Σάββατο 29 Ιουνίου 2013

Yıldız: Selection of TAP over Nabucco makes no difference to Turkey

Energy Minister Taner Yıldız said on Friday that the selection of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) over Nabucco, another proposed pipeline project, to transport natural gas from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz II field across Turkey to European markets makes no significance difference to Turkey as the deal only determined if the gas will go to Central Europe or southern Europe.

Officials confirmed the decision regarding TAP's selection on Friday.
Yıldız further commented that TAP officials have proposed that Turkey become a shareholder, an offer which the government will evaluate. “We also plan to hold talks with countries in the Nabucco project as the European Union needs to complete four more pipeline projects by 2030 to meet its gas needs. By 2030, the gas needs of Europe will be around 700 billion cubic meters and the current projects will not be able to carry sufficient gas to meet the needs. More projects are certainly needed.”

Yıldız also said that being included in one project does not mean giving up on other projects from Turkey's stance. “All we want is to lessen the burden of energy costs on us,” he expressed.

  “Political stability in countries where the pipeline will pass through is of major importance in such global projects. So hopefully, the economic situation in Greece and Italy will not harm the project. In Turkey, we have completed all the studies regarding the route of the project while work on the nationalization of the Trans-Anatolian Pipeline [TANAP] which will carry gas to TAP has begun.”

Responding to questions of reporters on whether there would be any hikes in electricity and natural gas prices, Yıldız assured that there would not be any increases in electricity prices until October. “Last month, the value of foreign currency rose due to external reasons which was also reflected on energy prices. The price mechanism for natural gas and electricity oversees the determination of electricity prices every three months and for natural gas every month. I would like to see the dollar exchange rate go down as the energy minister,” he said.



Νίκη Τζαβέλα: Σημαντική η όσο το δύνατον μεγαλύτερη ενεργειακή απεξάρτηση της ΕΕ από τις εισαγωγές ενέργειας .... επεσήμανε τον κίνδυνο μετατροπής της Τουρκίας σε μονοπωλιακό διάδρομο μεταφοράς ενέργειας 


1 σχόλιο:

  1. Τουρκία: Ο TAP δεν επηρεάζει την Τουρκία ....

    "Δεν επηρεάζει την Τουρκία η επιλογή του ΤΑΡ αντί του Nabucco", δήλωσε ο Τούρκος Υπουργός Ενέργειας κ. Τανέρ Γιλντίζ.

    Παράλληλα επεσήμανε ότι η ΄Αγκυρα έχει δεχθεί πρόταση να συνεργασθεί για την κατασκευή του, την οποία και θα αξιολογήσει.

    Ο ΤΑΡ, θα μεταφέρει το φυσικό αέριο του Αζερμπαϊτζάν, μέσω της Τουρκίας (TANAP) και εν συνεχεία μέσω της Ελλάδας και της Αλβανίας, στην Ιταλία(TAP) και το μήκος της γραμμής θα είναι 870 χλμ.


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