Δευτέρα 3 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Kiev Agrees With IMF to Pay for Russian Gas During Winter Period From Own Exchange Reserve

Kiev has agreed with International Monetary Fund (IMF) that it will pay for Russian gas during the winter period from Ukraine's exchange reserves, the country's national bank said.

"We managed to agree with IMF that the payments for the gas can be made from our own exchange reserves and IMF will support us. That is why we are confident we can support all the payments to Gazprom on the recent gas agreement," the Head of Ukraine's National Bank Valeriia Gontareva said at the press briefing.
Earlier on Monday, Ukraine's Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan told RIA Novosti that Kiev has not yet paid for Russian gas, but aims to do so in the near future...................http://en.ria.ru/business/20141103/195047378/Kiev-Agrees-With-IMF-to-Pay-for-Russian-Gas-During-Winter-Period.html

2 σχόλια:

  1. Gaz: Kiev a payé au russe Gazprom 1,45 milliard de dollars de sa dette ...

    Kiev a annoncé mardi avoir payé au géant semi-public russe Gazprom 1,45 milliard de dollars de sa dette, première condition pour la reprise des livraisons de gaz russe à l'Ukraine coupées en juin.

    Le groupe public ukrainien "Naftogaz a versé à Gazprom une première tranche de 1,45 milliard de dollars d'arriérés" sur 3,1 milliards de dollars que Kiev doit verser d'ici la fin de l'année, a annoncé Naftogaz dans un communiqué...........http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/europe/1138869/gaz-kiev-a-paye-au-russe-gazprom-1-45-milliard-de-dollars-de-sa-dette

  2. Gazprom confirms Ukraine’s first $1.45bn gas tranche received...

    Gazprom has confirmed receipt of the first tranche of $1.45 billion from Ukraine in settlement of the gas debt for earlier deliveries by Russia, company spokesperson Sergey Kupriyanov said.

    On Tuesday Ukraine’s Naftogaz said it had transferred the sum to the Gazprom account as part of the unsettled gas debt.

    “Gazprom received confirmation from banks of the transfer of $1.45 billion from Naftogaz for gas delivered earlier by Russia,” Kupriyanov said.

    Last week Gazprom chief Aleksey Miller said gas deliveries from Russia to Ukraine could be resumed within 48 hours after the first payment is made, as well as a prepayment corresponding to the volumes of gas Ukraine expects in November, RIA reports.


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