Δευτέρα 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

India to participate in mock tsunami drill in Indian Ocean. (is planned for 9 and 10 September)

India will participate in a two- day major mock tsunami drill in the Indian Ocean, starting Tuesday, along with 23 other countries, an official said Monday.

The drill, organized under the auspices of UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, is intended to test the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS), said the official.

The drill is expected to increase preparedness, evaluate response capabilities in each country and improve coordination throughout the region, a statement by the Indian government has said.

"The drill also aims at evaluating the system's operational capacity, efficiency of communication among the different concerned actors, and the state of preparation of national emergency services," it added.

Sources: Xinhuan -  indian.ruvr.ru


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