Τετάρτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Japan to reopen 1st nuclear plant after Fukushima disaster - despite volcano risks

A local council has voted to re-open the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant on the outermost western coast of Japan, despite local opposition and meteorologists’ warnings, following tremors in a nearby volcano.

Nineteen out of 26 members of the city council of Satsumasendai approved the reopening that is scheduled to take place from early 2015. Like all of Japan’s 48 functional reactors, Sendai’s 890 MW generators were mothballed in the months following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Satsumasendai, a town of 100,000 people, relies heavily on state subsidies and jobs, which are dependent on the continuing operation of the plant.
But other towns, located within sight of the plant, do not reap the same benefits, yet say they are being exposed to the same risks. A survey conducted by the local Minami-Nippon Shimbun newspaper earlier this year said that overall, 60 percent of those in the region were in favor of Sendai staying shut. In Ichikikushikino, a 30,000-strong community just 5 kilometers away, more than half of the population signed a petition opposing the restart. Fewer than half of the major businesses in the region reported that they backed a reopening, despite potential economic benefits. 

Regional governor Yuichiro Ito has waved away the objections, insisting that only the city in which the plant is located is entitled to make the decision.
While most fears have centered around a lack of transparency and inadequate evacuation plans, Sendai is also located near the volcanically active Kirishima mountain range. Mount Ioyama, located just 65 kilometers away from the plant, has been experiencing tremors in recent weeks, prompting the Meteorological Agency to issue a warning. The government’s nuclear agency has dismissed volcanic risks over Sendai’s lifetime as “negligible,” however.................http://rt.com/news/200175-sendai-fukushima-nuclear-volcano/

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Kagoshima Gov. Yuichiro Ito has accepted the explanation offered by Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yoichi Miyazawa about the government’s plan to restart the Sendai nuclear plant...

    Miyazawa “clearly explained the need for the restart,” Ito told reporters after the pair met Monday in the prefectural government building.

    The governor will likely grant his approval for reactivating the plant if the Kagoshima Prefectural Assembly, as expected, votes in favor of the move this Friday.

    “We hope for your understanding,” Miyazawa told Ito during the meeting. The governor replied, “We will make a decision by comprehensively evaluating factors, after the prefectural assembly holds a vote on it shortly.”

    The assembly will be voting on whether to support the central government’s plan to restart reactors 1 and 2 at the Kyushu Electric Power Co. plant in the city of Satsumasendai.

    Earlier in the day, Miyazawa visited the Sendai plant, which is expected to be the first facility to be brought back online under safety regulations adopted after the March 2011 Fukushima No. 1 disaster.

    The Nuclear Regulation Authority certified the Sendai nuclear plant as meeting the new safety regulations in September and the municipal assembly and mayor of Satsumasendai approved the restart last month.

    The restart is expected to take place early next year.


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