Παρασκευή 30 Μαΐου 2014

Naftogaz agrees to pay $786mn of gas debt to Russia (Günther Oettinger)

Ukraine has agreed to pay $786 million of its $3.5 billion gas debt to Russia, the European Union Energy Minister Oettinger said in Berlin on Friday.

The statement comes as Russia, Ukraine and the EU are holding a third round of energy talks in Berlin.

The Ukrainian delegation has produced documents proving that Kiev has transferred the money to Moscow, Oettinger said in an interview to Russia's TV Channel Rossiya 24.
The Energy Commissioner also said Russia was ready to continue negotiations on the gas price and supplies.

Speaking from Berlin, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that if Gazprom receives the money, they’ll look into the nature of the payment, and after that the situation will change.

“First we need to make sure they [Ukraine] want to pay,” Medvedev said.

The total Ukraine’s gas debt to Russia now stands at $3.5 billion.

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