Παρασκευή 24 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Russia submits draft gas agreement to EU, Ukraine

Russia has submitted a draft trilateral protocol agreement to solve gas dispute to the EU and Ukraine, Energy Minister Alexander Novak told reporters Friday.

“I gave the draft trilateral protocol agreement to our partners in Ukraine and the EU on October 21, it is under their consideration,” Novak said. “I do not have the information on what proposals our partners in negotiations are discussing. They have promised to speak them out at trilateral consultations on October 29,” Novak said.

On October 17, Russia and Ukraine agreed on the gas price of US $385 per 1,000 cubic meters for the winter and Ukraine repaying at least $1.4 billion of its gas debt before the supplies restart, however no agreement had been signed during the previous trilateral gas talks on Tuesday, as Kiev has no money to fully repay the debt.

On Tuesday, Vice President of the European Commission Gunther Oettinger said the EU will soon discuss additional short-term financial aid to Ukraine to help the country repay its gas debt.
Novak said that Russia is ready to sign a new gas agreement with Ukraine as soon as the EU provides financial guarantees for the repayment of the debt and advanced payment for further supplies.
Ukraine needs Russia to sign a legally binding document to set a fixed and unchangeable price for gas, Energy Minister Yury Prodan said.

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Merkel will Ukraine bei Gasschulden helfen ...

    Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel kündigt eine Brückenfinanzierung für die ukrainischen Gasschulden bei Russland an. Es soll eine rasche Lösung geben. Dahinter steckt auch Eigeninteresse.

    Die EU bietet der Ukraine weitere rasche finanzielle Hilfe an, um sie vor einer Gaskrise im kommenden Winter zu bewahren. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat sich auf dem EU-Gipfel in Brüssel dafür ausgesprochen, dem Land bei der Bezahlung seiner Gasschulden an Russland zu helfen. "Es gibt eine Notwendigkeit einer gewissen Brückenfinanzierung", sagte Merkel in Brüssel.

    Die Notwendigkeit ergibt sich, weil Russland zum einen die Begleichung offener Rechnungen aus dem vergangenen Winter fordert, was die Ukraine inzwischen zugestanden hat. Zweitens will Russland nur gegen Vorkasse die Lieferungen wieder aufnehmen – aber der Ukraine fehlt das nötige Geld dafür...........http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article133631304/Merkel-will-Ukraine-bei-Gasschulden-helfen.html


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