Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Hellenic Presidency. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα Hellenic Presidency. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Σάββατο 28 Ιουνίου 2014

EU aims to build new energy and climate strategy for next five years

European Union (EU) leaders announced in a statement Friday they aim to build a new energy and climate strategy for the next five years after a summit meeting in Brussels.

It said EU countries will aim to build an Energy Union with affordable, secure and sustainable energy in the face of geopolitical events, worldwide energy competition and the impact of climate change.

It emphasized that EU must avoid "relying to such a high extent on fuel and gas imports" and ensure "energy future is under full control."

The energy and climate policies for the upcoming five years will focus on affordable energy for companies and citizens, secure energy for all EU countries and green energy.

Sources: Xinhua -  globaltimes.cn

***(L to R) Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission outgoing President Jose Manuel Barroso give a final press conference after a European Union (EU) summit meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on June 27, 2014. The EU leaders announced in a statement Friday they aim to build a new energy and climate strategy for the next five years after a summit meeting in Brussels. Photo:Xinhua

Πέμπτη 12 Ιουνίου 2014

“Greek Seas” exhibition opens in Belgrade

BELGRADE -- A photo exhibition originally staged by Athens’ Benaki Museum, “Greek Seas - A Photographic Journey Through Time”, has been opened in Belgrade...

The event is hosted at the hall of the National Bank of Serbia (NBS).

The exhibition is a cultural event marking the end of Greece's EU presidency and was opened by Greek Ambassador to Serbia Constantine Economides late on Wednesday.

Economides said that the reason why photographs of the sea had been chosen to represent Greece was because naval policy had been a key priority for the country during its EU presidency.

The exhibition was organized by the Embassy of Greece in Belgrade, in cooperation with the National Bank of Serbia, the Serbian government’s European Integration Office and the Hellenic Foundation for Culture Center in Belgrade.

European Integration Office Deputy Director Srđan Majstorović said that it had been a great honor to take part in the organization of an exhibition presenting the country with which the Serbian nation fostered long and friendly ties.

“The Greek presidency of the EU was truly a historical moment for Serbia’s European integration, as the first intergovernmental conference was held during this time, and that will leave an indelible mark in relations between the two states,” said Majstorovic.

Aliki Tsirgialou, manager Photographic Archive of the Benaki Museum, Fani Constantinou, former manager of the museum, and Costis Antoniadis, professor of photography at the Technological Educational Institution of Athens (TEI), curated the exhibition.

It showcases a total of 70 images of the Greek sea, broken into several time periods, and will be opened until 24 June.

- B92

Τετάρτη 7 Μαΐου 2014

«AGRIdiversity»: the diversity of European agriculture at the heart of EU policies (Athens 4-6 May 2014)

      The informal meeting of EU ministers of Agriculture took place in Athens from 4 to 6 of May, chaired by the Greek Minister of Rural Development and Food Mr Athanasios Tsaftaris. The key issue of the agenda was “Transforming the European agricultural diversity into strength”.

The Greek Presidency has chosen this specific topic with the goal to further turn the European diversity into strength.

Diversity covers all aspects from the capacity of production to the environmental and social-economic conditions of European member states and regions, while the implementation of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2014-2020 is based on the recognition of the wide diversification of agriculture across the EU.
The ministers had the opportunity to discuss the importance of the European agricultural diversity for the long-term development of economy, society and environment and also to exchange views on the ways the EU agricultural diversity can become an asset for European farmers and European economy in the current global context.

EU ministers also underlined the importance of needs and expectations of all sectors along the food chain with a view to food security, competitiveness, sustainability, cultural heritage and territorial development. Diversity of products and farming models across countries and regions are a key feature of the European agricultural model and at the same time a distinctive characteristic vis-à-vis the EU’s trading partners. Preserving agricultural diversity is fundamental to long-term sustainable economic, social and environmental development.

Moreover, the ministers stressed out that agricultural diversity contributes to improved food security and competitiveness, in particular for successful adaptation to a constantly changing environment and climate.

It was also stressed that CAP should be mobilized to preserve this diversity and transform it into strength. More specifically, the flexibility offered by the new policy framework can be used by the member states to make the most out of their potential to strengthen agricultural diversity. In this context, ministers agreed that the new CAP offers several tools for the young people to be involved in farming activities in rural areas, for the development of innovation in the agricultural sector, for agricultural research, for the development of the producers organizations etc. Additionally, there are various initiatives and tools to be used, such as promotion measures and new Rural Development Programmes.

The Greek Presidency pointed out the importance of incorporating the results of the discussions to the implementation of the new CAP and to other policy measures as well.

Τρίτη 1 Απριλίου 2014

ICRI 2014 – A conference with a view to the future...

The 2nd International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2014) is taking place at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre on 2-4 April 2014, in the framework of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference is organised by the European Commission and the Greek General Secretariat of Research & Technology (Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs) with the organisational support of the “Athena” Research and Innovation Center.
The strategic aim of ICRI 2014 is to highlight how global Research Infrastructures may respond to the local and global challenges the world is facing today (environment, poverty, sustainability, security), what lessons have been learnt from the past and what the priorities and directions for the future should be.
Over three days, 600 participants and 90 speakers will discuss and debate a plethora of subjects, from international research infrastructure management (i.e. laser, telescopes, accelerators, aircraft or deep sea crafts, for atmosphere or sea bottom observation, as well as electronic infrastructures, data networks, computer arrays and data bases), to food safety and marine research.

