Τετάρτη 16 Ιανουαρίου 2013

A future of extremes? | Greenpeace International

The world's journalists have been jostling and vying with each other to describe and witness the stunning, but also deadly, extreme weather that has gripped the planet in recent months.
The focus has often been the tumbling of records: 2012 was the hottest year on record in the United States, the UK had its second wettest year on record and Australia's Bureau of Meteorology added extra colour to its temperature maps.
This caused quite a stir – and rightly so. In fact, it's about time.

The U.N.'s climate panel, IPCC, has been fairly consistent since 1990 in describing the cause and risk of climate change and the need to respond. The scientific evidence since then, however, has often been shouted down by climate deniers.
But the record-breaking heatwave that has sparked Australia's bushfires should be seen as part of a global warming trend, IPCC head Rajendra Pachauri stresses......................A future of extremes? | Greenpeace International
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