Κυριακή 24 Αυγούστου 2014

Strong quakes shake Icelandic volcano

Two strong earthquakes on Sunday shook Iceland's largest volcano, which is on orange alert lowered from red one for one day amid fears of an imminent eruption, the Icelandic Met Office said.

A large explosion at the Bardarbunga volcano could signal a replay of the global travel chaos caused by the eruption of another Icelandic peak four years ago, which created a massive ash cloud across Europe.

The earthquakes were listed on the Met Office's website with intensities of 5.3 and 5.1 on the Richter scale, which makes them the strongest recorded in the region since the current seismic cycle began last week.

On Saturday, Iceland raised its alert over the Bardarbunga volcano to the highest level and closed airspace in the area, but all of Iceland's airports remained open.

Met Office official Gunnar Gudmundsson told Icelandic public broadcaster RUV that it was difficult to say whether the earthquakes indicated an increased risk of an eruption.

Police said some 300 people had been evacuated in a popular tourist area located north of the Bardarbunga volcano, which lies in southeast Iceland.

"This is quite an extensive evacuation, but it is only in the canyons themselves, not in the inhabited area," Husavi chief of police Svavar Palsson told local media.

"Most of the people were foreign tourists."

The authorities said they had decided not to evacuate residents of nearby areas, but encouraged them to be alert and have their mobile phones switched on at all times.

Police said that the ice layer in the area was between 150 and 400 meters thick.

  • Local authorities fear floods from melting ice could cause serious damage to the country's infrastructure.
Seismologists had recorded an earthquake of 4.5 on the Richter scale on Monday, when Iceland decided to raise its aviation alert to orange, the second-highest level of five.

The eruption of Eyjafjoell, a smaller volcano, in April 2010 caused travel mayhem, stranding more than 8 million people in the widest airspace shutdown since World War II.

"There's nothing we can do if we get another big eruption like that of Eyjafjoell except to interrupt air traffic in the dangerous areas," Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration spokesman Fridthor Eydal was quoted as saying earlier this week.

"It's really the only thing we can do," he said.

Iceland's most active sub-glacial volcano Grimsvotn erupted in 2011, forcing the country to temporarily shut its airspace and sparking fears of a repeat of the Eyjafjoell flight chaos.

Iceland is home to more than 100 volcanic mountains, some of which are among the most active in the world.

Sources: AFP - globaltimes.cn



8 σχόλια:

  1. M 4.8 - ICELAND - 2014-08-25 16:19:04 UTC....local time: 16:19...

    Magnitude mb 4.8
    Region ICELAND
    Date time 2014-08-25 16:19:04.8 UTC
    Location 64.60 N ; 17.78 W
    Depth 10 km
    Distances 205 km E of Reykjavík, Iceland / pop: 113,906 / local time: 16:19:04.8 2014-08-25
    122 km S of Akureyri / pop: 16,563 / local time: 16:19:00.0 2014-08-25

  2. 25th August 2014 16:00 - status report...

    Overall assessment from the joint daily status report 250814 of the Icelandic Met Office and the University of Iceland, Institute of Earth Sciences:

    There are no indications that the intensity of the activity is declining. Currently, three scenarios are considered most likely: 1) The migration of magma could stop, attended by a gradual reduction in seismic activity. 2) The dike could reach the surface of the crust, starting an eruption. In this scenario, it is most likely that the eruption would be near the northern tip of the dike. This would most likely produce an effusive lava eruption with limited explosive, ash-producing activity. 3) An alternate scenario would be the dike reaching the surface where a significant part, or all, of the fissure is beneath the glacier. This would most likely produce a flood in Jökulsá á Fjöllum and perhaps explosive, ash-producing activity. Other scenarios cannot be excluded. For example, an eruption inside the Bárdarbunga caldera is possible but presently considered to be less likely.
    25th August 2014 11:00 - from the Advisory Board of scientists

    Scientists from the Icelandic Met Office and the Institute of Earth Sciences and representatives of the Civil Protection in Iceland attend the meetings of the Advisory Board.
    Presented at a meeting of the Advisory Board at 10 am today:

    Intense seismicity continues. Over 700 events have been recorded since midnight.
    Seismicity continues to migrate northward. Seismicity is now concentrated on the 10 km long tip of the dike extending 5 km beyond the edge of the Dyngjujökull glacier.
    At 20:39 last night an earthquake of magnitude ~5 was observed beneath the Bárðarbunga caldera. Since then earthquakes in the caldera have been smaller.
    The dike beneath Dyngjujökull is now thought to be close to 35 km long. Modelling of GPS data indicates that it contains about 300 million cubic meters of magma.
    Additional stations for continuous GPS monitoring will be installed north of Vonarskarð and on Urðarháls within a few days.
    There are no indications that the intensity of the activity declining. Currently, three scenarios are considered most likely:
    The migration of magma could stop, attended by a gradual reduction in seismic activity.
    The dike could reach the surface of the crust, starting an eruption. In this scenario, it is most likely that the eruption would be near the northern tip of the dike. This would most likely produce an effusive lava eruption with limited explosive, ash-producing activity.
    An alternate scenario would be the dike reaching the surface where a significant part, or all, of the fissure is beneath the glacier. This would most likely produce a flood in Jökulsá á Fjöllum and perhaps explosive, ash-producing activity.