The plenary sessions of the Conference will address topics such as “Research Infrastructures for Global Challenges”, “Governance of Research Infrastructures”, “and Innovation Potential of Research Infrastructures” and “Big Data management”, while a panel of distinguished scientists will debate “The Way forward”. ICRI 2014 will be accompanied by a poster and video gallery of international research infrastructure projects, set up at the Nikolaos Skalkotas foyer. A series of parallel thematic sessions will deal with the Environment (special focus on Marine Research Infrastructure and the Arctic), Palaeoanthropology and Cultural Heritage, Food Safety and e-Infrastructure.

Greek minister of Education & Religious Affairs, Prof. Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos will deliver the welcoming speech, while Commissioner for Research, Innovation & Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Italy’s minister of Education, Universities & Research, Stefania Giannini, and Greek General Secretary for Research & Technology, Dr Christos Vasilakos will also address the conference, along with scores of high-ranking officials and a strong delegation from South Africa, which will host of the next ICRI, two years from now.
In addition, an exhibition of 53 works of art, selected after an international competition on the theme “Research & Art” theme, will be on display at a specially designated area of the Conference Centre.
More information here

Πέμπτη 6 Μαρτίου 2014

Invasive alien species: MEPs reach agreement with the Greek Presidency

Plans to prevent the introduction or halt the spread of “invasive alien species” of plants, animals or insects that cause ecological and economic damage were agreed by MEPs and the Greek Presidency of the Council on Wednesday. The draft legislation, which would require EU member states to coordinate their efforts, provides for a ban on species declared to be of “Union concern”.

“Invasive alien species cause damage worth at least €12 billion every year in Europe and many member states already have to spend considerable resources in dealing with them”, said MEP Pavel Poc (S&D, CZ) who is steering the legislation through Parliament.

“Their efforts are very often not effective simply because those species do not respect geographical borders. Cooperation between the member states is therefore crucial. The negotiations were very difficult and we had only limited time to strike a deal. That's why I am happy to say that today's negotiations were successful” he added.

The draft legislation will require EU member states to carry out an analysis of the pathways of introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS) and set up surveillance systems and action plans. Official checks at EU borders would also be stepped up. For IAS that are already widespread, member states would have to draw up management plans.

Alien species of “Union concern”

Species deemed to be of “Union concern” would be placed on a list of those that should not be introduced, transported, placed on the market, offered, kept, grown or released into the environment.

The Presidency accepted Parliament’s view that the IAS list should not be capped at only 50 species. Priority on the list would go to IAS which are expected to become a problem and those that cause the most damage. MEPs also inserted provisions for tackling IAS of concern for single member states. Species that are native to a part of the EU but begin to invade others would be tackled through enhanced regional cooperation between member states, facilitated by the European Commission.

Member states would have to decide appropriate penalties for breaches of the legislation. Where authorised by the Commission, they could grant specialized establishments permits to carry out certain commercial activities with IAS.

MEPs also insisted that a dedicated scientific forum should be established to advise on the scientific aspects of enforcing the new rules, and on applying the “polluter pays” principle to the recovery of restoration costs.


According to the European Commission, IAS are a major and growing cause of biodiversity loss and species extinction. They can be vectors of diseases or themselves cause health problems such as asthma, dermatitis and allergies. They can also damage infrastructure and facilities, hamper forestry and cause agricultural losses. IAS cost the EU an estimated €12 billion per year.

Next steps

If endorsed by the committee of member states’ permanent representatives (COREPER) on Friday 7 March, the agreement is to be put to a vote in the Environment Committee on 19 March.


Τετάρτη 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Venizelos’ statement following today’s EU General Affairs Council (Brussels, 11 February 2014). -Genetically modified organisms

MFA, Tuesday, 11 February 2014
E. VENIZELOS: In the name of the Hellenic Presidency, I want to express warm thanks to Commissioner Sefcovic and all the member states who took the floor to welcome and support the Hellenic Presidency’s priorities. I also want to express thanks for the warm welcome of the practical results presented by the Hellenic Presidency after five weeks of exercising its duties.

I also want to thank the Council and the Commission for the solidarity they showed in the natural disaster that, unfortunately, is continuing to unfold with the ongoing earthquakes in Kefalonia. It is very important to the Hellenic Presidency, as well as to the Greek government, that the community mechanisms be mobilized – particularly the Solidarity Fund. And the same holds true, naturally, for the very serious natural disaster in Slovenia and on the border between Slovenia and Croatia.

Finally, allow me to clarify – speaking not as the Presidency of the Council, but as the Greek Foreign Minister – that on the issue of genetically modified organisms, and in this case, maize, the Greek position is absolutely opposed to granting permission and, even further, absolutely opposed to the potential for the cultivation of genetically modified organisms.


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