Πέμπτη 3 Απριλίου 2014

Price of gas for Ukraine set at $485 per 1,000 cubic meters. -Naftogaz's debt is estimated at more than $2.2 billion

The price of gas for Ukraine is set at $485 per 1,000 cubic meters as of April 2014, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said. Gazprom is concerned by the substantial decrease in reserves of active gas stored underground in Ukraine, the Russian gas giant said after a Thursday meeting in Moscow between its CEO Alexei Miller and the head of Ukraine's national oil and gas company Naftogaz Ukrainy, Andrei Kobolev.

"In this connection, the need for its replenishment to meet domestic needs next winter is rising and, accordingly, [the necessity of] Naftogaz meeting its obligations as to uninterrupted Russian gas transit to Europe," the company said.

During the meeting was discussed "the necessity of taking quick measures for Naftogaz Ukrainy to pay off its accumulated debt for Russian gas deliveries. By now, considering March deliveries, Naftogaz's debt is estimated at more than $2.2 billion," Gazprom said.

The Ukrainian company has yet to comment on the outcome of the meeting. According to Fuel and Energy Dispatch Center (CDU TEK) figures, Naftogaz received 1.968 billion cubic meters of Russia gas worth $528 million last month.

The March account is to be paid up on April 7. Debt for deliveries in 2013 and previous months amounts to $1.711 billion.

That means the debt could rise to $2.239 billion next week.


4 σχόλια:

  1. Gazprom schraubt den Preis weiter hoch

    Im Konflikt mit der Ukraine setzt Russland seine Gaspreise verstärkt als politisches Druckmittel ein. Der Staatskonzern Gazprom strich erneut Rabatte für das Nachbarland und verteuerte so den Preis für Gaslieferungen deutlich.

  2. Russland macht Erdgas für die Ukraine noch viel teurer

    03.04.2014 · Gerade erst hat der mächtige russische Erdgaskonzern Gazprom der Ukraine die Gas-Rechnung erhöht. Nun langt er nochmal kräftig hin, macht nun insgesamt 80 Prozent mehr.

  3. Yatsenyuk: Russia’s decision to abolish zero export duty on gas "unacceptable"...

    Parliament-appointed Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk said Russia’s decision to abolish the zero export duty on gas for Ukraine was “politically motivated” and “absolutely unacceptable”.

    He did not specify, though, what he meant exactly but said “we expect Russia to continue to exert pressure on the ‘gas front’, including by limiting gas supplies to Ukraine”.

  4. US criticises Russia’s gas price hike for Ukraine....

    The White House has objected to Russia’s increase in natural gas prices for Ukraine on Thursday and said that markets should determine prices.

    White House Spokesman Jay Carney spoke after Russian natural gas producer Gazprom announced it would virtually double the gas price for Ukraine to $485 per 1000 cubic meters this month, which Ukraine said was politically motivated.

    “That kind of action taken coercively against Ukraine is something we oppose,” Carney told reporters.

    “We believe that markets should determine energy prices.”

    The price hike amounts to an 80 per cent increase, piling more pressure on the Ukraine economy, already on the brink of bankruptcy.


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