Δευτέρα 28 Απριλίου 2014

Greenpeace sends new protest ship as first Russian Arctic oil arrives

Greenpeace said Monday it is sending a protest ship to meet a Russian tanker carrying the first oil drilled offshore in the environmentally fragile Arctic.
The ship called Rainbow Warrior is to be captained by Peter Willcox, who was among campaigners detained by Russian authorities last year after staging a high-profile protest against Arctic drilling.
The vessel is due to set sail from Rotterdam on Monday afternoon, and will seek to escort to harbour the Russian tanker Mikhail Ulyanov, which is delivering oil purchased by French energy giant Total.

The oil was drilled at the Prirazlomnaya platform, an offshore rig owned by Russian energy giant Gazprom and the site of Greenpeace's protest last September.
The protest, which saw two campaigners attempt to scale the rig, prompted Russian authorities to seize Greenpeace's Dutch-flagged Arctic Sunrise boat and detaining the 30 activists and journalists on board.
Greenpeace argues that the Gazprom rig is an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen that risks ruining the pristine Arctic ecology of the southern Barents Sea where the deposit is located.
The activists had faced lengthy prison terms before Moscow announced amnesties.
"We want to escort the ship into the harbour," at Rotterdam, Greenpeace activist Patric Salize told AFP by telephone from aboard the ship.
He declined to say what kind of protest action the group might have planned.
There are 23 people on board the vessel, which may meet the Russian tanker on Tuesday night, another campaigner Willem Wiskerke told AFP, also from aboard the Rainbow Warrior.
"We do not disclose in advance what we are going to do, but I can assure you we will send a clear message to the world that this oil is very dangerous," Wiskerke said.
Greenpeace has accused France's Total of hypocrisy for buying the Arctic oil, after its CEO Christophe de Margerie said in 2012 that his company would not drill in the fragile region.
A Total spokesman in Paris confirmed the controversial purchase but insisted the company would not itself be drilling in the Arctic...............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/greenpeace-sends-new-protest-ship-as-first-russian-arctic-oil-arrives.aspx?pageID=238&nID=65657&NewsCatID=359


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