Πέμπτη 27 Μαρτίου 2014

L'Ukraine menace de cesser de transit de gaz vers l'UE

Ministre ukrainien de l'Energie Iouri Prodan a mis en garde l’Union européenne d’un possible arrêt du transit du gaz naturel russe par le territoire de l’Ukraine.

« Nous devons admettre qu’il reste très peu de temps pour organiser l'approvisionnement en gaz naturel de l’Ukraine depuis l’UE. Si ce problème n’est pas résolu, il est probable que la « guerre du gaz » qu’a connue l’Ukraine en 2009 puisse se reproduire »,mentionne une lettre du ministre ukrainien adressée au commissaire européen à l'Energie Günther Oettinger.

Le cabinet des ministres de l’Ukraine s’attend à la hausse des tarifs pour le gaz russe jusqu’à 480 dollars pour 1000 mètres cubes à partir du 1 avril.



3 σχόλια:

  1. No reasonable alternative to energy supplies from Russia to EU — German vice chancellor....

    The deliveries of natural gas from Russia to the European Union “have no reasonable alternative,” German Vice Chancellor, Minister of Economics and Energy Sigmar Gabriel said on Thursday evening at an energy forum in Osnabruck, organized by the Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung newspaper.

    According to him, at discussions on Europe’s dependence on Russian natural gas and oil “it is often concluded that there are many other possibilities (for getting energy resources).” However, it is not so, stated the chairman of the German Social Democratic Party that is part of the government coalition in Germany.

    Gabriel also warned against “panic sentiments”. “Even during the ‘cold war’ Russia had observed the concluded agreements,” the German vice chancellor stressed.

    German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel for her part called for “reducing the dependence” of the European Union from energy supplies from Russia. Talking to reporters in Berlin on Thursday after a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper, she said that “the hole energy policy (of the European Union) will be reconsidered.”

    The head of the German government said that it would be done because the EU is “highly” dependent on Russian oil and gas. And Germany’s dependence “has long been not the greatest anymore,” Merkel said.

  2. Sanctions against Russia could rise gas cost in southeastern Europe: Austrian oil boss...

    Economic sanctions against Russia could lead to an increase in the cost of gas, which would particularly affect southeastern European countries, the CEO of Austrian oil and gas giant OMV said Thursday.

    Gerhard Roiss told the Kurier Newspaper that Europe had already let down countries in that area with the collapse of the Nabucco pipeline project, and could now be leaving them in bad situation again.

    He said abandoning Russian gas would lead to a gas shortage and subsequent price increase, and bring up the question of whether families in countries such as Bulgaria and Slovakia could afford heating in winter.

    He added that this then made it a "European problem." In addition, it could also lead to higher prices for consumers and industry in countries such as Germany.

    Roiss warned there are not enough pipelines to secure European gas supply from other sources, and despite large gas finds such as in the Black Sea, it would take another one to two years to find out just how much gas there is, and only then would one know how many additional pipelines would be needed.

  3. Energiesicherheit/ Gabriel: „Keine Alternative“ zum russischen Gasimport....

    In der Debatte über die Abhängigkeit Europas von russischem Öl und Gas hat Vizekanzler Gabriel der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin widersprochen. Es werde fälschlicherweise so getan, als bestünden viele andere Möglichkeiten.......http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/energiesicherheit-gabriel-keine-alternative-zum-russischen-gasimport-12868107.html


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