The CEO of Russian energy giant Gazprom Alexey Miller announced on Thursday the start of the 2,380-kilometre South Stream gas pipeline project in Bulgaria.
"Today we are launching the construction of the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline," Miller said after talks with Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski.
Miller and Oresharski watched the beginning of the construction works near the village of Rasovo in north-western Bulgaria on monitors in the Council of Ministers in Sofia.
Miller said the South Stream pipeline was the most important part of Europe's energy security as supplies would go directly through Bulgaria to the European Union, adding that 3.5 billion euros would be invested in Bulgaria.
Gazprom is using South Stream to deliver Russian gas to Central and Eastern Europe, bypassing the Ukraine in order to avoid gas crises similar to the supply stoppage in the beginning of 2009 when Russia and the Ukraine squabbled over gas policies.
Consumers will be receiving the first South Stream gas in December 2015, he said.
The construction of the Serbian section of the pipeline is to start by the end of this year.
Voice of Russia, dpa
"Today we are launching the construction of the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline," Miller said after talks with Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski.
Miller and Oresharski watched the beginning of the construction works near the village of Rasovo in north-western Bulgaria on monitors in the Council of Ministers in Sofia.
Miller said the South Stream pipeline was the most important part of Europe's energy security as supplies would go directly through Bulgaria to the European Union, adding that 3.5 billion euros would be invested in Bulgaria.
Gazprom is using South Stream to deliver Russian gas to Central and Eastern Europe, bypassing the Ukraine in order to avoid gas crises similar to the supply stoppage in the beginning of 2009 when Russia and the Ukraine squabbled over gas policies.
Consumers will be receiving the first South Stream gas in December 2015, he said.
The construction of the Serbian section of the pipeline is to start by the end of this year.
Voice of Russia, dpa
South Stream: Varna Plans Revolt against Russian-sponsored Gas Pipeline. The environmental impact of the pipeline.
Gazprom and partners begin South Stream
Έτινγκερ: Ο South Stream δεν θα χρηματοδοτηθεί από την ΕΕ. -Δεν μας δίνει πρόσβαση σε καμία νέα πηγή ενέργειας και δεν αυξάνει την ανταγωνιστικότητα της αγοράς ενέργειας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.
„Јужен тек“ спротивен на законите на ЕУ...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήБилатералните спогодби за изградба на гасоводот „Јужен тек“ што ги потишаа Русија, Бугарија, Србија, Унгарија, Грција, Словенија, Хрватска и Австрија се спротивни на законите на Европската унија.
Европската комисија соопшти дека билатералните спогодби за изградба на гасоводот „Јужен тек“, кои се потпишани меѓу Русија, Бугарија, Србија, Унгарија, Грција, Словенија, Хрватска и Австрија, претставуваат кршење на законите на ЕУ.
Директорот за енергетскиот пазар при Европската комисија Клаус Дитер Борхерт рекол дека ниеден од тие договори не е во согласност со законите на Унијата.
Европскиот комесар за енергетика Гинтер Етингер испратил писмо на рускиот министер за енергетика Александар Новак, за да му се објасни состојбата.