Δευτέρα 2 Ιουνίου 2014

Russia, Ukraine not to refer gas row to arbitration tribunal (Gazprom CEO)

Gas price may be reduced for Ukraine either by means of customs duties or through corrections in the price formula...

Russia and Ukraine have agreed not to refer the gas row to an arbitration tribunal in Stockholm, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller told Rossiya 24 television.

“The sides have agreed that neither of them goes to the Stockholm Arbitration Institute,” he said.
A next EU-Russia-Ukraine meeting will depend on Ukraine’s payment of its debt for November-December as well as the transfer of 500 million dollars for April-May within the framework of agreements reached in Berlin last Friday. The head of the Russian gas giant said Russia and the European Commission had a common position on the gas debt - it must be paid off.
Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said the gas price was not discussed at three-party talks in Brussels, as this is a subject matter of commercial negotiations. Gas price may be reduced for Ukraine either by means of customs duties or through corrections in the price formula, Miller said.

He also said that Ukraine apparently accepts Russian gas price assessment suggested by European Commission at $350-380-390 per 1,000 cubic meters. 
  • Besides, the Gazprom CEO said nobody could ban Gazprom from building the South Stream gas pipeline. 
  •  Novak, for his part, said that although the issue of new transport routes for Russian gas was linked to the Ukrainian problem, they had not been discussed during the negotiations.
European Commissioner for Energy Guenther Oettinger said that Russia and Ukraine have agreed not to stop gas supplies, not to go to international courts or switch over to prepayment until the next three-party meeting involving Moscow, Kiev and Brussels.

2 σχόλια:

  1. Statement by the European Commission following the trilateral energy meeting between the EU, Russia and Ukraine today....

    Following receipt of payment of 786 million USD by Gazprom from Naftogaz, a trilateral meeting on energy security between EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger, Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak and Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan took place in Brussels on Monday 2 June.

    Real progress has been made. Intensive discussions led to a bilateral meeting between the CEOs of Gazprom and Naftogaz who discussed key commercial issues for a settlement of the ongoing gas supply questions. The CEOs of Gazprom and Naftogaz have developed an approach in which both companies will further consult and continue talks in the next days. Once these talks have led to a consolidated package proposal, both parties will report back to their ministers, with the aim to meet again in the trilateral format without delay.

    It was agreed that as long as these talks are ongoing:

    there will be no interruption of delivery;

    there will be no prepayment for gas deliveries for June;

    no party will go to Stockholm for arbitration.

  2. L'Ukraine doit verser 1,451 milliard de dollars pour le gaz naturel russe consommé en novembre et décembre 2013 et commencer à payer pour le gaz importé en avril et mai d'ici la fin de la semaine, a déclaré lundi le ministre russe de l'Energie Alexandre Novak....

    "La position russe est restée inchangée lundi. Nous nous en tenons à la position examinée et confirmée il y a une semaine par la Commission européenne. L'Ukraine doit payer sa dette pour novembre et décembre, qui s'élève à 1,451 milliard de dollars, d'ici la fin de la semaine et commencer à payer pour le gaz livré en avril et mai", a indiqué M.Novak à la Première chaîne de télévision russe au terme d'un nouveau volet des négociations tripartites sur le gaz à Bruxelles.

    Le ministère russe de l'Energie a confirmé lundi avoir reçu de Kiev 786,4 millions de dollars pour le gaz livré en février et mars 2014. Le groupe gazier russe Gazprom a repoussé lundi du 3 au 9 juin le passage au système de prépaiement pour l'Ukraine...................http://fr.ria.ru/business/20140602/201409982.html


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