    Other scenarios cannot be excluded. For example, an eruption inside the Bárðarbunga caldera is possible but presently considered to be less likely.

    From the Icelandic Met Office:

    The Icelandic Met Office has decided that the aviation colour code will remain orange.................http://en.vedur.is/earthquakes-and-volcanism/articles/nr/2947

  3. M 5.0 - ICELAND - 2014-08-26 01:26:10 UTC.... local time: 01:26...

    Magnitude mb 5.0
    Region ICELAND
    Date time 2014-08-26 01:26:10.9 UTC
    Location 64.71 N ; 16.89 W
    Depth 2 km
    Distances 250 km E of Reykjavík, Iceland / pop: 113,906 / local time: 01:26:10.9 2014-08-26
    122 km SE of Akureyri / pop: 16,563 / local time: 01:26:00.0 2014-08-26
    96 km NW of Höfn, Iceland / pop: 1,695 / local time: 01:26:10.9 2014-08-26

  4. Sismo de 5,7 junto ao vulcão Bardarbunga...

    Um sismo de magnitude 5,7 foi registado, esta terça-feira, na zona junto ao vulcão islandês Bardarbunga, o mais forte desde que o vulcão entrou em atividade a 16 de agosto, aumentando as probabilidades de uma possível erupção.

    O abalo registado pelo instituto meteorológico islandês (IMO) é igualmente o mais forte nesta região desde 1996.

    A atividade sísmica na região mantinha-se intensa, esta manhã, com a terra a tremer mais de 20 vezes por hora.

    As autoridades islandesas mantêm desde domingo o nível de alerta "laranja", o segundo mais grave.

    De acordo com os cientistas, uma eventual erupção do Bardarbunga, o maior vulcão da Islândia, será suficientemente forte para interromper ou perturbar o tráfego aéreo no norte da Europa e no Atlântico Norte e causará importantes danos no país.....................http://www.jn.pt/PaginaInicial/Mundo/Interior.aspx?content_id=4094306&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+JN-ULTIMAS+%28JN+-+Ultimas%29

  5. M 5.0 - ICELAND - 2014-08-28 08:13:43 UTC....local time: 08:13....

    Magnitude mb 5.0
    Region ICELAND
    Date time 2014-08-28 08:13:43.9 UTC
    Location 64.89 N ; 17.45 W
    Depth 5 km
    Distances 229 km NE of Reykjavík, Iceland / pop: 113,906 / local time: 08:13:43.9 2014-08-28
    93 km S of Akureyri / pop: 16,563 / local time: 08:13:00.0 2014-08-28

  6. M 4.9 - ICELAND - 2014-09-03 03:10:03 UTC.....local time: 03:10....

    Magnitude mb 4.9
    Region ICELAND
    Date time 2014-09-03 03:10:03.4 UTC
    Location 64.53 N ; 16.33 W
    Depth 10 km
    273 km E of Reykjavík, Iceland / pop: 113,906 / local time: 03:10:03.4 2014-09-03
    123 km SW of Egilsstaðir, Iceland / pop: 2,265 / local time: 03:10:03.4 2014-09-03
    62 km NW of Höfn, Iceland / pop: 1,695 / local time: 03:10:03.4 2014-09-03

  7. M 5.5 - ICELAND - 2014-09-07 07:08:00 UTC....local time: 07:08....

    Magnitude Mw 5.5
    Region ICELAND
    Date time 2014-09-07 07:08:00.6 UTC
    Location 64.56 N ; 17.49 W
    Depth 10 km

    218 km E of Reykjavík, Iceland / pop: 113,906 / local time: 07:08:00.6 2014-09-07
    128 km S of Akureyri / pop: 16,563 / local time: 07:08:00.0 2014-09-07
    115 km W of Höfn, Iceland / pop: 1,695 / local time: 07:08:00.6 2014-09-07

  8. M 5.5 - ICELAND - 2014-09-29....local time: 13:43...

    Magnitude Mw 5.5
    Region ICELAND
    Date time 2014-09-29 13:43:03.2 UTC
    Location 64.62 N ; 17.39 W
    Depth 10 km
    Distances 224 km E of Reykjavík, Iceland / pop: 113,906 / local time: 13:43:03.2 2014-09-29
    123 km S of Akureyri / pop: 16,563 / local time: 13:43:00.0 2014-09-29
    113 km W of Höfn, Iceland / pop: 1,695 / local time: 13:43:03.2 2014-09-29


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