Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα especie invasora. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα especie invasora. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Κυριακή 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Turistas podrían causar un desastre ecológico en la Antártida

Los ambientalistas advierten de que la creciente popularidad del turismo polar podría amenazar seriamente al ecosistema de la región: los visitantes traen bacterias patógenas, que pondrían en peligro la salud de los pingüinos de la Antártida.

Los científicos advierten que los turistas en la región polar, sin saberlo, pueden desempeñar un papel fatal en el futuro del ecosistema de la región. Junto con los visitantes, en el continente entran bacterias y virus contra los que la fauna local no tiene inmunidad, informa 'New Scientist'.

"El efecto de la creciente industria del turismo polar, así como de la presencia de los investigadores, no puede pasar desapercibida", afirma Ray Grimaldi, un investigador de la Universidad de Otago (Nueva Zelanda). Uno de los ejemplos sería la gripe aviar, que causó una epidemia y la muerte masiva en las colonias de pingüinos papúa en el 2006 y 2008.

En el verano del 2014 en la colonia de pingüinos de la costa del golfo de la Esperanza también se registró un brote de una enfermedad desconocida. A causa de esta, los pingüinos perdían las plumas y morían rápidamente.



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Τετάρτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Una operación eliminará ratas para conservar la biodiversidad de una isla

  Photo rohrmannspace.net
La mayor operación de eliminación de ratas con veneno en la historia empezará en febrero para conservar la biodiversidad de una de las Islas Georgias, en el Atlántico Sur que pertenecen al Reino Unido.

Hace dos siglos, antes de la llegada de los roedores con los barcos, en la isla se reproducían millones de aves marinas, en particular, los albatroses y los pingüinos rey.

La creciente población de las ratas redujo el número de los pájaros en más del 90%.

La operación se organiza bajo el amparo de la fundación ecologista escocesa South Georgia Heritage Trust.

Está previsto que tres helicópteros arrojen a la isla 95 toneladas de veneno.

El jefe del proyecto, Tony Martin, informó al periódico The Guardian, que el raticida, que se diseminará por una superficie de 364 kilómetros cuadrados, es casi inofensivo para las aves.

Después los ecólogos supervisarán la isla para estimar si quedan ratas supervivientes.

En 2011 y 2013 se llevaron a cabo las fases previas de la operación, declaradas exitosas, pero el número de roedores eliminados no se difundió.


Noticias relacionadas:

  • Over 100 million seabirds inhabit South Georgia, a 3,500 km2 island in the South Atlantic Ocean....

 For over 200 years the island’s birds have suffered predation by introduced Norway rats and mice, and over the last 100 years, habitat degradation from introduced reindeer. A step-wise rat eradication programme using bait pellets, the largest of its kind to be attempted worldwide, is being carried out by the South Georgia Heritage Trust. Phase One (in March 2011) successfully cleared rats from one part (10%) of the island; Phase Two (2013–2015) aims to rid the entire island of rodents. Reindeer are to be removed in 2013 and 2014 by a South Georgia Government initiative...................http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/sowb/casestudy/494

Δευτέρα 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Commission welcomes the Council's adoption of the Invasive Alien Species Regulation

European Commission, Statement, Brussels, 29 September 2014:

Today the EU adopted legislation that will tackle the rapidly growing threat to biodiversity from invasive species. The Regulation is a crucial step towards achieving the EU's 2020 biodiversity targets, while also delivering on a commitment under the Convention on Biological Diversity to establish rules to address the threats posed by these species.
European Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said: "This new Regulation fills a long-recognised gap in EU biodiversity protection.
It is carefully targeted, focusing on the most serious threats from invasive species. By working together within the EU to tackle a problem estimated to cost EUR 12 billion every year, we are taking a decisive step towards meeting our objective of halting the loss of biodiversity in the EU by 2020."
The Regulation equips Europe with an effective system that will prevent the introduction and spread of species that can cause significant adverse impacts on the environment, the economy, and human health. The system will be based on a list of species of Union concern, to be drawn up with the Member States on the basis of comprehensive risk assessments and robust scientific evidence. The list will focus on the species that cause the most serious damage. When considering species for listing, their socio-economic benefits, and the concerns of established commercial sectors, will be taken fully into account.

