Σάββατο 18 Απριλίου 2015

Athènes compte recevoir de Moscou jusqu'à 5 millia...

Athènes compte recevoir de Moscou jusqu'à 5 millia...: La Grèce et la Russie envisagent de conclure un accord en vertu duquel Athènes pourrait obtenir jusqu'à 5 mds USD pour la constructio...

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Russia denies German report it is ready to sign gas deal with Greece...

    (Reuters) - Russia denied on Saturday a German media report suggesting that it could sign a gas pipeline deal with Greece as early as Tuesday which could bring up to five billion euros into Athens' depleted state coffers.

    German magazine Der Spiegel, citing a senior figure in Greece's ruling Syriza party, said the advance funds could "turn the page" for Athens, which is now struggling to reach a deal with its creditors to unlock new loans to avert bankruptcy.

    "No, there wasn't (any agreement)," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, in comments made to Business FM radio and quoted by RIA news agency.

    Peskov reiterated that the Greeks had not requested financial assistance during talks in the Kremlin earlier this month between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    "Naturally the question of energy cooperation was raised. Naturally ... it was agreed that at the expert level there would be a working-out of all issues connected with cooperation in the energy sphere, but Russia did not promise financial help because no one asked for it," Peskov was quoted as saying....reuters.com


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