάρια.

Hannah Fuchs / Στέφανος ΓεωργακόπουλοςΥπεύθυνος Σύνταξης: Σπύρος Μοσκόβου
Deutsche Welle
  • German fish ladder celebrates millionth user

Did you know that fish can climb ladders? In fact, it's essential for some fish, in order for them to reach their upstream breeding grounds. One ladder near Hamburg plays a crucial role for salmon, sturgeon and eels.
Europe's largest fish ladder is located in Geesthacht in northern Germany, southeast of Hamburg on the side of the river Elbe. It was opened in September 2010.
Since then, many different types of fish, like zanders, northern pikes, catfish, eels and trout have scaled the ladder here. The millionth fish through the passageway was in fact a burbot, 50 centimetres long and weighing almost one kilogram.
This fish ladder here is one of hundreds across Europe. On the continent's highly developed waterways, weirs, dams and locks often block the path for traffic heading upstream.
A burbot was the one millionth user of the fish ladder in Geesthacht
That's not just a problem for ships, but also highly detrimental to local fish, some of whom are endangered.  That's why the idea of fish ladders, sometimes called fishways or fish steps, was born. The constructions, which often costs hundreds of thousands of euros to build, are composed of a series of low steps, allowing the fish to progress upstream with minimal effort.

An impressive construction
Geesthacht's fish ladder is 550 metres long and 16 metres wide. In order to pass through it completely, the fish have to cross about 50 water pools, each about nine centimetres higher than the one before.
The concrete construction looks nothing like the original natural course of the river. But the fish don't seem to mind. They orientate themselves by means of currents. At the start of the fish ladder an artificial current helps the fish to find the entrance. Other currents lead them upwards.
Eels are weak swimmers. Therefore they need a special kind of fish ladder, the so-called eel ladder which was constructed beside the water steps. Eel ladders are watered ascending ramps with brush-like structures on the ground on which the eels can slither upstream. Additional resting areas allow the eels to have a break during their climb.
A visitor photographs the fish steps in Geesthacht, Germany. (Foto: Axel Heimken/dapd)The fish ladder in Geesthacht was funded by power company Vattenfall, who recently built a power plant nearby
The entire facility was built by power company Vattenfall at a cost of 20 million euro ($26.21 million). They built the construction in the year 2010 as a goodwill gesture following the construction of a new coal power plant at Moorburg, 35 kilometers downstream from the Geesthacht weir area.
Every fish counts
On the exit of the highest step, just a short distance away from reaching the upper part of the river Elbe, all fish are counted.
Scientists at the Institute of Applied Ecology in Marschacht near Geesthacht catch them with a bow net, document which and how many fish have managed the ascent, and then release them into the river.

Οι νεκροί Έλληνες στα μακεδονικά χώματα σάς κοιτούν με οργή

«Παριστάνετε τα "καλά παιδιά" ελπίζοντας στη στήριξη του διεθνή παράγοντα για να παραμείνετε στην εξουσία», ήταν η κατηγορία πο...