Τετάρτη 19 Μαρτίου 2014

Kerch bridge will be designed for cars and trains. Underwater tunnel is optional. - ministry

Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the country’s Transportation Ministry on Wednesday to launch the construction of two bridges over the Kerch Strait.
“We need there two bridges both for automobile and railway transportation,” Putin said addressing a session with the members of the Russian government.
Russian Transport minister Maxim Sokolov told the president that there was also a variant of constructing a transportation tunnel under the Kerch Strait.

The Kerch Strait connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov at the same time separating Russia’s Taman Peninsula and the Kerch Peninsula in Crimea. The strait ranges in its width between 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) and 15 kilometers (9.3 miles), and is up to 18 meters (almost 60 feet) deep.
Transport minister Maksim Sokolov has also added that Russia’s transport links with Crimea are operating without disruptions.
According to the minister, currently there are seven pairs of passenger trains running between Moscow and Crimea. Also, there are three flights from Moscow a day. If it needed, the number of flights may be increased to fourteen, he said.

Strait of Kerch:Google Maps


2 σχόλια:

  1. Russia green lights road and rail bridge to Crimea...

    The long delayed Kerch Strait Bridge project, which would connect the Crimean peninsula and mainland Russia, has been given a green light, with President Putin saying the bridge would provide both road and rail links.

    Vladimir Putin held a meeting with members of the government on Wednesday in order to discuss transport links with the Crimea, a day after the treaty of accession of the republic to the Russian Federation was signed.

    “We need both automobile and railway bridges,” the President said about the Kerch Strait Bridge.
    Putin’s proposal received the full backing from Russian Transport Minister Maksim Sokolov, who stressed that the government has already agreed on the feasibility study for the project............................http://rt.com/business/crimea-russia-kerch-bridge-857/

  2. Bridge across Kerch Strait to cost 100 billion rubles...

    Building a beridge across the Kerch Strait may exceed 100 billion rubles (around $2.8 billion) if an option of two railway tracks on the bridge is chosen, Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov says

    The volume of funding in the project of building a bridge across the Kerch Strait may make 100 billion rubles (around $2.8 billion) and may even exceed this sum, if an option of two railway tracks on the bridge is chosen, Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov told ITAR-TASS on Wednesday.

    “The volume of funding will obviously exceed already planned 50 billion rubles (around $1.4 billion), because only a motor bridge was planned. As a new task (a bridge should be motor and railway) is set that, according to our estimates, will cost at least 80-85 billion rubles ($2.2-2.4 billion). If a two-way railway is planned, probably this sum will get quite closely to or will even surpass 100 billion rubles,” Sokolov said.

    “This is explainable, because we did not build such long bridges starting from five kilometers and a bridge of ten kilometers long,” he said.


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