Previously, sources told Bloomberg that ExxonMobil and Rosneft had halted drilling wells on the Arctic shelf....
American ExxonMobil has confirmed receiving the U.S. government’s permission to continue Arctic drilling works together its partner Rosneft which the company was supposed to stop because of U.S. and European sanctions imposed to punish Russia for escalating tensions in Ukraine, the Bloomberg news agency reported with reference to the company’s statement.
Rosneft and ExxonMobil started drilling on Russia’s northernmost well - Universitetskaya - with the help of West Alpha rig delivered by Norwegian firm North Atlantic Drilling early in August.
Rosneft and North Atlantic Drilling concluded long-term agreements for drilling wells on the Arctic shelf on July 30, 2014.
West Alpha was transported via the Barents, Pechorsk and Kara Seas and installed at a drilling location on the Vostochno-Prinovozemelsky-1 licensed site in the Kara Sea.
(Reuters) - Exxon Mobil said on Friday it will wind down drilling in Russia's Arctic in the face of U.S. sanctions targeting Western cooperation with Moscow's oil sector, after the Obama administration granted a brief extension to safely mothball its operations.
Washington intensified sanctions on Russia on Sept. 12 over its intervention in Ukraine. The measures seek to stop billions of dollars worth of cooperation between Western and Russian energy companies on oil drilling in Russia's Arctic, in Siberia and offshore. Companies have until Sept. 26 to stop the work...................................
American ExxonMobil has confirmed receiving the U.S. government’s permission to continue Arctic drilling works together its partner Rosneft which the company was supposed to stop because of U.S. and European sanctions imposed to punish Russia for escalating tensions in Ukraine, the Bloomberg news agency reported with reference to the company’s statement.
On halting drills
Previously, sources told Bloomberg that ExxonMobil and Rosneft had halted drilling wells on the Arctic shelf.- Russia’s Minister of Natural Resources, Sergei Donskoy, however, has not confirmed that information to journalists.
- "As far as I know, there has been information that drilling could be halted. But these reports have not been confirmed,” Donskoy said.
Rosneft and ExxonMobil started drilling on Russia’s northernmost well - Universitetskaya - with the help of West Alpha rig delivered by Norwegian firm North Atlantic Drilling early in August.
Rosneft and North Atlantic Drilling concluded long-term agreements for drilling wells on the Arctic shelf on July 30, 2014.
West Alpha was transported via the Barents, Pechorsk and Kara Seas and installed at a drilling location on the Vostochno-Prinovozemelsky-1 licensed site in the Kara Sea.
- Facing U.S. sanctions, Exxon winds down drilling in Russian Arctic....
(Reuters) - Exxon Mobil said on Friday it will wind down drilling in Russia's Arctic in the face of U.S. sanctions targeting Western cooperation with Moscow's oil sector, after the Obama administration granted a brief extension to safely mothball its operations.
Washington intensified sanctions on Russia on Sept. 12 over its intervention in Ukraine. The measures seek to stop billions of dollars worth of cooperation between Western and Russian energy companies on oil drilling in Russia's Arctic, in Siberia and offshore. Companies have until Sept. 26 to stop the work...................................
Wegen US-Sanktionen Exxon stellt Bohrungen in russischer Arktis ein...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήDie Karasee liegt am Rand des Nordpolarmeeres. Der amerikanische Energiekonzern wird in dieser Region nicht weiter nach Bodenschätzen suchen, um die Sanktionen der USA gegen Russland zu erfüllen.
Der US-Energiekonzern Exxon legt wegen der amerikanischen Sanktionen gegen die Regierung in Moskau seine Bohrungen in der russischen Arktis auf Eis. Ein Exxon-Sprecher sagte der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters am Freitag, das US-Finanzministerium habe eine einmalige Verlängerung der Frist für die Umsetzung der Maßnahmen gewährt. Damit solle es dem Konzern ermöglicht werden, die Arbeiten am Bohrloch University-1 in der Karasee "sicher und verantwortungsbewusst herunterzufahren". Der russische Minister für Bodenschätze hatte Reuters zuvor erklärt, Exxon setzte die Erkundungen in der Region fort. Einzelheiten nannte er nicht......................