Δευτέρα 14 Αυγούστου 2017

Iran's parliament takes steps to counter US pressures

Iran's parliament
Iranian Majlis (parliament) on Sunday overwhelmingly approved the generalities of a motion to counter US pressures and its "terrorist and adventurous" acts in the region.

The general outlines of the motion were passed with 240 votes in favor and one abstention during an open parliamentary session on Sunday morning.

The Majlis ratified the motion which had been prepared by the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Majlis in July.

According to the bill, the Iranian Foreign, Defense and Intelligence Ministries, as well as the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), IRGC Quds Forces, and the Iranian Army should work in coordination with the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) to prepare regular reports about the comprehensive measures they take against US threats and its "hegemonic, terrorist and divisive" policies across the region, Tasnim news agency reported.

It also seeks to impose sanctions against a series of US organizations, entities and individuals, including the US military and security officials who have had a role in providing military, financial and intelligence support for "terrorist and extremist groups" in the region.

Moreover, the bill proposes plans to counter the US economic sanctions, calling for closer trade interaction with the countries working with Iran.

The legislative move by Iran follows the US President Donald Trump's signing of a sanctions bill on Russia, Iran and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Aug. 2.

Sanctions against Iran is mainly in response to Tehran's growing missile program.

Iranian officials have repeatedly said Iran's missile program is for deterrent purposes.

The lawmakers' motion on Sunday also tasks the government to allocate an additional defense budget of 260 million US dollars for the "development of the missile program."

The motion, once turns into a law, will grant the same amount to the Quds Forces of IRGC.

The Quds Force, also known as Qods, is a special unit of Iran's IRGC responsible for "extraterritorial" missions of the Corps.

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