Alien species are plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms that have been transported across ecological barriers such as mountain ranges, or oceans as a result of human intervention, and have become established in an area outside their natural range.
About a quarter of these species are brought into Europe intentionally, but most arrive by accident. There are currently more than 12 000 alien species in the European environment. In their new environment, some spread rapidly and become invasive alien species (IAS), causing significant damage to biodiversity, human health or the economy. Roughly 10-15 % of alien species arriving in Europe eventually become invasive.
These species are a major cause of biodiversity loss, and they can also cause significant damage to human health and the economy. Examples include the American bullfrog, allergy-causing ragweed and musk rats that damage infrastructure.
Invasive alien species are estimated to cost EUR 12 billion annually in health care and animal health costs, crop yield losses, fish stock losses, damage to infrastructure, damage to the navigability of rivers, and damage to protected species.



Σάββατο 14 Ιουνίου 2014

Συναγερμός για την εισβολή τοξικών λαγοκέφαλων στις ελληνικές θάλασσες

Πρωτοεμφανίστηκε το 2003 στη Ρόδο κι έκτοτε, κυρίως εξαιτίας της αλλαγής της θερμοκρασίας του νερού, έχει εξαπλωθεί σε όλη τη χώρα. 

Ο λαγοκέφαλος µε την επιστηµονική ονοµασία lagocephalus sceleratus παράγει την τοξική ουσία τετραδοτοξίνη και µπορεί να επιφέρει ακόµη και τον θάνατο σε όσους τον καταναλώσουν.

Τα δε συµπτώµατα που παρουσιάζονται είναι παράλυση, πόνος στο στοµάχι, διάρροια, εµετός και δύσπνοια....



Τετάρτη 16 Απριλίου 2014

Invasive alien species: "The damage and costs continue to increase"

One of the worst threats to Europe's biodiversity and ecosystems is plant and animals species coming from other countries and continents, which often cause the near extinction of native species. On 16 April MEPs approved new rules to tackle this issue. “Invasive alien species are the second most significant threat to biodiversity after habitat loss and they are also recognised as a major cause of species extinction,” said Pavel Poc, the MEP responsible for steering the proposal through the EP.

Globalisation and the increased use of international transport have made it easier for species to spread to other areas. Some of these are harmless, but others prove detrimental to local animal and plant life and unbalance the ecosystem. The Parliament votes on Wednesday 16 April on new legislation to deal with this issue. Mr Poc, a Czech member of the S&D group, commented: "The new measures should prevent new invasive alien species from entering the EU and to deal more effectively with the ones that are already established in Europe.”

Under the proposal a list of invasive alien species that could prove damaging would be established and those species should not be introduced, transported, placed on the market, offered, kept, grown or released into the environment. “Efforts to minimise the impact of the invasive alien species will be coherent in the member states, cover all of the EU and will be better coordinated, which means that their overall effectiveness will be improved,” Mr Poc said.

Some of hese species can also prove a threat to human health, as they can cause health problems such asthma or allergies and are potential carriers of various diseasesa like the Dengue fever propagated by the Asian tiger mosquito, which first emerged in Europe in 1979 through a shipment of goods from China.

"Invasive alien species are estimated to cost the European Union at least €12 billion per year and the damage and the costs continue to increase,” said Mr Poc.

Invasive alien species: MEPs reach agreement with the Greek Presidency


Πέμπτη 6 Μαρτίου 2014

Invasive alien species: MEPs reach agreement with the Greek Presidency

Plans to prevent the introduction or halt the spread of “invasive alien species” of plants, animals or insects that cause ecological and economic damage were agreed by MEPs and the Greek Presidency of the Council on Wednesday. The draft legislation, which would require EU member states to coordinate their efforts, provides for a ban on species declared to be of “Union concern”.

“Invasive alien species cause damage worth at least €12 billion every year in Europe and many member states already have to spend considerable resources in dealing with them”, said MEP Pavel Poc (S&D, CZ) who is steering the legislation through Parliament.

“Their efforts are very often not effective simply because those species do not respect geographical borders. Cooperation between the member states is therefore crucial. The negotiations were very difficult and we had only limited time to strike a deal. That's why I am happy to say that today's negotiations were successful” he added.

The draft legislation will require EU member states to carry out an analysis of the pathways of introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS) and set up surveillance systems and action plans. Official checks at EU borders would also be stepped up. For IAS that are already widespread, member states would have to draw up management plans.

Alien species of “Union concern”

Species deemed to be of “Union concern” would be placed on a list of those that should not be introduced, transported, placed on the market, offered, kept, grown or released into the environment.

