Παρασκευή 13 Ιουνίου 2014


With the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy we want to ensure that the EU market is providing sustainable fish. But since we import 2/3 of the fish we eat in Europe, it is our duty to apply the same sustainability principles to our imports. It is therefore our duty to combat IUU.

Illegal practices worldwide are a threat to the viability of fish stocks and are of great concern. Furthermore, recent news has shown that some third countries fisheries industries are working under unacceptable conditions. Allegations over disrespect of human rights in Thailand’s prawn industry are shocking. There is no place for forced labour in our world.

The European fisheries control measures can help identify other illegal practices. Country listing is not a novel principle: some Regional Fisheries Management Organisations and the United States can list countries to discourage illegal catches. However, in the EU we took this a step further by implementing those rules in a systematic way and imposing, when necessary, trade sanctions..............Maria Damanaki's blog - European Commission

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