Τετάρτη 23 Απριλίου 2014

Günther Oettinger denies possibility of multilateral gas talks in Bratislava

The European Commission has denied multilateral gas talks may be held in Bratislava on April 24.

European Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger will have contacts with the Russian and Ukrainian partners soon for organising the first meeting, the European Commission says.

A concrete date has not been specified yet, though, it says.

Earlier, the parliament-appointed Ukrainian Minister of Energy and Coal Industry, Yuri Prodan, told ITAR-TASS that the gas talks within the Russia-Ukraine-Slovakia-EC format might be held in Bratislava on April 24.

  • Russia put forth that initiative, he said.

  • Russian minister invites EU commissioner to discuss Ukrainian gas issue April 28...

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak has invited EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger to meet in Moscow on April 28 and discuss the Ukrainian gas issue.
The minister is prepared to discuss other proposals concerning the venue and time of the meeting, his spokesperson Olga Golant told ITAR-TASS on Wednesday, April 23.
Oettinger has reaffirmed the European Commission’s readiness to conduct multilateral gas talks at the political level.
At present, the gas talks are expected to be held between different expert groups: between Slovak and Ukrainian gas operators and within the Slovakia-Ukraine-EU format, the spokesperson said.
The European Commissioner invited Novak and his Ukrainian counterpart Yuri Prodan to tripartite consultations, Oettinger’s spokesperson said, adding that their date and place had not been specified yet.
Prodan said the gas talks within the Russia-Ukraine-Slovakia-EC format might be held in Bratislava on April 24. The initiative was put forth by Russia, he said.
Earlier, the press service confirmed the conceptual readiness of the European Commission to hold multilateral talks over the gas issue at the political level.......[itar-tass.com]

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