Σάββατο 10 Ιανουαρίου 2015

US Dragon Spacecraft Blasts Off to ISS, Falcon 9 Rocket Landing Fails

The US spacecraft Dragon with 1.6 tons of supplies for the International Space Station (ISS) was successfully launched Saturday from Cape Canaveral in Florida, NASA said on its website.

The Dragon spacecraft was brought into the orbit by the Falcon 9 carrier-rocket. After completing the task, the first stage of the carrier-rocket was expected to land on a huge platform installed in the ocean off the coast of Florida.
According to US media reports, Falcon 9 crashed into the platform and broke into pieces, making it impossible to use the rocket in the future.

  • The first stage of SpaceX's Flacon 9 rocket failed to make a soft landing at the ocean platform after separating from the spacecraft Dragon, chief executive of SpaceX private developer said Saturday.

"Rocket made it to drone spaceport ship, but landed hard. Close, but no cigar this time. Bodes well for the future tho. Ship itself is fine. Some of the support equipment on the deck will need to be replaced," Elon Musk said via Twitter.
Musk earlier stated that in case of successful landing, his company would be able to use the rocket's booster stage multiple times, which would change the economics of space flights completely.....................http://sputniknews.com/science/20150110/1016737710.html

3 σχόλια:

  1. SpaceX launches cargo ship but rocket recovery test ends in crash ...

    The American SpaceX firm says its experiment to bring part of its Falcon rocket down to a soft landing on a floating sea platform did not work.

    The vehicle was launched on a mission to send a cargo capsule to the International Space Station.

    But once the first-stage of the rocket completed its part of this task, it tried to make a controlled return.

    The company CEO Elon Musk tweeted that the booster hit the platform hard.

    "Close, but no cigar," he added. "Bodes well for the future tho'. Ship itself is fine. Some of the support equipment on the deck will need to be replaced." And he continued: "Didn't get good landing/impact video. Pitch dark and foggy. Will piece it together from telemetry and... actual pieces."

    SpaceX intends to keep trying. If this kind of capability can be proven, it promises to dramatically lower launch costs in the future................http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-30752515

  2. Der erfolgreiche Start des privaten Raumfrachters „Dragon“ ist am Samstag durch eine schwere Panne überschattet worden....

    Der vom Unternehmen SpaceX geplante Versuch, die erste Stufe der Falcon-Trägerrakete sicher und aufrecht auf einer schwimmenden Plattform zu landen, missglückte, schrieb SpaceX-Betreiber Elon Musk auf Twitter.

    „Die Rakete ging zwar nieder, aber zu hart.“ Zuvor hatte Musk mitgeteilt, dass die erste Raketenstufe bei erfolgreicher Landung wieder verwendet werden könnte, was einen Durchbruch in der Raumfahrt bedeuten würde. Bislang verglühten Teile der Trägerraketen nach dem Start in den dichten Schichten der Atmosphäre. Es war insgesamt der erste Versuch, eine Rakete wieder vertikal zu landen...............http://de.sputniknews.com/panorama/20150110/300523555.html

  3. The American cargo spacecraft Dragon that was launched last Saturday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, to the International Space Station (ISS) is to dock with the orbiting station on Monday...

    American company Space Exploration Technologies or SpaceX said that all Dragon’s systems are functioning normally.

    More than two tons of supplies and NASA science research tools are on the way to the International Space Station aboard SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft. The spacecraft launched Saturday on the company’s Falcon 9 rocket from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 04:47 am EST, NASA reported.

    Dragon's cargo will support more than 250 experiments that will be conducted by the station’s Expeditions 42 and 43 crews. The Dragon spaceship marks SpaceX’s fifth resupply mission to the ISS under a $1.6 billion contract with NASA to deliver 20,000 kg (44,000 pounds) of cargo to the station during a dozen Dragon cargo spacecraft flights through 2016 under NASA’s Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract...............http://itar-tass.com/en/non-political/770682


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