Τετάρτη 30 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Turkey and Japan sign formal agreement to build second nuclear plant in Sinop.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe signed on Oct. 29 the official agreement for building Turkey's second nuclear plant in the Black Sea province of Sinop.

The two countries signed a $22 billion deal in May for the construction of a plant with a total capacity of 4,800 megawatts (mW), by a Japanese-French alliance of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and French firm Areva.

Abe came to Istanbul to attend the official opening ceremony of the Marmaray tunnel, which has also been built by a Japanese firm.

Erdoğan told reporters during a joint press conference after the Marmaray's opening ceremony that the nuclear plant would be built with the most developed technology.

"We know that it is impossible to say something like 'accidents will never happen.' Even if it is one in a million, such a danger, such an accident, might occur, and it is impossible to ignore this," Erdoğan said, commenting on the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

"There is no investment without risks, in any field. But every firm, every company should take 100 percent security measures. The ideal thing is without a doubt to minimize the margin of error," he added.

"Moreover, I believe that Japan will put forward the most developed technology in the works that we will undertake together at the Sinop nuclear plant. This is necessary for both Japan and Turkey," the prime minister said.

The first unit of the nuclear plant is set to be active by 2023, while the last unit will come online by 2028.

Turkey's first nuclear plant is being constructed in Akkuyu in the southern province of Mersin by the Russian state atomic energy corporation. The plant will be made with four reactors and will have a total installed power of 4,800 mW.


1 σχόλιο:

  1. Taner Yildiz gives information about the inter-governmental agreement signed between Turkey and Japan, ahead of the start of European Energy Summit in Istanbul....

    Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz said on Wednesday that they would determine the place of the third nuclear power plant to be built in Turkey after a 19 month of works with Japan.

    Yildiz gave information about the inter-governmental agreement signed betwen Turkey and Japan in May, ahead of the start of European Energy Summit in Istanbul.

    "A 18-month work through the place of the third nuclear power plant will be conducted. We talked on how we could increase the security of technical issues. We will complete our mutual meetings by going to Tokyo in near future," Yildiz told press members.

    He talked about details of the planned power plant saying, "We plan to build a structure, which will stand against a magnitude-9 earthquake and leaves lesser waste and was approved by French and Canadian nuclear officials."

    The Turkish minister did not set a time on when the other power plant in Sinop will be built. "It is early [to give a time] for that. Seismics are being reviewed by some companies related to the projects," he added.

    He also stated that no construction work for the power plant to be built in Akkuyu, southern Mersin province, had started.

    The Turkish government and a consortium of Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and France’s Areva, SA had signed an accord under which Japan will export its nuclear power plant technology by constructing four reactors.

    Attending the gala dinner of the summit, Turkish Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator Egemen Bagis mentioned about Turkey's capacity on the field of energy.

    "We are conducting some talks and chapters on energy with the European Union. One of the chapters is energy. 75 percent of Europe's energy need is on our south or east. A country, which wants to distribute energy, needs Turkey's help," Bagis said.


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