Σάββατο 8 Μαρτίου 2014

Libya threatens to bomb N Korea-flagged oil tanker if it ignores Navy orders

Libya will bomb a North Korea-flagged oil tanker trying to load crude at an eastern port controlled by armed protesters if the vessel fails to follow orders from the Navy, Prime Minister Ali Zeidan said on Saturday.

"The tanker will be bombed if it doesn't follow orders when leaving (the port). This will be an environmental disaster," Zeidan told reporters, calling the docking of the tanker a criminal act violating Libyan's sovereignty.

Authorities had ordered the arrest of the tanker's crew, he said. His comments were the first government reaction since the tanker reached Es Sider port, where protesters earlier said they had started exporting oil, bypassing Tripoli.

Voice of Russia, Reuters


4 σχόλια:

  1. Ölhafen-Besetzung: Libyen droht mit Versenkung von Tanker...

    Aufständische wollen auf eigene Faust Öl exportieren und haben einen wichtigen Hafen besetzt. Der Konflikt droht zu eskalieren.

    Der Konflikt in Libyen um die von Rebellen besetzten wichtigen Ölhäfen eskaliert. Ministerpräsident Ali Seidan drohte am Samstag damit, einen unter nordkoreanischer Flagge fahrenden Tanker zu bombardieren, sollte die Besatzung nach dem Auslaufen aus Es Sider nicht den Anweisungen der Marine Folge leisten. Allein das Anlegen sei bereits ein krimineller Akt gewesen.

    Die Behörden hätten die Festnahme der Besatzung angeordnet, so Seidan. Die Aufständischen teilten zuvor mit, trotz eindeutiger Warnungen der Regierung damit begonnen zu haben, auf eigene Faust Öl zu exportieren. Angeblich wurde der Tanker mit Öl beladen. "Wenn irgendwer angreift, werden wir darauf reagieren", sagte der selbst ernannte Ministerpräsident der Autonomiebewegung in Libyens Osten, Abb-Rabbo Albarassi.

    Die Regierung hat die Abgabe von Öl über die östlichen Häfen Es Sider, Ras Lanuf und Sueitina als illegal eingestuft. Die Aufständischen hatten die Anlegestellen im vergangenen Sommer besetzt. Öl ist die wichtigste Einnahmequelle Libyens. Bis zur Besetzung der Häfen wurden über diese täglich 600.000 Barrel exportiert...............http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/1572402/OlhafenBesetzung_Libyen-droht-mit-Versenkung-von-Tanker?from=rss

  2. Threat Issued in Libyan Oil Export Dispute ...

    Leaders of eastern Libya's self-declared autonomous region of Barqa declared Saturday that they had begun exporting oil from the port of Sidra and would share revenues with the central government in accordance with a 1951 constitution. Prime Minister Ali Zeidan told journalists later that government authorities have warned a North Korean-flagged oil tanker to leave Libyan waters or face attack.

    Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan repeated an official warning to a North Korean-flagged oil tanker Saturday afternoon to “leave Libyan waters” or face attack.

    He said that the North Korean tanker, bearing the name Morning Glory, entered the Libyan port of Sidra, breaking international law, and was warned to leave or face attack. He stressed that the ship has said it would like to leave, but is being forced by militiamen to load crude.

    Zeidan indicated that his government hoped to resolve the crisis “as soon as possible” but that a government attack on the ship “would create an ecological disaster.” He added that “orders for the ship to leave were not carried out by the army,” due to an internal conflict............http://www.voanews.com/content/threat-issued-in-libyan-oil-export-dispute/1867259.html

  3. Libya sends navy to stop North Korean tanker...

    (Reuters) - Libya's navy and pro-government militias have dispatched boats to a port held by armed protesters to stop a North Korean-flagged tanker from leaving with crude sold without government permission, officials said on Sunday.

    The tanker docked on Saturday at the eastern terminal of Es Sider, one of three ports seized by rebels since August to press demands for autonomy and a bigger share of oil revenue. Local daily al-Wasat said the ship had loaded $36 million of crude.

    The rebel oil sale illustrates the deepening turmoil in the OPEC producer, which has failed to rein in fighters who helped oust Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 but who now defy state authority.

    In Tripoli, workers at a state oil firm that runs Es Sider port went on strike, urging the government to intervene because their colleagues were under duress from armed protesters.

    "We are very angry at what is happening at Es Sider," said Salah Madari, an oil worker in the capital. "The port's control officer is being held at gunpoint," he said, adding that gunmen had also forced a pilot to guide the tanker into dock.

    Prime Minister Ali Zeidan said on Saturday the military would bomb the 37,000-tonne Morning Glory if it tried to leave the port, one of Libya's biggest oil terminals..................http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/09/us-libya-oil-idUSBREA2709K20140309?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews

  4. Libya to intercept or strike oil tanker: MP...

    The Morning Glory oil tanker had berthed at Sidra port on Saturday and started loading 350,000 barrels of crude oil through a deal with the self-declared local administration

    BENGHAZI, Libya (AA) – Libyan authorities will intercept an oil tanker that is currently loading thousands of barrels of crude oil from the eastern Sidra port without the approval of the Libyan government, according to one lawmaker.

    "The North Korea- flagged tanker would be intercepted by Libyan warships inside Libyan territorial waters and its crew would be arrested," a member of the interim parliament's energy committee told Anadolu Agency on Sunday, requesting anonymity.

    "Orders have been given to Libyan aircraft to strike the tanker if the warships fail to intercept it," he added.

    The Morning Glory oil tanker had berthed at Sidra port on Saturday and started loading 350,000 barrels of crude oil through a deal with the self-declared administration of the oil-rich eastern Barqa region.

    Local leaders celebrated the tanker's arrival on Saturday, hailing it as a victory for their region.

    The 24-member administration, known as the Executive Office, was formed last year to run the affairs of the region, citing marginalization by the federal government.

    It is not recognized by the government in Tripoli.

    According to the lawmaker, the oil tanker is owned by a Saudi businessman...................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/298630--libya-to-intercept-or-strike-oil-tanker-mp


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