L’asteroide 2013 TV135, che misura 410 metri, potrebbe colpire il nostro pianeta, provocando un’esplosione paragonabile a 50 bombe atomiche.
Nonostante le possibilità siano molto basse, una su 63.000 secondo la “scala Torino” che misura la pericolosità di questi corpi celesti, gli scienziati hanno inserito questo oggetto spaziale nella lista degli asteroidi pericolosi. Quando? Nel 2032. E' stato scoperto nella costellazione delle Giraffe dall’”Osservatorio della Crimea” nel Sud dell’Ucraina da Gennady Borisov.
Diversi astronomi di tutto il mondo hanno specificato che questo asteroide dovrebbe passare a circa 1 milione e mezzo di chilometri dalla terra, troppo vicino per stare tranquilli.
- L’asteroide si muove molto velocemente ed è probabile che gli scienziati siano in grado di determinare meglio la pericolosità di questo corpo celeste nel 2028, quando sarà abbastanza vicino da poter essere studiato in modo approfondito.
Γιγάντιος αστεροειδής κατευθύνεται προς τη Γη/Near-Earth Asteroid 2012 DA14 will not hit Earth-VIDEO
Η Ροσκόσμος και η Ρωσική Ακαδημία Επιστημών ξεκίνησαν ένα πρόγραμμα για τη μελέτη των απειλών από το διάστημα
«Απόφις»: Αστεροειδής θα περάσει «ξυστά» από τη Γη στις 15 Φεβρουαρίου
Η Ρωσία θα βάλει «Παγίδα» στους αστεροειδείς
Εντοπίστηκε με ακρίβεια το σημείο πτώσης ενός θραύσματος του μετεωρίτη στο Τσεμπαρκούλ....
Ο αστεροειδής 2012 DA14 την επόμενη φορά θα προσεγγίσει τη Γη το 2046.....
410-meter asteroid ‘may collide’ with Earth in 2032...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήA potentially catastrophic asteroid has been discovered by astronomers, who say there’s a slim chance that the 410-meter-wide minor planet will crash into Earth in 2032, creating a blast 50 times greater than the biggest nuclear bomb.
The asteroid, described as 2013 TV135, was found in the Camelopardalis (Giraffe) constellation by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in southern Ukraine, the Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomers Union said.
“On the night of October 12, I was watching the Giraffe constellation, it was an in-depth monitoring as part of the comet search program,” Gennady Borisov from the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory told Itar-Tass news agency. “This is when the asteroid… was discovered. The first observations show that it moves quickly and is relatively close.”
The discovery has been confirmed by astronomers in Italy, Spain, the UK and Russia. In Russia, it was seen with telescopes at the Master Observatory in the Siberian republic of Buryatia, the IAU Minor Planet Center said.
The asteroid has been added to the List of the Potentially Hazardous Asteroids, which includes celestial bodies with orbits closer than 7.5 million kilometers from the Earth’s orbit.
However, the threat posed by 2013 TV135 is minor, as it only has a one in 63,000 chance of colliding with our planet, according to available estimates.
Astronomers say the asteroid’s orbit will be about 1.7 million kilometers away from the Earth’s orbit on August 26, 2032.
If the asteroid hits Earth, it would create an explosion equivalent to 2,500 megatons of TNT, which is 50 times greater than the biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated......http://rt.com/news/dangerous-asteroid-collide-earth-313/
Big asteroid buzzes past Earth and will again in 19 years....
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφή(CNN) -- One of the most dangerous asteroids on record zipped close by Earth last month.
It made headlines on Thursday, when reports said that there's a chance it could strike our planet in less than 20 years. Such a collision could unleash a force as powerful as a couple of thousand atomic bombs.
But NASA was quick to calm nerves and point out some very good news. The most dangerous known asteroids don't really pose much of a threat. And there are very few of them.
Also, the chances that this one, which the Ukrainian astronomers who discovered it named 2013 TV135, will collide with Earth are extremely slim, NASA said in a statement it called "a reality check."
The space agency is 99.998% certain that when it whooshes back around the planet in 2032, it will simply sail past us again......http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/18/tech/asteroid-near-pass/index.html