Δευτέρα 6 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Some 400,000 told to evacuate in Japan amid Typhoon Phanfone

Japanese authorities have ordered the evacuation of almost 400,000 people in the central part of the country, hit by powerful Typhoon Phanfone.

More than 620 flights have been canceled and traffic has been suspended on the Shinkansen high-speed railways linking the capital Tokyo and Nagoya, and also other lines.

Three US troops were washed on the northern coast in Okinawa Island on Sunday. One of them was later found dead, while two others are believed to have gone missing.
Typhoon Phanfone, which means ‘Animal’ in the Laotian language, has hit the main part of Japan’s territory in the area of Hamamatsu, in western Shizuoka Prefecture, and is now heading to the north with the wind speed of almost 40 m/s.

The waves in coastal areas reach the height of 11 meters. The typhoon has brought powerful rains to central Japan, including Tokyo, and authorities warn of possible landslides and floods.

2 σχόλια:

  1. Nearly One Million People Urged to Evacuate as Typhoon Phanfone Rages in Japan...

    Nearly one million people have been asked to evacuate as typhoon Phanfone advances in central Japan, public broadcaster NHK reported Monday.

    Phanfone to hit the city of Hamamatsu in Japan's Shizuoka prefecture Monday morning. Some 360,000 residents of the city were advised to evacuate. In addition, Japanese authorities have issued evacuation recommendations to residents of Aichi, Mie, Yamanashi, Chiba and Kanagawa prefectures, about a million people in total.

    The typhoon has claimed the life of a US Air Force member, who was swept away in the prefecture of Okinawa on Sunday. Ten people have been injured and three remain missing, NHK wrote.

    Phanfone is heading northeast at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour. By the end of the day, the typhoon is expected to reach the northeastern regions of Honshu, Japan's largest island.

    Japan's Meteorological Agency has warned against high waves and asked the public to stay away from the seaside. Over 600 flights from Tokyo's airports have been canceled.

  2. Typhoon heads out to sea after leaving at least one dead in Japan....

    (Reuters) - A typhoon lashed Japan with torrential rain on Monday after killing at least one person, forcing the cancellation of flights and prompting warnings to more than 200,000 people to evacuate their homes before heading out to sea.

    Three U.S. servicemen were swept away by high waves lashing the southwestern island of Okinawa on Sunday as Typhoon Phanfone approached. One was found dead and two were missing. A surfer was swept out to sea.

    The storm brushed past the capital, Tokyo, and by early afternoon was out over the Pacific, leaving behind skies clear enough that Mount Fuji was clearly visible to the southwest.

    Heavy rains had forced the cancellation of a search for victims of Mount Ontake, with 12 people still missing after an eruption last week killed at least 51. A score of households in the foothills of the peak were evacuated out of concerns that heavy rains could cause mudslides as ash was washed downstream...............http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/06/us-japan-typhoon-idUSKCN0HV00H20141006?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews


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