Πέμπτη 29 Μαΐου 2014

Ukraine Confirms Participation in Friday's 3-Party Gas Meeting

Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan will attend a three-party meeting on gas issues scheduled for Friday in Berlin, the ministry’s spokesman told RIA Novosti Thursday.
“The minister will take part in the three-party talks in Berlin,” he said.
A source close to the negotiations told RIA Novosti on Thursday that Kiev’s decision about repaying a part of its debt to Russia is expected after Friday’s meeting of Ukraine, Russia and the European Union.
The Russia Energy Ministry and the European Commission earlier confirmed their plans to attend the meeting.

At the previous three-party talks on May 26, Ukraine agreed to partially settle the gas debt for Russian gas by paying $2 billion by Friday and $500 million for May gas deliveries no later than June 7.
  • The Russian side said Moscow is ready to continue talks, including the possible discounts for Kiev, if the first payment comes on time.
Kiev has not yet confirmed its decision about paying the $2 billion to Russia.
The Ukrainian government signed a decree Thursday to increase the capital stock of Ukraine’s energy giant Naftogaz by 22.3 billion hryvnias or around $2 billion.

Ukraine’s gas debt to Russia currently stands at $4 billion, according to EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger. Kiev continues to reject the new price of $485 per 1,000 cubic meters of Russian gas.
KIEV, May 29 (RIA Novosti)

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