The Presidency accepted Parliament’s view that the IAS list should not be capped at only 50 species. Priority on the list would go to IAS which are expected to become a problem and those that cause the most damage. MEPs also inserted provisions for tackling IAS of concern for single member states. Species that are native to a part of the EU but begin to invade others would be tackled through enhanced regional cooperation between member states, facilitated by the European Commission.

Member states would have to decide appropriate penalties for breaches of the legislation. Where authorised by the Commission, they could grant specialized establishments permits to carry out certain commercial activities with IAS.

MEPs also insisted that a dedicated scientific forum should be established to advise on the scientific aspects of enforcing the new rules, and on applying the “polluter pays” principle to the recovery of restoration costs.


According to the European Commission, IAS are a major and growing cause of biodiversity loss and species extinction. They can be vectors of diseases or themselves cause health problems such as asthma, dermatitis and allergies. They can also damage infrastructure and facilities, hamper forestry and cause agricultural losses. IAS cost the EU an estimated €12 billion per year.

Next steps

If endorsed by the committee of member states’ permanent representatives (COREPER) on Friday 7 March, the agreement is to be put to a vote in the Environment Committee on 19 March.


Δευτέρα 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

US West Coast on high alert against tsunami-washed Japanese invasive species

While winter storms have plunged temperatures across various parts of the United States, the West Coast is bracing itself for an altogether different – yet still very unwelcome – set of seasonal hazards: invading marine life from Japan.
Almost three years after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami ravaged Japan’s east coast and set off the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, dislodged debris from the site is still washing up onto American shores. Yet while scientists have downplayed the possibility that the wreckage is contaminated with radiation, they are keeping their eyes peeled for hostile sea creatures hitching rides from across the Pacific. 

The answer is ‘yes,’ there is a real threat,” John Chapman of the Oregon State University’s Marine Bioinvasion Lab told RT in an interview, noting that well over 150 marine species have arrived on the coast over the last year. “These [creatures] have the potential to invade local habitats.”
Currently, government agencies across California, Oregon, and Washington are drafting comprehensive surveys of their coasts in an attempt to determine exactly what species have reached their shores and which, if any, have been able to successfully establish themselves in local habitats.
“We’re still in the discovery phase,” Chapman said. “We’re still getting lots of debris” and even more is expected to arrive during the winter season, which is typically when the majority of the rubble washes ashore. Scientists previously believed that native Japanese marine life could not survive the voyage across the Pacific Ocean, but the results have proven quite the opposite.
“We’ve been wrong on all our predictions so far,” Chapman said.
Over the last two years, entire docks have made their way to the shores of Oregon and Washington, housing dozens of non-native marine life. Meanwhile, other instances have seen fishing vessels surface with entirely different communities of life onboard. Already, scientists and researchers have pinpointed a number of potentially hazardous arrivals.
According to marine biologist Steve Rumrill, of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), two species discovered in the state were on the Global Invasive Species Database’s list of the world’s 100 worst invaders: Wakame, a seaweed native to Japan that began reproducing as soon as it arrived in America, and the Northern Pacific seastar, which he described as a voracious predator that could decimate local shellfish populations.............................http://rt.com/usa/japan-invasive-species-west-coast-587/


Τρίτη 28 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Una especie invasora destruye hasta el 95% de la biodiversidad en el Atlántico

Los peces leones en menos de 35 años invadieron el área oeste del Atlántico, superior al territorio de EEUU, suplantando a otros predadores y destruyendo hasta el 95% de las especies, informó la Universidad de Oregon.
“El hábitat de los peces leones en el Atlántico que llegaron a la zona en los años 80 del siglo XX supera el territorio de EEUU. Estos peces agresivos con radios venenosos en las aletas que no tienen enemigos naturales en el Atlántico devoran todos los animales más pequeños: otros peces, gambas, cangrejos y pulpos. Además, pueden pasarse periodos prolongados sin comer”, dice el informe.

Los investigadores de la Universidad de Oregon y otros centros científicos realizaron estudios durante 18 meses cerca de las islas Bahamas. Los datos recopilados muestran que la disminución de la población de los peces leones de entre el 75 y el 95% lleva a un aumento de entre el 50 y el 70% de las especies autóctonas de los arrecifes.
“Significa que al crear zonas de seguridad o limitando el número de los peces leones en algunos arrecifes podremos restablecer las especies autóctonas”, precisó la ecóloga Stephanie Green.
Los peces leones provienen de los océanos Pacífico e Índico y el mar Rojo.


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