Πέμπτη 5 Ιουνίου 2014

Greece to buy Russian gas at discounted price of $396 per 1,000 cubic metres

“The contract satisfies both Greece and Gazprom. It provides for annual gas supplies of about two billion cubic metres from 2016,” Georgios Chelikidis, the General Manager of Prometheus Gas S.A. says...

ATHENS, June 05./ITAR-TASS/. Greece will buy Russian gas at a price of $396 US dollars per 1,000 cubic metres, Georgios Chelikidis, the General Manager of Prometheus Gas S.A., a Greek-Russian joint venture with participation of Russia’s Gazprom Export, told ITAR-TASS on Thursday.

He said Greece had recently signed a contract with Russia’s gas giant Gazprom within the framework of the current intergovernmental agreement on gas supplies up to 2016, with an option of extending it for ten years more. “We have signed a good contract with Gazprom, both in terms of the price and in terms of supplies volumes,” Chelikidis said. “The contract satisfies both Greece and Gazprom. It provides for annual gas supplies of about two billion cubic metres from 2016. Moreover, it provides for a certain margin - the Greeks may take more if they need.”

In his words, cooperation with Russia was carried out “at a rather high level.” “There is good understanding. Gas price talks proceeded smoothly and the price was fixed at $396 per 1,000 cubic metres,” he noted. “The agreement was extended for ten years more, till 2026, which only strengthens our cooperation.” The long-term contract on Russian pipeline gas supplies via Bulgaria “has ensured development prospects for Greece,” Chelikidis said.

When he had been asked if possible construction of a branch line from the South Stream gas mains Athens had recently asked if it could help Greece to diversify gas supplies, Chelikidis said, “Naturally.” “Apart from becoming a transit country for natural gas, Greece would have a good alternative route in case gas supplies via Ukraine are interrupted,” he noted.
According to earlier reports, Greece’s Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change said on February 25 that the country’s state gas company DEPA and Russia’s Gazprom had agreed a 15% discount on the current gas price exported to Greece. The agreement on discounts would have a retroactive effect and would be applicable to gas supplies executed after July 1, 2013. This agreement would be in force within the framework of the current intergovernmental agreement till 2016 and could be extended for ten years.



1 σχόλιο:

  1. Les entreprises européennes sont prêtes à vendre du gaz à l'Ukraine pour un prix de 325 dollars par 1000 de mètres cubes. C'est ce qu'a déclaré le chef de la société ukrainienne Naftogaz Andreï Kobolev.....

    Selon Kobolev, plusieurs entreprises européennes ont déjà fait leurs propositions. Cependant, il n'a pas précisé desquelles entreprises il s'agissait.

    Auparavant, Kobolev a déclaré que l'Ukraine est prête à payer la Russie 326 dollars par 1000 mètres cubes de gaz comme le prix de transition pour une période jusqu’à ce que le différend gazier soit résolu.

    Le chef de Gazprom, Alexeï Miller a déclaré que la position de l'Ukraine sur le problème gazier aux négociations tripartites représente un chantage ouvert, elle est absurde, péremptoire et non constructive.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_06_13/LEurope-est-prete-a-vendre-du-gaz-a-lUkraine-pour-un-prix-de-325-dollars-8551/


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