Παρασκευή 15 Αυγούστου 2014

Akkuyu nuclear power plant: No reasons for deteriorating relations with Russia (Turkish energy minister)

Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz said on Friday he did not see any reasons for deteriorating relations with Russia in the energy sector.

“As for the projects that we are currently implementing with Russia there are no reasons, which can cause problems due to the EU sanctions. Our relations are stable in gas issues and in other spheres,” Yildiz said.

Russia and Turkey are implementing a project to build the Akkuyu nuclear power plant at Mersin Province on the Mediterranean coast, he said.

Turkish specialists continue training in Russia to work at the nuclear power plant, Yildiz said, adding that his ministry and the Ministry of Environment were studying the environmental impact assessment report, given by Russia.
Further implementation of the project depends on this document, Yildiz said.
In May 2010 the Russian and Turkish government signed an agreement on cooperation to build and develop the Akkuyu nuclear power plant.
The Akkuyu nuclear power plant will be the first power plant. It is built by Russian companies. The project envisages creating four units with the capacity of 1200 MWt. The nuclear plant will generate about 35 billion kWt electricity per hour.


1 σχόλιο:

  1. La centrale nucléaire d'Akkuyu liera Russie et Turquie pour des décennies (Rosatom) ...

    La construction de la centrale nucléaire d'Akkuyu, premier site de ce genre en Turquie, sera un projet d'envergure qui liera ce pays à la Russie pendant des dizaines d'années, estime Sergueï Kirienko, directeur général du consortium public russe Rosatom.

    "Pour nous, c'est un grand honneur de participer à la construction de la centrale nucléaire d'Akkuyu. D'une part, il s'agit d'une grande responsabilité, mais d'autre part, la participation de la Russie à ce projet traduit la confiance témoignée par la partie turque aux spécialistes et aux technologies nucléaires russes", a déclaré M. Kirienko dans une interview à l'agence Anadolu à la veille de sa visite en Turquie au sein d'une délégation conduite par le président russe Vladimir Poutine.............http://fr.ria.ru/business/20141129/203108805.html


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